Chap 3

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"come to my house today" I looked up at Adam as he munched on a fry. I rose a brow and smirked.

"aww Adam are you planning something naughty?" I teased. He gazed at me flatly, popping the rest of the fry in his mouth.

"oh yeah baby I'm gunna throw you on my bed mount you like a wild man and make you scream my name till the neighbors come to pound on the door yelling for us to keep it down" he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and snapping his teeth at me. My mouth twitched as I tried to keep myself from smiling.


"no I just thought you would like to get out of your house and red room... and play some video games with and me and my brothers" I scrunched my face up.

"I don't know I just want to go home" I told him which caused him to roll his eyes,

"your coming and that's final." Again popping another fry in his mouth. I just sighed I didn't really have a say in it since he's my ride.

"hey I'm going to take a walk" I said rising to my feet. Adam frowned a bit but nodded his head.

"yeah dude, I'll see you after school" with that I walked off needing a little time to myself. I tried to think of anything other than 'him' on my walk but it wasn't working out to well. Flashes from the party kept coming back and how his shocked handsome face made my heart jump. I just can't get over him and I hated it because he sure as hell could.

Sighing I stopped to sit at a tree pulling my jacket closer to my body as the wind started to pick up. The ruffling of the leaves sounded from above me some fell down around me as I stared at them. Reds and yellow floating down. My throat started to close at unwanted memories that decided to show their face, like how one time Derek and I had been in my back yard. There's a tree that has always been there for ages, pretty much since I was born and the branches were hanging low. My dad had constantly complained about it for years because the leaves cover the whole ground every fall and mouthed about how it was a bitch to rake up.

Personally I loved it because Derek and I would see the pile of leave that my dad had raked in the back yard and jumping in them together. A small smile eased on my mouth from the memory. We would crack up when my dad ran out yelling at us. that was when we were just beginning to find ourselves, realizing we were different from others.

Maybe it was because we experimented with each other and ended up dating for six year that he got bored. I should just look at it like that. He needed to move on, he needed to see other people. It happens all the time you can’t stay together forever. It’s just so hard, when you spent so much time with one person sharing your life with them that when they want to see what else is out there you feel betrayed or think something’s wrong with you and you’re the one that ends up heartbroken because you weren’t seeing it from their point of view. But then again he doesn’t need to be flaunting his boy toys in my face like this.

I shut my eyes and rested my head back against the tree. I just need time with me, no boys, no relationships, just me… and Adam of course because there’s no way of getting rid of him. I can do this.

 I don’t know how long I sat there but I must have fallen asleep because a shake woke me up. Snapping my eyes open I looked up to see the guy I met in the kitchen at the party that night. His dark brown hair was moving in the light breeze as he gave me a gentle smile.

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