Chap 23

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I watched Wyatt run from the room and part of me, a deep part wanted to run after him but I hung back; there was something I had to do. Once the door shut I turned towards Zane and met that startling crystal blue gaze. We said nothing for a minute or so before he sighed and looked away out the window.

“Thanks… for… earlier” he said reluctantly, I just shrugged.

“Don’t mention it”

I walked over to the chair in the corner facing his bed and drop down in it suddenly exhausted. I sat forwards and rubbed my face with my hands heaving a heavy sigh.

“It seems that you won our little competition.” Zane said bitterly. I dropped my hands between my thighs as I rested my elbows up against my knees.

“And what competition would that be?” glancing up at him.

“The one where you win Wyatt” he looked at me.

“I didn’t know there was a contest, and no I haven’t won Wyatt.” He scoffed.

“Oh please, I see how cozy you are together and let’s not forget the scene you guys made in front of his house not too long ago.” This caused me to frown and straighten in my seat.

“How do you know about that?” I asked. He shrugged,

“Oh because fate likes flipping me the finger.” I didn’t understand but from his expression he wasn’t going to explain.

This was harder than I thought but I knew I could no longer keep deluding myself into think that I could fully have Wyatt as much as I wanted too. From our conversation at the lake I knew then that is was futile.  

“I need to talk to you.”

He tilted his head inquisitively, “About?”

I sighed,




My phone began to vibrate in my pocket suddenly as I threw my trash in the trash bin. I pulled it out to see Adam’s name and frowned.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Wyatt where the hell are you?!” he exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?” he tisked.

“What’s wrong? Well I don’t know you disappeared from school and I went to your house earlier and you weren’t there. I was tempted to go to the cops!” his hysteric voice made me feel glad he was worried but guilty, I think it was time to tell him what’s been going on in my life. I hit the elevator button back to Zane’s floor.

“Do you mind if I come over later tonight?” I asked him. There was a paused before he answered.

“Yeah, sure.” His tone was confused and caught off gaurd.

“Okay, I’ll tell you everything when I get there but just know I’m fine.” The doors slid open and I looked up to find Owen leaning up against Zane’s room.

“Okay, but-” I cut him off.

“I have to go, I’ll see you later.” I rushed out.

“Wait-” I pressed the end button.

I stood there watching him as the elevator doors shut behind me. He was massaging his eyes like he had a headache. I noticed his brown hair had grown out a little so it looked a mess… I liked it. I took a deep breath building up the courage to go up to him.

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