Chap 12

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I have never felt like this before. Where my heart was beating so hard I feared it would escape my chest. Or how I became so nervous my palms sweat and I had to wipe them down on my jeans.


That was all I could think of lately. His messy white blonde hair falling in his face, his mesmerizing gray blue eyes that sucked you in with their purity and innocents, but the pain was always present deep within those beautiful orbs. It made me angry when I think of how that look of hurt and pain got there. I should show this Derek what happens when you hurt someone one I care so dearly for. That was just it. I did care about Wyatt, more than I ever care about anyone.

The fuzzy feeling when he was around was a sure sign he was burying himself deep within my heart and to be honest I didn't want to him out. I liked him there. I had a feeling if I worked hard enough that I would be able to make him forget about that jackass ex of his and make him loosen up more. Was I being selfish because I ignored his constant retreats every time I got close or when he caught himself gave into me.

God and that kiss, it was the best kiss I had ever experienced and I craved so much more now. His lips were teasing me every time I looked at them, that full bottom lip that he occasionally nibbled on begging for me to bit into it, his top lips that was I bit thinner still sexy as ever. He was a temptation I had to have and not just sexually, I had never looked at him just for that. It wasn't what drew me to him. It was the first time at that party where he was sitting there on the kitchen counter alone, his legs dangling off the edge and the most lonesome and crushed look on his face that broke my heart right there. I had the strongest feeling that told me that he needed me and I wanted to help him that was the day I knew I would never be the same. He changed me forever.

Wyatt was missing school lately and I knew exactly why. He was hiding, not wanting to face that he was starting to feel for me like I had been for him all this time. I knew he was scared of being hurt again but I was incapable of doing anything to hurt him. I would do anything for him which scared me a lot.

"Owen dude I haven't talked to you in a while how it's going?" Richard said coming up behind me and slapping my back. I smiled at him and shrugged a shoulder.

"Good and you"

"Same, where's your beau?" he teased. We were both heading down towards the pools for practice.

"Absent and he's not my beau.. yet" I winked. Richard laughed pushing open the locker room door.

"Yeah, actually I haven't seen him for a while now, has he finally realized your bad news?" he grinned evilly.

"Haha so funny I forgot to laugh." I rolled my eyes throwing my shirt down on the bench and unbuttoned my jeans.

"Come on dude I'm hilarious." He told me cocky of himself.

"More like humiliating, hahaha" I fake laughed at him then gave him a flat look. Richard held his hands up in surrender.

"Alright dang pull the claws back kitty cat." I just shook my head dropping my boxers and pulling up my speedo.

"Wyatt's hiding out at home." I explained a few moments later. Rich frowned.

"How do you know that?" he asked pulling on his speedo as well.

"I kissed him and now he's hiding from his feeling." I never hide anything from Richard we told everything to each other so I wasn't guilty for telling him this, I trusted him to keep everything we talked about confidential like I would do for him. When he didn't say anything I looked over to him to see him frowning down at the floor.

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