Chapter 54: "Single diamond"

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Aaron shifted between the blankets waking up to the smell of pancakes. His mouth practically dripped with saliva from the aroma. The smell was so strong he walked out of the room bare foot looking for the source like a zombie looking for brains. He followed his nose; just to realize that he wasn't in his house, or his friend's.


The last few occurrences had flashed in Aaron's eyes. He remembered the blood dripping on the floor, Elias', the demonic rage that invaded him and made him want to kill everything that moved. He could never forget it; he could never forgive himself for it. The darkness around his heart was a-

"Single diamond."

Aaron flinched. Who just said that?

He set off down the hallway slowly, trailing a hand along the wall. Each side was lined with closed doors, turning the corner he came to a doorway, the door was cracked as light escaped threw, it was open enough for Aaron to peer in. For a moment all he saw was brightness. Then, blinking away the fiery afterimage, he caught a figure.

Shane was seated over a cushion at the center of the room facing what seemed to be a short legged table. Aaron noticed he was holding a red string, highly focused on his slender hands that moved rapidly over it. He was barefoot, dressed in a pair of black shorts and a gray T-shirt with long sleeves, his golden locks ruffled up around his head like he never cared to brush his hair.

"Double diamond." Aaron heard him say, for a second he panicked thinking he was addressing him but then watching the quick, sure movements of his hands across the string, he understood immediately what the hunter was doing; he was playing the string game.

String games are great fun, Aaron thought. They exercise the memory and the imagination. He used to play it when he was a kid, while other children ran around after a ball kicking and screaming he sat on a corner with a string and a smile.

Marah taught him how to play and he's been addicted ever since.

Aaron stood by the door getting back the sweetest childhood memories he shared with that game until he found himself chuckling slightly, his body reacted on its own as he turned away from the door and slid to the wall.

"Who's there?" Shane called with a sharp voice.

Aaron choked on a gulp, letting his guard down too soon got him exposed. "Damn it!" he cursed himself for what he was about to do.

He held the door swinging it open; eyes caught the blonde sitting motionless with hands on the table piercing him with his hunting eyes. "I-I was jus-"

"Oh, it's just you."

Shane cut him off coldly before he could finish that last word and Aaron blinked. "Sorry to disappoint you?" He shrugged.

"I thought it was Kim," Shane explained "she usually sneaks up on me like that." He turned his head and continued playing with his fingers.

There was a long awkward pause as Aaron just looked at him not knowing exactly what to do; go in and face the hunter or walk away and survive. By the time he was debating with himself Shane huffed in frustration and threw his hands on the table.

"Stupid diamond." He stated.

Aaron looked over to the crumpled string in his hands; it looked nothing like a diamond.

"You call that a diamond?" he couldn't help himself from mocking.

There was another awkward pause.

Shane glanced at him for a while.

"Do you know how to make a triple diamond?" he asked voice filled with intrigue.

Aaron snorted "Seriously? A ten years old can make a triple diamond."

Shane pouted making Aaron slightly blush, he thought it was the cutest thing he ever seen him do. He suddenly coughed hiding his frustration while he walked slowly further into the room "I c-I can show you?"

He hesitated, thinking that his question was very stupid. Why did I just say that?


Wait what?

Shane spread his right arm handing Aaron a blue string he just pulled out of his pocket, he stared for a moment until Aaron translated that look into 'take the damn string or I'll strangle you with it' which seemed like something he'd say.

And so he pulled a face forcing a smile and dropped into a cushion, Aaron was now facing Shane; the hunter that almost killed him, twice. It was a bless he didn't flip the table right into his face and emptied his guts. However, ever since the night they got locked up in the farmer's house Aaron started to notice how fragile Shane was despite the fact that he was somewhat cold-blooded person; being able to kill demons without much hesitation but it didn't matter. The two of them have been sitting in silence for a few minutes now, Aaron was lost in his thoughts until he finally made eye contact with Shane, and gosh, he really loved the color of his eyes. Such a bright golden color he could melt in them-



His thoughts were getting weirder by time.

"Um, uh." Aaron ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, "T-Triple diamond right?"

Shane didn't bother to answer watching his every move. It made Aaron very uncomfortable so he decided to shut up and start instead; he placed a loop of string over his left thumb and index finger. With the right index finger and thumb held and pulled away the string between his left thumb and index finger, twisting the right hand upwards, he scooped up the string with the right thumb from the palm of his left hand. He quickly bended the little fingers over as he scooped up the far thumb strings.

Shane gasped "Wait you're moving too fast!" he whined like a child. Aaron laughed.

"Okay, there, use your teeth to release the bottom thumb strings by lifting them over the top ones." He did as instructed.

With a quick hand Aaron bend his index fingers down and put them into the small triangles he made and Shane copied him with more grace into it.

"Release the little finger strings and the outside index finger strings."


"Good. Hold on to the thumb and inside index finger strings."

Aaron pulled his hands away making three diamonds in a row, "Taddah!" he said admiring his work.

It didn't take long for Shane to follow.

"Triple diamond." He announced his achievement done with a grin of victory. Aaron smiled, seeing Shane happy made him very pleased. He tried to figure out something to say that wasn't completely awkward and weird.

"GG." he had obviously failed Shane looked at him puzzled.

"What is a GG?" he asked.

Aaron giggled nervously "Eh it's a-it's an abbreviation of 'good game' as in nicely played."

Shane pursed his lips nodding a little bit. "YNS" he stated.

"What?" Aaron shrugged.

"It's an abbreviation for 'you need shoes'"

Aaron laughed madly.

"You can't just make up abbreviations and expect people to understand them."

Shane pouted as he gave him a questioning look.

"Why not? You just did."

There was a pause before Aaron shifted to his knees "Never mind," his laugh finally fading to a small grin "Now where can I find a pair of shoes in this place?"

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