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I'm not usually the one to stop these arguments.. But i think i should stop this before it gets outta hand.

Hi everyone. Im Emmy! I'm here with my other friends Eryn, Pixel, Jared, Diana, Bog, Kenz, and Saph! They're my family, or friends, but we basically act like a family. I'm usually the one keeping the fights off around here but.. Recently we've begun to become a lot more violent. I'm starting to worry about them if i'm being honest.. Anyways, back to where we were!

The fight has gotten worse and i feel the need to interrupt when someone screams, "GIVE ME BACK MY REMOTE"

I immediately knew it was Bog.


"SHUT UP" I hear someone scream.

I sigh, it's not like i can do anything about this.. I'll just sit and watch..I sit down and watch as the fight continues drinking my Dr. Pepper. I see the fight getting out of hand as Eryn grabs Bog's remote and presses buttons, "ERYN NO STOP THAT'S NOT-"

I barely say anything before Diana jumps up and grabs the remote. I guess its not my job to save someone's life today. Still, I feel uneasy. Why would Eryn even grab Bog's controller? They aren't enemies.. They don't HATE eachother.. The whole situation is weird.

I sit back down and drink my Dr. Pepper happily as the fight starts to calm down a bit. Finally some peace and quiet. I heard someone mention Eryn and the remote.. I shake it off, then I start to feel uneasy..

I open my eyes for a second to see the room fall silent as Bog falls to the floor. Everyone looks at Eryn in disbelief, "B-Bog?" Eryn stutters.

"ERYN HOW COULD YOU?!" Diana screamed.

Diana ran to Bog to see what was wrong and everyone backed away from Eryn.

"I WASN'T- I DIDN'T- SHE WAS-" Eryn couldn't speak.

"Guys. Please listen to me. Shes. Not. Dead. Stop being babies and just put in new batteries or somethin'."

I knew she wasn't dead. Eryn didn't even press the off key, she wasn't even close. Although.. Something just didn't feel right about what just happened.

"J-Just go to your rooms. I'll take care of this dont worry." I stutter. Dangit.

Its too obvious im scared. I cant let that spread around. I dont want my friends fearing for their lives.. But.. What did happen? It doesn't make any sense.

Theres only one thing going through my mind.




Someone isn't who they say they are.

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