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I'm running, faster and faster it's like I'm running on air, I'm so scared, I'm running faster, the darkness surrounding me, filling my lungs, crushing my cold limp body.

I jump up, just a nightmare.. There's nothing to be afraid of.. Im okay.. Okay.. I sit up rubbing my pounding head, my muscles ache from moving around in my sleep. This shit is not good for me..

I walk downstairs and look at the time, "1:38" in the clock, damn that was a pretty long sleep. Everyone's on the ground playing some board games and laughing cheerfully. I walk into the kitchen and grab a soda and sit next to the group, "how is everyone" i ask.

"Meh.." "Fine.. I guess" "could be better??" all ring back at me. No ones missing.. For once..

"Wheres Pixy?"

"Upstairs on the computer. Probably talking to his girrrrlllllfriennddddd"

The gang laughs.

"Aww c'mon guys, give him a break, he just wants to make sure she's okay. They've been in a long distance relationship for a month now!" I add onto the conversation.

I don't really agree that he should be doing this long distance thing but hey, hes my bestie so i gotta support.

"So can i join?" I ask timidly.

"She can take my place, ima go upstairs" Diana says as she gets up.

"Okay!" I jump into her spot and look for my chip

~~Diana's P.O.V~~

I walk upstairs looking t my room. The door looks like it's rotting and little streams of light is coming from underneath.

I walk in, her body in pieces, the stench is unbearable.

"I promise i will fix you my dear.." I whisper.

Her body is silent in response. I want to hold her.. Just one last time..

I walk over to my table, the blueprints spread out and the papers all over. i get to work, there's no time to lose..

Ugh.. The smell is getting to me.. I almost can't work.. I can't work like this. Not to mention that the rotting body parts are unusable now.. I can't find any others though, and i can't just go outside with a shovel and rob some.. I'm so sorry Bog.. I will fix you..

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