Chapter 7

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Shraddha's POV

Taapsee joins us and they remember their childhood memories. We hear a little cry and look to see Sia wide awake in her cot. "Aww my baby's awake." I pick her up in my arms.

Sia continuously cries. "Oh someone's hungry aren't they? Yes they are. Ayesh, Abhi go downstairs with Taapsee Fui I'll feed Sia and come downstairs." I say.

They go downstairs and I feed Sia her milk. I then put her on my shoulder and gently rub her back to make her burp.

She starts giggling. I look to see Sidharth's sticking his tongue out at her.

He puts his arm around me. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. I can't imagine my life without you and our kids." I smile.

"We have to look after Birdy she's completely broken." He says.

"Don't worry that's Pulky's job. It's the only way that will help her move on."

"Yeah hopefully they work out."

"Mum Alu Masi's here." Ayesha walks into my room.

"Okay I'm coming."

I take Sia downstairs and see Alia sitting there sobbing.

"Alu?" I say passing Sia to Sidharth.

She hugs me and cries. "What happened yaar?" I ask her.

She then explains everything.

"What the hell! He can't just do that! I'll call him right no-"

"No!" She stops me.

"Why? He needs to be told the truth!"

"No for my sake just leave it." She sniffs.

"Fine but your staying here okay?"

She nods.

Birdy's POV

So I meet Pulky at Cafe Muffin.

"Why did you call me here Pulky aren't you getting married?" I ask him.

" didn't work out." He says.


"Anyway how you doing?" He asks.

I sniff. "I'll have to be okay I guess. But I'll always have a part of Ranbi with me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant. It wasn't planned he would've been so happy. But him knowing wasn't meant to be. I just worry about how the baby will grow up without a father figure." I say on the verge of breaking down.

Pulky suddenly puts his hand on mine. "I can help out if you want."

"Thank you Pulky." I smile.

Taapsee's POV

Bhabi ran out of nappies for Sia so her and Bhaiya go to buy some while Alia and I watch the kids.

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