Chapter 15

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A few days later...

Birdy's POV

Shraddhi has not been the herself since that day and I'm really starting to worry about her. She doesn't eat or sleep. I'm sure Alia wouldn't do such a thing. They're best friends! Maybe Siddhu's mistaken or something! I need to find out!

"Ayesha! Abhi! Quickly eat your breakfast!" She shouts as she feeds Sia.

"Bhabi they've still got a whole hour." Taap Taap reminds her.

"Yeah mum I hate going to the early bird club! It's so boring!" Ayesha pouts.

"What club?" I asked surprised.

"Early bird club. It's for kids that get dropped off early." Ayeshii says.

"Ooh that's an amazing name!" I exclaim.

"Less of the chit chat and finish your food." Shraddhi says putting the baby cutlery in the sink and Sia in her walker.

"Mum where's Papa?" Abhi asks.

The dining room becomes dead silent.

"Yeah where is he?" Ayeshii asks.

"Will you both just finish your food?! Is that too much to ask?!" Shraddhii snaps.

"I want Papa now! I want Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!" Abhi whines.

"Abhi shut up!" She shouts in frustration.

"Shraddhii!" I state. I take her arm and make her sit at the dining table.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Shraddhii just shut your beak!"

"Taap Taap can you make some toast for Shraddhii? I would've but I don't know how to use the toasty thingy."

Taap Taap giggles. "Yeah."

While her toast is being made I pour her a glass of juice. "Drink up!"

"I don't want it." She says grumpily.

"Do you want me to get my claws on you?!" I raise my eyebrow.

"No." She mutters.

"Well drink it and eat your toast!" I command.

She actually listens to me. Wow I never thought that would ever tweeting happen!

Varun then brings the twins and Kavya.

They all join us at the table.

Kavya continuously cries.

"What's wrong with her?" Shraddhi asks.

"She constantly cries. I'm fed up." Varun says frustratedly.

"What's wrong baby?" Shraddha takes Kavya in her arms. Surprisingly she stops crying.

"Birdy, Taapsee will you two look after Sia and Kavya while we go drop the kids?" Varun asks.


Alia's POV

"Come on Rohan, I'll drop you to school." Kriti says.

I've been staying with Kriti since Varun stopped talking to me and my best friend threw me out her house. I don't even know why they think I kissed Sidharth! He's like my BROTHER! Every time I try call one of them they never answer and I've been thrown out my own house too. I haven't been able to see my daughters and I miss them more than anything.

"Rohan I'm not telling you again!" Kriti snatches the Ipad off Rohan.

"Umm Kriti can I come with you? Maybe I can see the girls." I ask.

"There's no need to ask! Let's go!" We go to the kids school.

I go to Valia and Varia's class and see them waiting with Varun.

Ayesha spots me and runs to me. "Alu Masi!" She hugs me.

Suddenly she's pulled out of my embrace. I look up to see Shraddha. She glares at me and walks away taking Ayesha with her. I go up to her and Varun.

"Mum!" The girls exclaim and hug me.

"Hi my babies!" I hug them tightly.

"Please come home." They plead.

I look at Varun and he has tears in his eyes. The girls go into their class leaving us standing face to face. I look at both Shraddha and Varun. "What do I have to do to prove I haven't done anything?!"

"You haven't done anything?!" Shraddha scoffs. "Please I'm sick of people lying to me and betraying me! Didn't you think about your marriage? Kids? The fact that I have kids as well?!" She grits her teeth.

"I haven-"

"Just stay away from me okay!" Shraddha storms off.

"Varun don't tell me you believe I did such a thing?" I ask as tears leave my eyes.

He stays quiet.

"Varun I love you more than anything you know that!" I hold his hand.

He immediately pulls it away. "Oh really?!
Okay then if you do stay away from me and the kids!" He walks off.

Why the hell did Sidharth accuse me?! I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!

Sidharth's POV

"Shraddha!" I stop her as she approaches her car.

She opens her door to get in but I close it and face her. "Whatever happened it wasn't me." I say.

"Just go!"

She goes to open her car door again but I stop her by grabbing her hand. She looks at me and tears fall down her cheeks. I wipe them.

She slaps my hand away. "Don't touch me!"

"Shraddha you know I love you!" I state.

"You know what I used to think it I'm the luckiest girl in the world with a happy family. I thought I had a husband who truly loved me and would never ever hurt me and would always be by my side. But look I've been proven wrong!" She cries.

"It wasn't supposed to even happen! I don't know where she came from!"

"Just leave me alone!!" She gets into her car. I soon see Varun join her and they drive away.

I need her and my kids! I can't live without them!

Birdy's POV

The doorbell rings several times!

"Hold your Bird in! I'm coming."

I answer the door and see a random girl. "Shraddha I heard what happened. I feel so bad." The random girl hugs me.

"Ewww! Get off. Who the tweet are you?!" I question.

"Sweety. Who are you?" She asks.

"Me? I'm the sexy Birdy!"

She gives me a weird look.

"Sweety when did you come?!" I see Shraddhii and Varun.

"Oh I hear what happened. If you need anything I'm always here." She hugs Shraddhi and smirks.

For some reason I don't get a good tweeting vibe from her.

They talk for a while. I go into the living room.

"Divorce is the best idea for you both. And if your worrying about being alone and bringing them up alone rely on each other."

"What do you mean?!"

"Why don't you two tie the knot and move on?!"


Will Varun and Shraddha ever find out the truth. Will they listen to Sweety?
Will their marriages end as well as Alia and Shraddha's Friendship?

Keep reading...

~ S & A

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