Chapter 18

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Alia's POV

"Alia.." Kriti snaps her fingers in front of me.


"You were day dreaming for a while." She says.

Yeah I was, Varun wouldn't even look at me let alone listen to me.

"Ugh I just want all of this to be over with."

Birdy's POV

Shraddhi wakes up sweating.

"Babes what's wrong?" I ask her.

"Sidharth he....He came....and took the kids."

"No they're here. Siddhu hasn't come here."

She looks shaken.

"You were probably dreaming."

Sweety's POV

"So far they're doing everything I tell them to. If they carry on listening they're going to be ruined."

"It feels glad to finally be free. They separated my family from me. Watch how I break theirs. Anyway have you convinced Aditya?"

I scoff. "He thinks he's gonna be marrying her. What he doesn't know is that his sister and lover are both going to be destroyed." She laughs evilly. "They're going to be my little puppets now.

Alia's POV

"If he doesn't wanna talk to you why are you wasting your breath Alia?!" Aditya questions me.

"I can't give up. Especially as I'm not at fault here! We have 3 kids for god sake! I can't even see my babies." I say.

"But I hear him and Shraddha are planning to tie the knot. Once the divorce goes through."

"Divorce? It'll only go through if I sign the papers! Do you think I'm gonna let everything break?! I don't think so!" I roll my eyes.

"Whatever happens I'll be by your side no matter what." He hugs me. "So has shraddha spoken to you?"

"No.... I miss my best friend. She literally hates me so much because of something I didn't do! Why would I back stab her like that?! When she's done so much for me? She carried my babies for me. After all that I would never hurt her like that. But soon the truth will come out!"

Suddenly I get a text from a blocked number.

"If you want your loved ones safe come to Clark street. ALONE!" - A

Sidharth's POV

"She woke up sweating I'm starting to worry now Siddhu." Birdy says.

"Just stay with her and make sure you don't leave her alone. She's just paranoid. Hopefully soon this will be all over with. I'll be back with my wife and kids."

"Okay." The call ends.

I rip the divorce papers in front of me. There's no way I'm letting Shraddha go! Not at any cost! Her and the kids are my life.

Shraddha's POV

What if he does take the kids from me?

"Shraddha you need to eat." Mum and Jacqueline place a plate of food in front of me.

I get up and go into Ayesha's room and see her, Abhi and Sia sitting. I go sit in between them and put Sia in my lap.

"Mum are you crying?" Abhi asks as tears stream down my face.

"Promise me that you'll all always stay with me?" I say.

"We promise. Mum we miss papa." Ayesha and Abhi say.

I do as well. Nothing feels right. But whatever happened is unforgettable.

"But you have me." I sniff. "I'll never leave you."

"But we want Papa too!"

My heartbreaks to see them like this. If only they understood what happened and how I can never trust him again. And nothing will ever be the same.

"Why has Alu Masi gone?" Abhi asks.


"Because her and Mum had a fight." Ayesha says.


"Yeah! Valia and Varia told me." She states.

"You three just watch a movie okay?" I put a film on and make sure they sit properly.

As I go downstairs I hear my mum and sisters talk.

"She needs him and so do the kids." Jacqueline says.

"He isn't gonna sign the papers anyway."

"So your all on his side? Do you know how hurt I am?!" I ask them.

"You should hear both him and Alia out."

"Please I've had enough. I've made up my mind and I'm going to stick to my decision. I want a divorce and my kids custody. And that it is. I'd really appreciate it if you lot would support me being my family." I say as my eyes fill up.

I go to do some shopping to take my mind of everything that's going on. Suddenly I get a text on my phone.

"If you want your loved ones safe come to Clark street. ALONE!" - A

Authors POV

Both best friends immediately got in their cars without second thought as they would do anything to protect their loved ones. Parking their cars they both got out coming face to face.

"Did you call me here?" Shraddha asks.

"No I got a text on my phone from a blocked number." Alia says.

"So did I. Who could've called us both here?"

Suddenly they were both surrounded by pin drop silence which Alia soon broke.

"Shraddha whatever you think happened didn't happen." She says.

Shraddha looks at her confused.

"Well it did happen but I didn't do it. I swear on my kids life. I was too busy at work with the fashion show to even go to your house. It was done purposely by someone." Alia states.

"Who?" Asks Shraddha.

Before Alia could even say the name both best friends shriek in pain holding onto their heads. They saw blood on their hands and their vision became blurry and..... BLACKOUT!

Here's another chapter!

Who do you think called Shraddha and Alia? What will happen next?

Keep reading...

~ S & A

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