Chapter 11

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Shraddha's POV

"Shraddha wake up!"

I look up to see Sweety looking down at me.

"Sweety it's so early the moons still out!" I say.

"But it's our first day of college. We want to look good don't we?" She says.

"Yeah but I'm sure I can rest for one more hour!" I say pulling the blanket over my head.

She snatches it off me.

"I'll run the shower for you. Get up!" She says.

I rub my eyes and get out of bed. I grab my towel and walk towards the shower.

I have a quick shower then pick out an outfit.

Soon Sweety is ready aswell.

"See Sweety there's still 3 hours for college! I could have had 2 more hours of precious sleep!" I whine.

"Oh Shraddha stop whining. Why down we grab some breakfast with out free time?"

We go to cafe Brunch and have breakfast.

"Shraddha Tina said that apparently Aditya has a crush on you!" Sweety says.

"Wait what? But I have a crush on him as well!" I say.

"I ship you two!" Sweety exclaims.

"Shush Sweety everyone is staring!" I say. "I do have a crush on him but I'm not sure that he's exactly how he appears to be. Personality wise."

"Whatever. You guys will get together this year I'm sure."

"Yeah yeah okay whatever you say Sweety."

"Oh shoot look at the time registration is in 20 minutes!" Sweety says

We rush back to college.

"Umm Miss Patel and miss Kapoor why are you late?" The teacher asks.

"We should've woken up even earlier!" Sweety whispers.

"Sorry miss we lost track of time." I say in my most goody two shoes voice.

"I'll let you off as it's the first day. Take a seat- umm not next to each other!"

"Miss please we are INSEPERABLE! Ask anyone Shraddha's my best friend please let us sit next to each other please please!" Sweety begs.

"You girls! No I have already let you off for being late I won't favour you aswell."

"Miss please I will DIE if I don't sit with Shraddha." Sweety exclaims.

"Sweety!" I hiss. "Miss she's just being melodramatic it doesn't matter I'll sit where you say." I say.

The teacher places me next to Aditya.

I get passed a note.

"We were so close but you just had to blow it by acting like a goody two shoes! But at least now you get to sit next to Aditya!"

I quickly scrunch up the note so Aditya doesn't see.

"What's that in your hand Miss Kapoor?" The teacher says. "Hand it here."

I glare at Sweety.

The teacher opens the note and raises it reading it but only Aditya hears it. I bury my face in my hands feeling embarrassed. "If I see notes being passed around next time it'll be a detention!" The teacher states.

I look at Sweety and she giggles.

"Right let me register you all in." She marks us in.

"I've always wanted to sit next to you." Aditya says.

"Huh?" I ask stupidly.

"I've heard that you have a crush on me?" He asks smirking.

"Where did you hear that from?" I try act oblivious to what he just said.

"Don't worry it's not one sided I have a crush on you as well. Shall I pick you up at 8?" He questions making my eyes widen.

I hear Sweety squeal. I turn around to look at her. "Say yes!" She mouths.


"She'll be ready!" Sweety exclaims.

"Great! It's a date!" He smiles and leaves as form times over.

"Did you just answer for me?" I scoff as Sweety and I walk to Art.

"Yes because you don't answer! Trust me you'll be the cutest couple! And make sure you talk on your date I can't be there with you!" She states.

"Okay mum." I laugh.

"I'm serious Shraddha!"


After college...

"What are you going to wear?" Sweety asks as soon as we get back to our room we share that's in the college campus.

I shrug my shoulders. She hits her hand on her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

She goes into my cupboard and grabs an outfit.

"Aww I'm literally imagining your two's future! Your wedding! Kids! Omg yours and Aditya's kids would be adorable!"

"Your crazy we haven't been on our first date yet! How do you know we'll last that long?"

"I don't know but I'm hoping you do! Now have a shower and get changed!" She commands.

I do as I'm told and she gets me ready.

"He's not gonna be able to take his eyes off you!" She says curling my hair.

Aditya soon picks me up. The date actually went well and we became an official couple. But what I didn't know was where this relationship would lead me to. And whether it would go as well as Sweety predicted it to be.

What do you guys think of Sweety?

Keep reading...

~ S & A

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