10 Years

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*Lauren's pov*

Beep. Beep. Beep. First I wake up for school 5 days a week and now work ?! Ugh great . I rush to the bathroom , washed my face , brush my teeth , slipped in my black skinny jeans and wore my red hoodie , wore my shocks , put on my shoes , took my phone and wallet and out through the door I go locking it behind me . Even after working over 3 months in this music store , I still haven't got used to those early morning shifts .

Rushing through the doors the chilly wind made the hairs on my neck rise , so I put on my beanie that was stuffed in my hoodie's pocket , at least I'm able to adapt to the weather .

Walk down the block to clear my mind , if only she was here .. I reached the music store a few minutes late , I'm lucky my boss is too lost in the music to lecture me about my carelessness .

After hours of sorting out cassettes and cd's , a customer finally comes in , a hear a little kid laughing and the sound of it warms my heart , those old precious years . The door is opened again and I see a very familiar face .. Camila ? My feet seem to fly on their own as I find myself in the extra store room peeking out through the gap between the door and the frame of it . White coat , black jeans , hair flowing down , the top of it covered with a white beanie , she looks way more grown up , and her facial features are highlighted was more than before , she looks like a such a young lady compared to the Camila I knew before . The shine in her eyes is almost impossible to miss , she looks happier , way happier than when she was with me , did I hurt her that bad ?

She starts checking out the cd's right by the door , her eyebrows are furrowed which means she isn't satisfied with what she has . She goes by the counter , nobody is there so she knocks on the door of my boss's office , " Is anyone there ? " she inquires , her voice is way softer than before , and I can't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach . My boss steps out , oh shit " LAAUREEEN !" He yells , I jump out of the store room , "yes , sir ? "I answer , he gives me a questioning look onto why I was in the store room , but he let it pass anyway , " Help this young lady out won't you ? " he said , point at the one and only , Camila .

For the first time in almost 10 years , my eyes meet hers , " uh " she tries to speak , she shakes her head and gives me a warm smile , " Hey , Lauren ! Long time no see .. Ay ? " she starts , " Yeah , definitely " I say , trying to return a smile but failing miserably as I feel my heart start to slowly break when the little kid comes and grabs Camila's hand . She notices my staring , and she seems to be trying to justify everything , " Lauren , this is my son , Liam . " she introduces , looking at her .. Son . It is only then that I notice the similar dark rusty eyes , and perfectly curved nose . " hey Liam , " I say crouching down to his eye level , " I'm Lauren . " I say and can't help but smile at the way he blows his dark shaggy hair out of his face , he runs behind Camila's leg and grabs it , laughing , I stand up to see the girl who my heart will always belong to , " What can I help you with ?" I ask , Camila who seems to be in her own little world replied , flustered " I just wanted to see if you have a few of Ed Sheeran's old albums . " should've known , the little fangirl in her would never die , " Yeah of course , I was just sorting them out , actually , " I escort her to the left corner , of the room and give her all the albums we have , walking back to the cashier , I scan the labels , as she gives candy to Liam , " So how's life ? " I attempted to start small talk , " Fine , a year after Fifth Harmony broke up I met Ryan , after three years of being in a relationship together he proposed to me and a year later I got pregnant with Liam . " She said , a smile taking over her face . Yeah .. There was no doubt she was happy now , " And you ? " She said , I'm kind of glad she interrupted me I would've started over thinking and ended up breaking down , " Life is fine , after I graduated I just traveled here and there and now I've finally decided to settle in , after working at a coffee shop for 8 months I've finally started working in some kind of music business , it's only has been 3 months though , " I replied , trying to seem happy and proud of where I am like she is , " That is great , " it isn't " I hope everything works out fine for you , " nothing will be fine without you , " thanks , same goes to you ! " I lied , truth is , I didn't want the same for her , she was supposed to be with me , and she was supposed to start her family with me and I was supposed to go down one knee for her , but no , I wasn't with her , she's married to him and he is her son's father .

I walk the both of them to the door , faking a smile otherwise my happy facade would break just like my heart . She smiles at me as I open the door , " Thank you , Lauren . " she says , " Anytime , Cam..ila . " I said stuttering , almost letting her old nickname slip out of my mouth , she bends low to whisper something to Liam's ear , as soon as she gets up Liam runs to hug me , I bend down and hug him even tighter back and feel my throat getting tighter , I get back up and Liam's runs back hiding behind her leg .

" It was great bumping into you , Lauren " she says giving me the warmest smile making my heart ache , as she she walks through the door . It feels like she is walking out of my life all over again , I can't do this again , I can't go through this again . I quickly run down the block to find her and Liam crossing the road , I cross a bit down the road and run to where they are , " Camila ! " I tell trying to get her attention , " wait up ! " she turns around quickly and a smile graces her face , I reach almost breathless , " Could I get your number atleast ? I miss your lame ass jokes . " I say , trying to find an excuse on to why I want to stay in contact with her , " hahaha sure , it's not like I have any , but here you go . " She takes my phone that I had opened on the number pad , she types in her phone and saves it , I take my phone , my hand barely touching hers but i still feel the fuzz all over my body , I smile as I see what she named herself as " Camz <3 " , " Thank you .. Camz " I say , trying not to make it sound like a big deal even though it gives me a very nostalgic feeling , I wrap my arms around her and pull her close , as much as I wish I could hold her a bit longer without it seeming creepy , I let go not wanting to start an uneasy tension , " Anytime " she says , turning around and walking back down the street .

The rest of the day passed faster than usual , and I lay on bed now , scribbling in my diary :

( text below not originally mine )

You bumped into me in town
You said hi I said it back
I asked how your life is
You tell me about your husband and kid
And when you did , it broke my heart
Not because I don't want you to be happy
Because that's all I really want
But because 10 years ago
I pictured someone else asking how your life is
And you would tell them about us .

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