More In One Way

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It has been three months since the start of Camila's last year at school . The tension between her Spanish teacher and her was becoming almost uncontainable . It was so hard for Camila to focus in class , not only was the teacher's spanish accent was to die for , but the teacher was only 2 years older than Camila. Which is why Camila decided to home study Spanish , it was just an extra language anyway . She spoke to her mum a few weeks ago telling her that she had to drop a subject or she won't be able to keep up with her busy schedule .

"And that's why in-training teachers shouldn't teach till they graduate from university " Camila thought to herself as the bell rang signaling the end of the agonizing spanish lesson , and the start of the weekend . She pushed her books into her bag and slung it over her shoulder making her way to the door trying her best not to make any form of eye contact with the emerald orbs belonging to the person sat behind the desk .

"Camila , may I please have a word with you?" she heard the husky voice fill the air in the voice , she turned around her heart making a double take , " sure " she replied , trying to cover up how nervous she suddenly became . She leaned back on one of the desks waiting for the rest of the students to leave the room .

"Your mum told me you're going to drop spanish in school, but continue to do it at home . " the teacher started , Camila's stomach lurched , did her mum have to tell the school staff everything ? Moments like these she hated how often her mum visits the school and how close her mum is with some teachers .

Camila raised her eyebrows expectantly when the teacher didn't keep going , " and ? " she prompted , the Cuban teacher took a deep breath , and Camila has a bad feeling about this , she couldn't help but feeling slightly lightheaded after what she heard next .

" Your mum asked me to give you home tuitions , " her teacher said , " and I keep getting this vibe that you feel uncomfortable around me so I wanted to ask you first . "

Terrific , Camila thought . Just what she needed .

Camila chuckled to herself at the irony .. Uncomfortable ? " No Miss Jauregui , it's fine , and I'm terribly sorry if I gave you the wrong impression , you're a great teacher really , and I wouldn't mind getting extra help " Camila said quickly , it was true , she did need extra help especially in structures of complex sentences , but she wasn't exactly thrilled to have the teacher she ran away from catch up with her .

" Great , I'll talk to your mother and let her fill you in . It has been pleasure having you in my class and good luck with your senior year ." Miss Jauregui said with a smile that made Camila's heart frustratingly leap . " Thank you, same goes to you " Camila replied and left the room her nerves flaring .


Camila woke up when she felt a sudden dip in the couch , the numbness in her arm protesting when she tried to pry herself from Sofi who was cuddled up to her still deep asleep . She looked at her mum who was smiling eagerly at her " your tuitions start tomorrow , I spoke to miss Jauregui , she will discuss your lessons with you tomorrow and don't worry about dropping me to work because I don't want you to keep the lady waiting " Camila froze , trying to take im all the information , she nodded slowly " okay " Camila said slowly trying to process everything .

" Are you going out today ? " Her mum asked , a slight hopeful tone to her voice

" No , Dinah has a date with Siope and I really do not want to be a third wheel "

" But sweetheart its a Saturday night "

" I know but nothing is wrong with spending it on my laptop , blogging away "

" Alright honey , I'll be in upstairs in my room with your dad if you need anything " Said Sinhue ,with a sympathetic look on her face as she pointed to the stairs and made her way .

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