More In One Way: Part 4

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Camila woke up alone, her body seemed frail and weak compared to the breadth of her empty bed.

The sun wasn't out yet but Lauren was gone.
After the happenings of yesterday, Lauren was gone.

And Camila couldn't help the tears that formed in her eyes, that silently streaked down the side of her face.

She never thought she would ever feel this abandoned. Especially from Lauren.

She rolled to the side of her bed and her breath hitched when she saw a white and red tie dyed paper on her night stand. She held the paper it was rough and rigid; the walls of her throat tightened, it was blood.

The paper fell from her hand, her mind jumping to a million of conclusions all at once, her brain grew tired again and all she wanted to do was go back to sleep. But instead she bent down and picked the paper up, she unfolded it

she isn't dead, street 62

She couldn't believe her eyes, she who? Not dead? Who?

She looked at the blood stained paper again, she scanned the rushed handwriting. She wondered if this was another practical joke played by her friends. But her gut told her otherwise.

She got up and hastily slipped jeans, a hoodie and a beanie on, she ran to the door not giving the national state of emergency I second thought, the sun wasn't up but the sky wasn't dark either. It was dawn, and Camila wasn't supposed to be out.

Camila raked her mind.Street 62. Street 62. Street 62.
The realization finally dawned over her, street 62, that's the road right behind her high school. It was only a 10 minute walk.

She ran, her legs buckling beneath her barely holding her weight. It took her 6 minutes to reach but she was out of breath, heaving for air.

She flinched when she saw a lifeless body behind the stands of her high school's football field. Her stomach flipped, and her legs felt like lead. Her whole body felt burdened, but it all disappeared as soon as her legs started moving, she almost flew to the corpse.

The body was wearing the shirt she took off just a few hours ago. But the body wasn't electing a moan, it was just laying there, helpless, frail and seemingly not alive.

Her surroundings started to spin and stir, as well as her vision. Her throat felt constricted and her muscles froze. She tried to move her muscles, but they were rigid. Her muscles were paralyzed, she could barely find the strength to breathe.

She shook her head repeatedly, her hand covered her dried mouth and she tried calling out for help, she tried falling to the body and shaking it to life, but she couldn't. Camila tried to formulate a word, a cry for help, but she couldn't, she was frozen, much like the body a few feet ahead of her,

The taste of salty tears shook her back to reality, she sprawled on to the body beneath her, the bruised and bloody attire was unresponsive. She shook it, looking for any sign of life but there was none. The tears kept streaming down her face, and her throat tightened with every breath she heaved. The fabric of the shirt slipped off her fingers, her body collapsed onto the other. Camila broke down with sobs.

Memories of her first night just a few hours ago flood her brain.

" Lauren, " she sobbed
" Please .. Answer me. "

Her voice.. Her smile.. Her laugh.
The way she held Camila so close. The way rolled her r's when she spoke in a thick Spanish accent .
Camila's body was drained, she had no will in her to do anything but lay there, rest her head on Lauren's chest.

That's when she heard the slightest thump.

She froze.


She shook Lauren.
"Lauren!Lauren please " she pleaded desperately.

"Lauren, please wake up"

Camila took a deep breath, and lifted her hand with all the will in her, " I'm sorry I have to .. "

She swung her palm onto Lauren's face, which flung to the left at the contact. Lauren's nose scrunched up "oww" her cracked voice groaned. The weight on Camila's shoulder was lifted so quickly she threw herself on top of Lauren's wrecked body squeezing the remaining life out of her.

" More oww " the hoarse voice beneath her groaned

Camila was on cloud 9 but was soon pulled back into reality, worry washing over her, she looked at Lauren who was trying so hard to breathe, she quickly pulled out her phone to call 911 but a soft weak hand stopped her.

"Camila, no. Please, as dangerous as this is, the situation here is very suspicious. You're my former student, I can't have anyone see us together " Lauren said between heavy breaths.

Camila was torn, she must call the hospital for Lauren's safety, but if the situation kindles anyone's suspicious it could bring Lauren's freedom on the line.

She sighed defeated, "we need to get you somewhere safe, now." Lauren just groaned and twisted her body onto Camila's lap, "Just give me a moment please love " Lauren's voice was sickly hoarse, and only now did Camila noticed how ragged the pajama shirt Lauren wore was and how it was covered with blood stains. Lauren had a blue bruise circling her neck, indicating that someone held her in a headlock she must've escaped from the last few life changing seconds.

Camila lightly pressed her forehead on Lauren's , she looked at the weak frail woman below her and sighed,
"Estoy enamorada de ti" .

Lauren gave her a heartfelt tired smile, that Camila mirrored. Lauren's mind drifted off to a memory a memory a month ago.

Lauren felt a pair of eyes on her as she wrote a few translations from English to Spanish.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and she was sitting at the Cabello's dining table, all of Camila's books sprawled on the table in front of her as she jotted down a few translations here and there to help the Cuban native out.

She lifted her head and met a pair of fond looking brown eyes staring at her.

"How do you say ' I'm in love with you ' in Spanish again ?" Camila asked her with a dazed looked, Lauren curiously quirked her eyebrow up with a questioning look but Camila didn't budge, "Estoy enamorada de ti" Lauren said fluently, her spanish accent evident and seemingly coming out of her easily. Camila nodded, and smiled softly at Lauren, her expression unreadable which only fueled Lauren's curiosity " well? Won't you say it? " she asked, she expected Camila to laugh out loud calling her delusion, but Camila only gave her a flirtatious smile and with a tap at her hand she said "I'm saving it for a better time"


[a/n] im going to end this mini series, happy ending or something close to Romeo and Juliet ? Where they both die unhappy ? 😂

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