Day in the hills

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[a/n] : all credit goes to user - YourCommonBandGirl who has written this one shot
check her 5sos one shots out , I know I haven't been updating lately I've been working on a one shot that has kind of turned into a a proper fanfic , if you guys want me to publish it earlier please give me feedback as I'll be more motivated knowing people are into my writing . Thank you


"Come on Lauren!" I yell while running down the hill. "You're so slow! See? I can beat you to the bottom!" Lauren laughs, shouting "No you can't beat me Camila." I look back and see that she's not too far away from me. I pick up my pace slightly and look back to see Lauren stopping, getting down on her back and then rolling down the hill. I started laughing so hard at her, my stomach was in pain.

After I finally made it to the bottom of this big ass hill,I run to Lauren. "So you beat me. It was only because I was laughing you know. I could've easily beat you." She pinched my cheek and laughed "Fine. You win. But only for today." I start jumping up and down, yelling words of success while Lauren is laughing at me. "Come on Camila. We have trees to climb and squirrels to chase and clouds to stare at." Lauren says excitedly, running towards a tree. God, she was perfect. How lucky am I to be blessed with my own angel on earth?


After climbing numerous trees and running after squirrels in hope of catching them, we finally took a break and lied down on the grass. Our hands intertwined between us, wind blowing past our faces. "Look! That one looks like a bunny!" I say,
pointing to the cloud above me. "That one looks like a bird!" Lauren says and points to the sky. Turning my head to face her, I let out a little chuckle,"That's because it is a bird."

"Oh." Lauren blushed. "I love you, idiot" I say, pressing our lips together. Our lips moved in sweet harmony, like they were making some kind of master piece. I pull back and stare into her beautiful eyes, "I love you too" Lauren says, hiding her face in my neck. "Stop that. It tickles" I laugh.

We're lying on the ground watching clouds, that's how mature we are. I have my arms wrapped around her waist and she has her face buried in my neck. We fit together perfectly, just like a puzzle piece. "Did you know that I love you?" I whisper in Lauren's ear. She looks up at me and nods, "and I love you even more."

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