Almost Enough : Part 3

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[a/n] This final part is dedicated to YourCommonBandGirl & LovatoSlays , feedback is always appreciated .This is also the final part I think of you think I should finish more of it or anything just tell me , I'm also taking requests so If you have any ideas just message me and it'll be written in two days x

And surprise Camila's POV !


* Camila's POV *

" I love you "

I heard her say as she pressed a lip on my neck kissing me right where my breath hitched , I haven't truly felt the weight of her words till she opened her mouth to speak again

" I do Camila , I really do "

I travel my arms across her body and slip my hand under her shirt tracing the three words left hung in the atmosphere by me on to her skin .

" Lauren .. " I said trying to find my voice .

" Milaaaaa! "

Her lips met mine in a slow passionate kiss before she pulled back, her eyes boring right into mine , they seemed almost blue in the darkness of my bunk , but the adoration couldn't be missed .

" Lauren I lo- "

Before I could finish what I've been holding in for so long I felt my body being completely attacked by a cold numbing liquid , I shoot up from my bed immediately only to be met with the hard top of Normani's back on top of me " fuuuck " I groan , trying to massage my head with the bottom of my palms . " Finally the beauty has awoken ! " I hear Dinah say , turning my head I'm met with a completely dumb struck Lauren and two very confused Ally and Normani while Dinah on the other hand seemed very a bit over exited with a smug grin on her face and a cup from what I assumed has carried the ice cold water that was spilt over me , dismissing the peculiar faces of the other girls I take the pillow my head previously rested on and flung it towards Dinah missing her face by .. A lot , " What the fuck was that for ?! " I exclaim , " Sorry dawg , you weren't waking up and uh you were sweating and all of that while screaming Lau- "her voice slowly faded as she turned to the other girls who still had looked like the wind was knocked out of their lungs , especially Lauren she seemed very tired , the color all drained out of her face . Shit fuck did I say anything? As if on cue on a very flustered looking Lauren made her way out of the bunk area to what I presumed was the kitchen , my head swirled back to what happened the night before , fuck my life . I ruined every possible chance I had with bringing my relationship with Lauren back to at least a normal friendship level . Ally nudged Normani giving her a pointed look that Normani instantly followed and went behind Lauren , Dinah has settled on my bed and so has Ally . " are you okay mila ? " Ally asked her voice striking with concern , " Lauren was just telling us about her break u- " before she even finished I almost choked on my own breath " break up ? " I asked in disbelief " like actual beak up ? " I elaborated noticing the confused faces I was getting from both Ally & Dinah " yeah chancho , she refused to get out of bed because of the toll it was taking on her but she seemed even more flustered when she ,heard your groans in bed , speaking of which , what the hell were you dreaming about ?" Dinah asked eyeing me curiously , I scanned my head for every possible lie I could come up with "Lauren's leg was stuck in between a boulder in the mountain when she fell and yeah , hahaha " I laughed it off nervously , my mind was still on an all time high thinking about the completely different dream that I actually had , I felt a strong grip on my wrist and before I knew it I was being pulled to the kitchen area , I was dumb founded when I was sitting between Dinah and Ally on the table in front of Normani who was sitting next to Lauren . Dinah gestured animatedly to Lauren " see she is still alive Mila! Full & well too so don't worry about her getting her leg stuck anywhere between a boulder or losing it " Dinah said reaching across and pinching Lauren's nose as if to make her point , Lauren scrunched up her nose the way she usually does making me smile back at her only to have a bewildered Normani laughing , " really Mila ? You dreamed of Lauren losing her leg against a what? A boulder ?" I just shrugged it off and saw Lauren eyeing me intently with a face eating smile spread across her face.

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