Almost Enough : Part 2

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This is the continuation of the one shot before it c:
Lauren's POV

Laying down on bed peering every minute to look at the bunk across mine hoping for some kind of movement or anything that'll answer all the questions running in my head .
Why did she kiss me ? Does Camila like me ? What did that even mean ? Was Dinah right about Camila having a crush on me ? Why do I want to kiss Camila again ? Why did it feel better than when Luis kisses me ? Do I like Camila ?

As if on cue my phone rings , sighing heavily as I read the name on the screen ' Luis :) ' I silent my phone not wanting to add anymore confusion to myself , or this situation . I run my hands through my hair and sigh sitting up on my bunk , the curtain being already open I step out and stare aimlessly at the bunk right in front of me which is occupied by the one and only ; Camila.

I walk to the kitchen area pacing back and forth , why can't things be a bit simpler ? I've been pushing away all my feelings away from Camila since the start of bootcamp and now that I'm finally moving on she decides to claim that she has feelings me ?! This is so frustrating .
I like Luis . I do . I like Camila . I do . Ugh . I do know as a matter of fact that I still do have feelings towards Camila and that my feelings are struggling to grow towards Luis , why do I have it the other way round , Jesus Christ this is going to be a long night . I walk back to my bunk and take out my iPod plugging my headphones in before I lift the blanket over me . I click on shuffle and close my eyes wishing that this will calm the chaos in my head .

The bus is pulling out and I guess I'd better go
Before I make a grave mistake and let my feelings show
And twenty miles away she waits alone for me
But when I try to picture her youre the one I see
And in another situation I could put up a fight
But you will be my downfall tonight

So the night is coming down, drowning us in blue
And it all points towards the things we know we shouldnt do
And as I look at you and I fall under your spell
Well I know I should be thinking of her lying there herself

And when faced with temptation you know a man should stand and fight
But you will be my downfall tonight

Be my downfall be my great regret be the one girl
That I'll never forget
Be my undoing be my slow road to ruin tonight

So the bus is pulling out and Im grounded here with you
And I want to say the sweet things babe Ive always wanted to
So tell me now-

Before the song comes to an end I yank my headphones off and sit on the side of my bunk my feet dangling off , trying to catch my breath as it was winded out of my chest due to the overwhelming choice of song my phone decided to play ,I pull my phone out to text Camila , since I'm not able of any physical interaction with anyone right now and not wanting to sleep without having things slightly figured out .

To : Camz<3

I stare at my phone helplessly not knowing what to say . What am I supposed to say ? That I had such strong feelings for her that they used to keep me awake at night , or the fact that I tried so hard to shove my feelings away and my thoughts to the back of my head that I've confused how fond I am of having Luis around due to his understanding and character that I thought I liked him as more than just a friend . The fact that I'm only trying extra hard to fix things with Luis is because his friendship means a lot to me and I can't let it go to waste , even if he isn't as understanding as Camila or as good in words . Why am I comparing them ? Camila is different , she has a mind of her own , a mind that it would take me years unravelling to find the great treasures hidden within it . I feel so emotionally connected with her that I've used Luis as a distraction when I'm really feeling just so distraught and confused with my feelings towards Camila . She is supposed to my best friend , I shouldn't repeat every word she says in my head till I fall asleep , I shouldn't be so endeared by the little things she does wether it's how she makes me feel better in an instant and how being in her arms can break every wall I've ever built no matter how tall or thick it is . She is supposed to be my best friend right ?

l don't want to be just your best friend

Me neither.

I feel my phone vibrating in my hand as the screen lit up ' Luis :) '.
Sighing to myself in defeat , already accepting the fact that I'll have to hear another speech about how he is trying his best and I'm not appreciating him or his efforts. Tapping the green button I put the phone to my ear .

Luis : Now you answer ? Where have you been ? I've called you like 3 times already.

Lauren : I'm sorry alright ? I just needed to get something to eat , my phone was in my bunk.

Luis : Are you sure ?

is he fucking serious right now ?

Lauren : What do you mean are you sure ? Where do you think I've been ? Now you think I lie to you too ?

the linen stays silent , and after 3 minutes of hearing muffled breathing he finally speaks up .

Luis : Look I'm sorry okay ? You can't expect me not to double check when most of he time all people talk about is camren . I was just worried , prom is coming soon and i went everything to be perfect

Lauren : You must be kidding me right now , firstly how do you want this to work if you won't even trust me ?! You're the one who goes to concerts and have girls grinding on you while I'm here in a tour bus and you're the one who is having second thoughts about what I'm doing ? Well you know what ? You fucking should , because Camila makes me feel way better than you do even if i barely interact with her anymore and for what?! For you! And after all that do you even consider how you're making me feel ? You're making me feel like pure and utter shit . How am I supposed to feel if my own boyfriend doesn't trust me with my best friend ? Don't even get me started on your after thought about prom because is that what you care about ? Well good luck finding a date . We're over . I can't handle something that just weighs me down all the time , I'm sorry you did really make me happy at first but I guess the good doesn't always last after all .

I hang up the phone and try to even my breathing . I can't believe him. I push my hands through my hair and sigh out of frustrating , I let out a groan as I fall back onto my bunk .

That's one problem solved.

I bring my legs up on the bunk and rest my head on the pillow , the only thing that is making this easier is the fact we have a free day tomorrow and I'll try solving everything with Camila . I quickly pull out my phone and finally text Camila .

To : Camz<3

We need to talk

I drop my phone as the events of the night wash over me , I turn and stuff my head into the pillow , feeling everything come crashing down and having an uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach I let out a small sob and push my head further into the pillow .

What have I gotten myself into .

[a/n] my friend begged me to write a sequel to the one shot , so here it is , lauis or camren ? Should I write a final part or leave the rest to your imagination ? And also I take in requests now . If you have any ideas just message me and it'll be written in less than two days . Thank you x

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