Spirited Away

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Spirited Away

[a/n] while I was writing this other one shot I had this great one shot idea so I thought I'd write it quickly , please don't kill me D: , next one shot will be kind of long more like a short story so yeah it's taking a while x I hope you enjoy this , feedback is always appreciated .


It has been 4 months and three weeks since the Cabello's unfortunate night . Both guardians and the youngest daughter have died drowning , but the other daughter seems to have been saved by fate , she is alive but barely living in the intensive care unit with one collapsed lung . It has been a month and three weeks since a truck skidded on ice causing the Cabello vehicle to go off course an into the on going river .

Nothing has been normal for Camila since than night , in fact her life became everything but normal . She sees people who do not exist , who do not exist anymore that is . She sees the dead , the fact she was stuck in a hospital made it a lot worse . Either way , she had nowhere to go , her family was gone , and she has been reliving that night in her dreams every day .

Even though Camila could see the dead , she had never seen her family's spirits in those days . Not once , in fact she has seen every spirit that crosses her way except her family's .

She doesn't mind living in a hospital , since all the nurses here are loving and caring , it's less lonely . The only thing she completely dreads in the hospital are the constant therapy group sessions she goes to . She wouldn't attend them for a minute if it wasn't obligatory. It depresses her even more and does anything but what it's supposed to ; help her .

She strolled down the usual white hallways that envelope her in a sense of familiarity , and comes to a stop by the door she regrets going through most . Taking in a deep breath she places her hand on the handle and pulls down the handle , the door opening slowly . She reluctantly steps in pulling her drip behind her and makes her way to the circle of chairs in the middle of the room , she stops midway to examine her appearance , her usual light grey hospital gown was replaced with a light grey v neck and hospital trousers , her feet were covered with the usual hospital slippers that you would find in hotel rooms . Her complexion was pale despite of her sun kissed skin , her dark hair was cascading down by her shoulders , framing her face . She sighed as she traced the long scar that starts at her elbow and disappears beneath her shirt's sleeve .

She strolled back to her seat and sat down when other patients started coming into the room , well they weren't many just a few . After everybody took their seats she scanned around to see who were sitting in the circle of chairs , she noticed all of them from the previous sessions all lost in their old world , except one , who had her eyes trained on Camila curiously , one whom Camila is completely unfamiliar with . Her light eyes didn't leave Camila's soft ones till they were snapped out of their own little world when the therapist , Dr.Reid , clapped his hands together , " Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen , " he almost sang in a voice that leaked excitement , he was always an optimist , " today we are welcoming a new friend , Lauren " he said , gesturing his hands over to the girl who Camila didn't fail to recognize as the one who was staring so bluntly at all , " hi Lauren , " everyone said in unison , " may you please introduce yourself and say some facts about you or perhaps tell us your story ? " mr Reid asked Lauren trying to pry her away from her defensive posture .

Lauren released her crossed arms and gave an awkward wave , which she seemed too tired to give her energy into , it was only then when Camila noticed how pale the girl was , it seemed like all the blood had been sucked out of Lauren's body , her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore the dark grey hospital sweater that was too baggy for her own frame , yet she gave out this powerful vibe , like no one could ever stand against her .

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