The Forgotten Poptarts || Bucky Barnes

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"Y/n, we have no donuts left!" Clint complains, slamming the fridge door shut.
"Miss Y/n, I have finished my poptarts and require more!" Thor shouts, looking into an empty pop tart box, hoping that one will magically appear.
"There is NO more chocolate milk, we need to buy more and quick." Pietro demands, turning to me.
"Why me?" I whined.
"Hey Y/n, we need more coffee" Bruce said.
"Oh okay, so I'm responsible for the groceries..." I say crossing my arms.
"And what do you need, Nat?"
"Just some choc chip cookies and orange juice." She replied casually.
"Y/n, can you go buy my donuts already?" Clint asks.
"Not getting any younger over here!" Clint adds.
"But it's not my turn" I state. Tony holds up the chores list.
"It is, in fact, Steve and your turn to buy the groceries" Tony says shoving the list in my face.
"But that was last years list. You can't just keep using it!" I say.
"Plus, why don't we use the online services" I ask.
"No" Clint says.
"Why?" I ask.
"But we used to do it."
"No because every time we did it, my doughnuts would arrive smushed," Clint said.
"And Thor's pop tarts came crushed every single week, I mean what a waste of 10 full pop tart box's."
Thor comes up to me with big puppy dog eyes.
"Please Y/n, for the precious pop tarts, they don't deserve to be destroyed!!!" He says.
"Fine" I sigh.
"Awesome, I'll call Steve" Clint says in relief, satisfied that he will get his donuts.
"Don't bother him, his on a mission,." I say grabbing my keys,
"Ok, then we'll call Bucky, he's free and we can't have Y/n getting robbed. Then what would we do if Thor didn't receive his pop tarts." Tony says.
"I'm not going to get robbed but I will go find Bucky, besides, if I did then I could totally be able to defend myself." I say snatching the shopping list from Tony's hands.

"When was the last time you when shopping?" I ask Bucky, driving into the car park.
"Ummm, probably... just... you know... a few years ago or... so?" He says.
"Probably before the incident"
"Seriously?" I ask.
"I usually get the online services or Steve does it for me," Bucky says. He then points to the many cars in front of us.
"And trying to find a spot is nearly impossible."
"No worries, we shall find a spot!" I declare.
"Eventually..." Bucky mumbles.

45 minutes, 10 car beeps and 7 stolen spots later, we find a spot. We grab a trolley and begin the search for the varied desired items.

"Ok, what is next?" I ask myself, scanning the list.
"Wooohooo!" Bucky screams passing me. He had discovered the wonders of trolley riding 30 seconds ago and it has already gotten out of control.
"Bucky stop it" I say.
"You've already knocked over the watermelons!"
"But it's sooooo fun!" He says still flying around the shop on the trolley.
"I know, but you need to stop" I say.
"No" Bucky demands and keeps going.
"If you don't then you need to do the rest of the shopping." I reason, smirking.
"As if!" He says.
I glare at him until he breaks.
"You know I'm not a child right?" He asks.
"But you're sure acting like one" I mumble.
Bucky still zips around the mall on the trolley.
"Stop it!" I lecture.
"And if you don't, I will purposely forget Thor's poptarts and blame it on you" I say smirking.
Bucky stops the trolley suddenly.
"OK... ok, I'll stop." He says giving up.
"Good, now do the rest of the shopping."

**Back at the Tower**

The sound of an alarm boomed through the tower.
"What is going on?!" Natasha asked.
"Someone's put the whole tower on evacuation" Tony answered.
The sprinklers start spraying water everywhere from the ceiling.
"Everyone evacuate the building, please remain calm" Jarvis say.

Everyone gathered outside, wet from the sprinklers.
"Who triggered the alarm?" Tony asked, angry.
"Wasn't me" Clint says.
"Friends, I did it" Thor says.
"Why?!" Tony screams.
"Because there was a problem, is that not what the alarm is for?!" Thor asks.
"Y/n and Bucky were taking too long on buying my delicious snack and my fascinating television show is starting in 2 minutes!"
"Seriously? I'm sure they'll be here any minute now" Wanda says.

- Half An Hour Later-

I walk into the kitchen and lay the grocery bags on the island.
"Look! y/n's back!" Clint says.
"Did you get my donuts?" He asks.
"Of course, they're just in that bag right there" I say.
"My coffee!" Bruce says holding it up like a trophy.
"Chocolate milk! Awesome!" Pietro says.
"You could have never guessed what happened while you were gone" Wanda says.
"What hap-" Thor cuts me off as he bursts the room.
"Where is my poptarts?!" He screams going through all the bags.
I freeze and look at Bucky.
"Did you get it?" I whisper.
"What? You were supposed to get it." Bucky muttered back.
"Why didn't you buy his poptarts?" I ask Bucky.
"It was your responsibility to get the groceries.
Now Thor is going to beat us up for forgetting to buy his poptarts!" I say.
"Oh and what show are you watching?" I ask Thor, leaving the quiet conversation with Bucky.
"A documentary on Poptarts." Thor replied.
"Ooh, h-how wonderful!" I squeak.
"I'm sorry Thor but BUCKY has accidentally forgotten your poptarts."

Thor reveals his iPad.
"You are extremely lucky that they have those fast delivery services now-a-days..."
"Your password is Thortarts and your wallpaper is of strawberry jam poptarts?" I ask.
"Yes, you are quite right Y/n!" Thor beams as he goes to order it.
"Oh! I get it, Thor + Poptarts = Thortarts" Buckys states after a minute of silence. I smack his arm playfully. "Seriously?"
"Oh, hang on a second, why would I use MY money? I need to get Stark's credit card, good bye!" Thor says, then leaves in a hurry to order his snacks.
"Thank goodness he didn't try to kill us!" I say after Thor left.
"Remember what happened when Clint insulted poptarts?" I ask. Bucky nods.
"How could I forget? Clint was stuck hiding in the vents for a few days until Thor settled down"
We both laughed at the memory.
We sit there in silence for a bit, staring at each other. I don't know if we were having a moment of not but Thor came back and ruined it.
"Good news friends, The Poptarts have been ordered!"

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