Hawaii || Avengers x Reader : Part 3

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!!!There are a few major Spoilers for Avengers : Endgame at the end, don't read unless you've watched it!!! Or, don't read at all, you're choice.
Also, I have no idea how long this series of one shots are going to go for. I really enjoy writing them for some odd reason. Tell me if you find them boring, want to change destinations for their holiday or something.

"I NEED A COFFEE" Sam screams over everyone. Everyone sits in silence.
"And?" Tony asks.
"Can I get MY COFFEE?"
"Get it yourself, you have legs" Tony scoffs.
"Maybe coffee IS a good idea, I mean I could go for one right now" I shrug.
"ON IT" Clint screams before bolting out to get us coffees.
"So- wait- she asks and she gets the coffee but I ask and I don't?!" Sam says.

"Oh my gosh I am so bored" Pietro complains flopping onto the couch besides me. We were all waiting in the lobby for Loki who was carefully making his tea and Clint who was bringing the team coffee.
"Guys! Scott is FaceTiming us!" I say, sticking out my phone to get everyone in.
"Hey everyone! We just landed so we'll meet you at the hotel? Unless you had other plans"
"Well, we're going to the beach at 2 o'clock, but you'll probably arrive before then so it shouldn't be a problem."
"Ok then, we'll see you people there! Say hi Tony!" He says directing the camera to a very tired looking Tony.
"Get that thing out of my face!" He says pushing it away.
"See ya!" Scott says before supposedly dropping his phone.
Scott Lang has been disconnected.
"I got to the coffees!" Clint cheers, entering the room.
"Oooo decaf!" Pietro cheers.
"Not so fast!" Wanda says, swiping it from his hands.
"You don't need that extra energy.."
"NAT COME ON!!!" Clint shouts.
"It burns!" Everyone turns to see Clint's only clean shirt to be stained with coffee.
"Why did you bump me?!"
"Why did you get me the wrong coffee?"
"What am I going to wear now?" He sighs.

"Get out of the bathroom!" Bruce shouts.
"Shush, I just got in!" Steve answers.
"Can you all just hurry up?" Nat asks.
"Yes, I have been waiting for an hour" Loki says.
"What are you even still doing here?" Bruce asks.
"Ugh, changing, isn't it obvious?"
"It's Pietro who is the imposter" Loki points.
"Hey! I've earned my place here!"
"Ok I'm done, who is next?" Steve announces.
There is a massive scramble to the door. Bruce just manages to close the door leaving everyone there to wait.
"Ugh I'm going to change in the closet" Loki says.
"Fine, just hurry up"
"Hey, can I borrow anyone's sunscreen?" Clint asks opening the door.
"And swim suit, hat and sunglasses?" He adds.
"Sorry pal, I don't have a spare swim suit but you can borrow my sun screen."  Steve replies.
"I have a spare swimsuit!" I say.
"Does any men have a spare?" He asks.
"I'm not lending my spare to you! No way are you worthy!" Loki shouts.
"You are beginning to sound like Thor" Peter says.
"Ew no."
"Hhh, fine, can I see this spare swimsuit Y/n?" Clint asks.
"Well, I have this one, a bikini, this one, a one piece or another bikini?"
"Come on... no board shorts?"
"I don't own board shorts..."
"Fine, I'll take the bikini only because the one piece is too small." Clint mumbles.
"Sure, you can keep it..." I say handing one to him.

Eventually, it's my turn to change. "Y/n? Have you finished? I need to pray my hair?" Pietro asks.
"Yes!" I call back. Pietro barges In after that with a can of hair spray.
"Pietro!" I cough. "Too much *cough* hair spray"
"One second and it'll be over, just wait please" he says.
"Oh my gosh! Please! Get me out!!!" I say coughing. I fiddle with the handle before regaining myself again and simply twisting the door handle.
"No one go in there for at least 5 minutes!" I gasp.
"I'm going down to the beach, you all are taking too long!" Loki says.
"Well, I don't think that's fair, we've been waiting an hour for you to lather on your sunscreen because your 'sensitive precious skin' get burnt easily. You should wait for the others." Bruce says.
"....Nope, I'm going. Y/n come with me" Loki says.
"Sure" I say grabbing my beach bag. We head to the elevator and press the down button. It opens not long later with 5 people inside.
"No, wait, too many mortals - can't go inside" Loki says.
The next one has a couple. "No, we can't risk-"
"How about we just take the stairs" I suggest sighing.
"And rip my board shorts trying to? No thank you"

Once we finally get to ground floor, we join Wanda and Vision who are waiting for the others.
"Pietro, carry me to the beach, my legs hurt!" Sam says.
"Ew no."
"Ugh my legs hurt as well" I say.
"I can carry you if you want?" Pietro answers immediately.
"That would be great!" I laugh, sticking out my tongue to Sam.
Sam turns to Bucky. "Don't ask" bucky responds before Sam could get a word out.
"Hmpf" he sighs crossing his arms.

"Guys, I got sand in my eyes!" Pietro complains.
"Wash it with water" Bruce replies.
"Why did you wash them with sea water?! The salt makes it worse!" Bucky shouts.
"He said to wash them with water!"
"Clean water!"
"Ouch, what do I do?
"Blink really fast, it'll help" Natasha says.
"I cannot tell if you're trying to prank me!"
"Y/n, is she-" Pietro goes to ask.
"Of course she isn't!" Loki rolls his eye.
"Ohmygosh thank you" Pietro says, swiping Sams bottle and poring it across his eyes.

"Can I get some water then? He used all my gosh darn water!" Sam says after a few seconds of silence.
Everyone just stares at him without any response.
"Is that a 'no'? I can't read yall right now..." he says.
"Hey Wanda-"
"Why can't I get 50ml of clean water? Is that so hard?" He cries to himself.
"Actually, I'm quite parched as well" I laugh.
"Want mine?" Steve asks, tossing his water bottle to me.
"Oh thanks Steve!" I say, while Sam crosses his arms.


(I can't remember what I wrote in this rant, and I am not bothered reading over it so yea)

Hey everyone who may be reading this! I just watched (edit, watched endgame a while ago, I just wasn't bothered posting this chapter) Avengers Endgame, there were tears. There is ALOT to talk about it, but I'm just going to highlight my main opinions. tbh I didn't expect Nat to go that way... I'm not sure if I'm spoiling anything but Black Widow is apparently getting her own solo movie? So she can't be dead unless the movie is set before Avengers Infinity War...
I know it might be dumb of me to assume, but I was really hoping that Loki hadn't actually died, as in, he had found a certain trick up his sleeve or multiplied him self? I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't for him to actually be dead. He's my favourite character so I'm super bummed for him to be gone... haha, I was waiting throughout the movie for him to make a surprise appearance but that never happened sooo....
And how can I not talk about Tony Stark? I have a whole new level of respect for him now. I didn't expect Pepper to react to his death the way she did. I think Peter was more worried and upset than herself. And a daughter?! I didn't see THAT coming...
Also, am I the only who was a bit creeped out by Hulk at first? It was a bit creepy at first seeing him in both states.
I also appreciate at the end how Captain America went back in time, returned the stones and filled up that empty time with a life of his own. It was super sweet and he deserves it. The sudden twist where he lifted Thor's hammer, mind blower, didn't see that coming, but I had no doubts he couldn't after he lifted it a centimetre or so one of the past movies. Talking about Thor... wow... he... got really addicted to fortnight and beer... I still can't believe it 😂, I thought he couldn't get drunk easily so he had a few hundred too many beers.
I loved the movie, I'm disappointed to see some of my favourite hero's die, but it was for a good cause. And hey, many avengers are getting their own tv series, so I can't wait for that! Sorry if you didn't want to know that...

I praise any of you who actually read that... I don't know what that was... anyway, hope you enjoyed Endgame as well!

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