Dating Site || Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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"How about her?" You ask, sliding the tablet across the table.
"No" Huffing, you take it back, swiping furiously.
"She seems nice" You tilt the screen towards him. Pietro sighs, putting his tea down.
"You can't be this picky, you can't say no forever!"
"Watch me" he smirks, sipping loudly from his F.R.I.E.N.D.S mug.
"Then next time you come complaining at 2am about how 'boring and alone' you are, don't expect me to try setting you up again!" You push your chair back.
"Your going to your room to scour your brain for friends to set me up with aren't you!" Piet calls as you storm away.
"It won't work!" He shouts before the elevator doors close.

"I have an idea" Natasha exclaims, dropping a thick binder onto the coffee table.
"Dayum woman, you done your research?" You turn to her, giving your full attention. "Let's hear the big idea"
"Let's set him up on an online dating site" she grins, opening the binder to show me various options and directions we could take this.
"You sly genius" you laugh, examining a mood board she made of what his potential profile would look like. Opening your phone, you download a popular online dating app.
"What picture do we use?" You scroll through all the pictures you have of him. "Ugh 95% of them are blurry, why is he always running around?"
"Let's just use one from the internet" Nat laughs. "I need to go train with Steve, I'll be back later"

By the time Nat comes back Pietro's fake-real profile was ready.
"Look, I did one for Steve while I did Pilates" Natasha explains showing me her iPad.
"Weren't you training with him?"
"Y/n I'm a spy, he saw nothing"
"Why's that his profile picture?"

 "Weren't you training with him?" "Y/n I'm a spy, he saw nothing" "Why's that his profile picture?"

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"It's hilarious" Natasha says.
"It's embarrassing" Steve says walking past. "But I don't understand technology enough to know how to erase it or what it's for"

"Hey Piet, what are your plans for tomorrow?" You ask, diving onto the couch next to him.
"Uhh, it's too far away I don't know yet"
"So you would be free at 6?"
"Yeah I guess... Y/n why are you asking this?"
"Trust me, 6am, be up and dress warm, you're going hiking!" You laugh, running away before he could protest. Sasha loves waking up at 5am and going on outdoor yoga retreats, they're just as energetic as each other.

"HUN ARE YOU AWAKE?" You bang on his door. You sigh at the moment of silence following. A huff to your right makes you jump. "Some of us require something called sleep in order to live and feel something" Tony stands in the hall with a hydrating green face mask, silk bonnet and eye mask on.
"Fine fine, sorry Tony" he sighs, the sound of Fantasy by Mariah Carey blasting through his airpods drifts away as he retreats back to his room.
Sighing in defeat, you turn back to Pietros door. "OH!" You shriek, coming face to face with his chest. "Why did you do that!?" You hit his chest.
"Why wouldn't I have?" He leans against his door frame, obviously tired. "Now tell me, whats going on?"
"You have a date!"
"A What?"
"Don't pretend you don't know what a date is!"
"With who?"
"Who?" He rubs his eyes.
"This girl you met through online dating" You show him her profile.
"I never met her, and I'm supposed to be going on a date with her now?!"
"Yes, I'm sure she's amazing"
"Wait a minute I don't bird watch or play bingo!"
"I know but it's funny to think you have the patience for that" You laugh. "Hold on... it's possible she's only coming because she thinks you're a sugar daddy"
"ANYWAY" You say after a moment of consideration. "It's 6:10 and you were supposed to be there negative 10 minutes ago"
"What, You having second thoughts now? I thought you would've been excited, I mean you cared enough to have even woken up and gotten ready"
"I'm just not interested, thanks for making the effort though, but I thought I've made it pretty obvious"
"I know, it's obvious you're not interested, I-I'll stop pushing, I just want to find the best person for you, you deserve more than the best the world has to offer" you shrug.
"Y/n You have got to be kidding me"
"Princessa I already like someone else"
"Oh" your heart plummets.
"Jeez Y/n!" He cups your face abruptly before closing the space between you. "I was never interested in them, I was only excited for today because you were so excited and I trust you. Y/n i know we've been close friends since we got here but I can't live another day not showing you how I feel."
There's a gasp from down the hall. "I guess you never really cared about me, you don't even look like your picture"
"Bruce what are you doing?" He's wearing a purple dress and wig... and really well executed makeup actually, "why didn't you tell us about... this?"
"Needed the extra cash to fund a project" he shrugged, reapplying his lipstick in a mirror.
"1. You were going to go on a morning hike in a dress and high heels? 2. You knew very well that oven worked here for a year, how do you even get catfished like that. 3. Old rich men generally don't go on dates that include hiking or ruining their morning routine so change up the date preference and 4. I've never seen you go on a yoga nature retreat but you should consider going on one to help hulk out" Pietro says.
"Noted. I guess I thought you were some foreign Stark intern or something I DONT KNOW, it's all history, you never saw Sasha, time is money I'm off to another date"
"Anyway, back to the part about you liking me" you wink. "I like you too"
"That's a relief, I couldn't tell if you were oblivious or not interested at all"
"Wanna go watch a movie before everyone wakes up?"
"Only one with an ending so good they'll stay to watch to the end when they wake up but will be such an ending that there's no use watching from the start"
"That's just mean.. we're 100% doing it, go put Shutter Island on".

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