Hawaii || Avengers x Reader - Part 2

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When we finally get to the Hotel after a long-ish drive.
"Hello, we have a reservation under the name-"
"Tony Stark? Yes, we have 3 rooms booked. Um, 5 people maximum to a room please." The man says handing over 5 keys.
I grab one and wait for the others to come.
Once they have, I hand it to random people of the group and walk towards the room I picked.
"Any other 4 people that want to join me can come!" I call, pressing my floor number on the elevator.
I jump onto the biggest bed, but stop, noticing there is 1 queen bed, 2 singles beds and a couch which is supposed to fold into a bed.
"Ooft, not sharing a bed this time!" I say putting my stuff on the single bed nearest to the balcony.
I hear the door to my room being unlocked.
"Hey Y/n!" Peter says walking in, along with Natasha and Steve.
"I don't know why but this group of people seems like a very very weird group to share a room" I laugh. "Where the 5th?"
"I don't know..." Peter says thinking.
"Eh" I shrug.
"Well, this is my bed" I say grinning.
"No! The adults get the single beds!" Steve says.
"Noooo I got here first"
"Scissors paper rock, first to three gets the bed!"
"You're on!"
"Damn it!" I say loosing in a heart beat.
"Haha! You need to share a bed!" Steve laughs.
"Fine... how bad can it be?" I say.

At 3:05, I hear knocking. It's down the hall, but it's really loud. The knocking comes closer and closer.
"Natasha..." I say rolling over and poking her on her cheek.
"Wut?" She groans.
"There's someone knocking on all the doors!" I say.
"They're probably playing knock and run"
"It sounds serious! And I hear groaning, they sound like a zombie!" I say.
"It's ok Y/n, it's probably nothing." Peter says.
"O-ok..." I say softly.
I listen carefully as the knocking gets closer, the moans getting louder.
The suspense is too much for me to handle, I have been building it up.
I reach breaking point in the millisecond the person goes to knock on our door.
Knock knock knock
I scream, jumping out of bed.
"I'm going to go and check..." Steve says.
We all follow him to the door.
He peeks through the peek hole.
"Oh hey Bruce!" He says opening the door.
"Steve? Is that you?" Bruce asks.
"What are you doing?!" I ask.
"You all left me in the lobby bathroom without a word, I didn't know what floor or room you are on." Bruce said.
"I've been searching for 2 hours!"
"Oops, super sorry, I can definitely imagine how stressful that is..." I say wincing.
"Here, you can sleep on-" I say, going to say the couch, which is the only option left.
"No! Sleep on the bed, you need it after the night you had!" Peter says, gathering his stuff.
"Thanks kid! I appreciate it!"
Peter moves his stuff over to the couch and begins to unfold it into the bed.
"Guys, it's stuck!" Peter says.
"Here, let me help." Nat offers.
The two work together to open it up, but it doesn't budge.
"This is one mighty couch bed if it can withstand the strength of 2 superhero's!" I laugh. Out of nowhere, Steve starts to laugh.
"What's so funny?" I smile.
"That's not a bed! It's just a regular couch!" He folds over in a laughing fit.
"Gosh he's right!" I say.
"So, where was the 5th bed then?" Peter asks.
"Guys..." Bruce says from the other room.
In the corner is a teeny tiny cot for a child.
"Wow..." Peter says.
"So I guess I sleep on the couch then.."  he says lying on the couch.
"My back..." he whimpers minutes later.
"Shh!" Steve hisses.
"It feels like a rock."
"Shut up I need to sleep."
"You know what, you have been complaining for 15 minutes straight... it's concerning me that it felt like an hour." Natasha says sitting up.
"Get in!" She shouts.
"Yay! A non rock like bed! I guess I won't be getting middle age back pains 30 years early then!" He smiles in relief.
"Hi.." I say facing Peter awkwardly.
"Hey" he smiles.
"Ouch!" I say when Natasha slaps me.
"Go to sleep for gods sake!"

"Good morning Sunshine!" I wake up, my vision blurry.
"Morning Nat"
"It's Peter"
"Oh... buenos dias Parker"
"LET ME IN RIGHT NOW" comes from the door. Out of no where Clint bursts in, rushing around everywhere "I need a charger! Anyone have a iOS charger? I need it RIGHT NOW my phone is dying" he falls to his knees. Natasha rolls here eyes, passing him her charger.
"You are a life saver, not just mine, but my phones as well. Thank you" he says before leaving.
"Ok then, that just happened..." I said, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.
My heart nearly leaps out of my chest when the door to the bathroom swings open.
"WHAT THE HECK!?" I scream, getting up from the toilet.
"Is privacy too much to ask for?" I ask myself.
"Oh hello Y/n, I really hope you don't mind..." Loki says.
"Um, hi Loki... what are you doing here?" I ask.
"My hair, my rooms bathroom is occupied."
"So was this one"
"Well, you're like a sister to me, so this situation seems fine to me."
"True, you may continue... just, close the door please"
I'm brushing my teeth while Loki is combing his hair with a very fine toothed comb when someone pushes the door open.
"NOPE" I say slamming the door closed in the persons face.

"Please I need to pee" Bruce begs.
"No, wait a second"
"PLEASE" he says furiously knocking on he door.
"Fine, hurry up, my straightener might electrocute you and if it gets too hot then my hair will frizz" Loki says rolling his eyes.
"Where can I change?" I ask holding up my outfit.
"In the bathroom?"
"Bruce is in there"
"Go after"
"Loki's in there"
"GET OUT OF MY WAY, I NEED TO GEL MY HAIR!" Pietro zaps throughout the room and into the bathroom.
"NOOOOOOO! I could have gone my whole life without seeing that... why didn't you lock the door!?" He asks slamming the door closed.
"I'll cover you, you'll never get a moment in that bathroom." Peter offers me.
"O-Ok... thank you" I smile, a blush spreading across my face.
"No peaking brother!" Pietro calls, winking at us.
"Oh shut up"

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