Dress Shopping || Thor Odinson x Reader

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I sit down at the posh table Tony had set up for dinner. We all eat in silence until Wanda speaks.
"So guys, Vision and I have something to announce," She says grinning.
"Wanda and I are engaged!" Vision cheers.
Everyone erupts in cheers and congratulations to the couple.
"When are you getting married?" Tony asked.
"In February " Wanda replied.
"What?! But that's only 7 months away!" Tony replied.
"We thought that was reasonable" Wanda shrugged, Vision nodding in agreement and resting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"For you maybe- You haven't been to Stark wedding obviously" Tony rolls his eyes. "You know what, Happy can do it, just send him a list of all your hopes and dreams or whatever and he'll get it done"
"Just run the bridesmaid dresses by me there are too many tacky ones out there and I am not your human atm machine- BUT I AM- just not for tacky dresses" he sighs, standing up. "I need a drink"

~ Time skip brought to you
by Doctor Strange ~

It was nearing the day of the wedding. Natasha and I were gossiping about Wanda's beautiful wedding dress. "Uhh Nat" I start, sitting up from my spot on the couch.
"I know Wanda wanted us to choose our own bridesmaid dresses and all but how crazy does she want us to go?" Nat sits up and hesitantly turns to me.
"You do have what you're going to wear, right?"
"Well the answer is slightly unclear as of this moment but-"
"Y/n Tony is going to murder you in your sleep" she hisses.
"I thought you bought that champagne suit you tried on 5 months ago!"
"I wasn't allowed to buy it without Tony's approval then when I went back it was gone!"
"Y/n What are we going to do?" She whispers loudly. "You have to shopping with Tony"
"NO don't tell Tony, he must never know or he'll freak, I'll just go shopping by myself"
"Did I hear shopping?" Thor shouts as he enters the living room. "Have no fears darling, as I will take you shopping!"
"You're a life saver"
"That's what I do, we both do actually, did you not know this? It's our jobs Y/n.."
"Yesyes, just listen to me, we're going dress shopping ok, d r e s s not groceries or basketball shopping or anywhere else you've accidentally taken me instead of a clothes shop" you hold his face, forcing him to look at you. "Got it?"
"So no Target?"
"No Target"

"Where are you taking us?" I ask Thor as he drives to his "I swear by this shop" shop.
"We're nearly there, you'll see my dear" he grins. Soon the car comes to a stop. He covers my eyes and guides me out of the car. It better not be Target again, as much as I'd love to be there right now I really want Wanda to be happy.

The second we walk through the door I feel the temperature change. "3...2...1!" His hands are removed from my face and light spreads across my vision.
"It's the best place, they have everything here" he giggles, holding up a small wax figure of the Queen.
"It really is I agree but we need to find something fast, we don't have time to look through the whole store" Thor pouts, placing the Queen down.
"But we just got here I'm not ready to leave"
"Fine, I'll pop by a couple places and you stay here"
"Good idea! Just... before you leave" he pulls me in, lips hovering near my ear. "Can I have one of those candies you keep in your bag?"
"Oh!" You dig your hand around in your bag before giving him his oh so precious candies. "I'll see you later, text me when you want to be picked up" you kiss his cheek before leaving him to spend $100 on things you'll probably never need.
You leave the shop, immediately feeling a buzz in your bag. You take out your phone, seeing Natashas face lighting up the screen.
"Hey Nat"
"Hey, what's going on? Did you find something?"
"Relax it's been 20 minutes"
"Where are you? David Jones? Meshki? Beginning Boutique?"
"The thrift store"
"I'll meet you at the mall in 10- whoa where did you come from?!"
"Y/n? Is that you?"
"What are you doing?"
"oh my gosh! You haven't found a dress for Wanda and Visions wedding?"
"How did you gather that from um?"
"I'll be there in 2" There's a pause in the other end of the line.
"OH SH- YOU MEANT TWO SECONDS JEEZ TONY" your heart leapt from your chest as he landed in front of you. He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to the most expensive looking store. "Stay here" he orders before running off towards the racks. A few minutes later he comes back with one dress. "You will like it or not, either way you will be wearing this"
"Tony!" You gasp. "Are you sure? It's stunning!" He nods, proud of himself. "Put It on the plastic" he tells the worker.
Ruining the moment, your phone chimes with a text message. It's a selfie of Thor holding a Mary Berry DVD, DIY friendship bracelet kit and a Teletubbies rug captioned pick me up now.

It is the day of Wanda and Visions wedding. You step out of your bathroom after finishing your hair. "Wow.." Thor stares at you speechless. "You look so beautiful" his voice cracks.
"We're leaving soon you know"
"I know"
"So you're wearing that?" Thor looks down and gasps at his NASA shirt that he stole from Parker and board shorts (you weren't at any pools or beaches he had no reason to be wearing them).
"One second!"

When we arrive at the wedding ceremony guests are just starting to filter in. Thor and I sit down in the front row next to Natasha and Tony.
Half an hour later the ceremony begins. Tears were shed while the ceremony progressed. Especially from Tony but that was mainly because he ordered shade 1589 of mauve napkins instead of 1588.

After the ceremony we headed off to the celebrations. Of course Tony was excited because there was wine and alcohol.
I was just excited that there was going to be food. After that long ceremony I'm sure everyone would be hungry and you for sure has heard Happy in the phone about some fantastic sounding sushi a couple months back.
"Y/n, I am going to get a drink from the bar," Thor states.
"Would you like o- Wait, how old are you?" He asks.
"I'm 27 Thor, I can drink..." I say laughing a bit.
"But I'm pretty sure the legal limit was 28 years old." He insists.
"It's 18" I say.
"Wait am i even legal to drink?" He whispers.
"You're a couple thousand over the minimum you're fine" you chuckle. He exhales in relief. "Good, thought I'd go to jail for that, You see when I came to Earth I just saw a beer, started drinking and never stopped to think if I could"
"Amen brother" Tony cheers. "Also, Thor- You have all sorts of weird instruments in Asgard dont you, would you by any chance play the harp and kazoo?"
"..no? Lady Y/n would you know how to?" You choke on your drink.
"Well, yes I could learn kazoo, so could you Thor"
"You really think I could hold that much talent?" He asks, star in his eyes.
"Yes but Can you play harp and kazoo simultaneously?"
"You'll have to run this by Pepper but sure we can play at your wedding"
"Good good, just need to make sure it's better than Wanda and Visions to show how amazing I am"

Author Note: I see all of you in the comments talking about the drinking age. Yes it would make sense to have the age at 21 as they are in America. I'm from Australia so my mind was set to 18, I didn't think the age restriction would be pivotal to the plot plus this is just for fun. However out of lack of giving a damn and spite I dedicated myself to editing every part of this chapter except for the drinking age. You're welcome :)

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