Hawaii || Avengers x Reader ~ Part 1

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Helloooo wonderful people who are bothered to read this! This story's intention was to be a Peter Parker x reader but it didn't turn out every well... so I changed it. So that's the reason why there are small attempts of me writing a Peter Parker story... anyway... ENJOY 😁


I squealed getting into the car.
"Are you excited?" Bruce asked smiling.
"Yes!" I squealed grinning.
"Isn't it obvious?" Wanda beamed.
"I can't believe we are going to Hawaii!" I say.
If I hadn't been sitting in the car then I definitely would be jumping up and down.
"How long is the fight?" Wanda asks for the 3rd time.
"12 hours" Tony states.
"Come on! Are you sure?" Wanda asks.
"We are taking a normal plane flight with normal people to a normal resort for a normal holiday." Tony says.
"Did you hear me? NORMAL holiday okay?"
"But why, you of all people would argue to do otherwise?" I ask, curious.
"I did some research and apparently teenagers can become bratty and spoilt if not given a normal environment to grow up in." Tony states.
"Ok now SHUT UP, my favourite song is on."
Everyone falls silent, whispering quietly to the person next to them about the holiday.
Soon, we arrive to the airport.
"Arghhh! The flights delayed an hour!" Bruce says.
"It's ok, we can-" Steve starts.
"We are tired, we don't want to hear it." Natasha says pushing through towards the bag check in.
"Is everyone here? Something feels missing..." I say slowly, looking over everyone.
"Nope! I'm pretty sure everyone is here!" Tony says.
"Now come on Lang, shrink and get into my pocket, forgot to buy an extra ticket for you" Toy groans.
Scott shrugs and shrinks.
"Problem solved!"
We all successfully get through everything fairly quickly with not much trouble after what seemed like 3 hours of waiting in the line until...
"I'm sorry sir but we'll have to do a full body search!" A guard says when the machine beeps, indicating Peter was carrying something metal.
"But I'm not carrying anything dangerous!" Peter says.
The guards search his pockets and clothing.
"How do you explain this then?" They ask pulling a metal paper clip out of his pocket.
"It's a paper clip!"
"A weapon" the guard exclaims glaring at Peter.
"It's harmless!"
"It's a classified weapon!"
"You can literally do nothing with a-"
"Oh come on Parker, you're arguing over a paper clip, let's leave it!" Tony says, pulling him away.
"But it cost 20c-" Peter argues.
"I'll pay you $5 if you let it go" Tony says.
"Deal, I'm holding that to you!" Peter smirks.

"Can we get food? The food from the planes disgusting!" Natasha asks as we walk past the food court.
"Yes, but you need to eat it before we land" Steve says.
"Cool, let's get Sushi" She said strolling off to the sushi place.
"Me too!" I say following suit.

After everyone is satisfied with the feast they have gathered for them self, we fight our planes waiting bay. It's absolutely packet with people. Many gasp and turn around, murmuring to each other once they have noticed who we are.
A shower of paparazzi floods towards Tony, who slips away into the men's bathroom.
Thankfully, no one notices he's disappeared.
In sync, everyone's phone buzzes.
Guys help me!
Someone pls stay with me in here
I feel so lonely

Come on Stark
The planes getting ready to be boarded
In 5 minutes!

What do I do????
I'm stuck
The paparazzi won't leave
And Pepper will notice I've left on a vacation without her

That's it, I'm telling her
You'll be gone for over a week
She needs to know

I open my messages to Pepper and confess where the team is going. Adding in that it's for Team bonding, and I'm sad Tony was so blind to not invite her along.
"Hey Y/n, over here!" Clint calls from the line of people. I rush over and take my place in the line.
"Uh, remember to put your phones on aeroplane mode!" Bruce calls from behind me.
"Oh! Right," I say turning it on.
After 10 minutes or so (pretty quick huh) we get on the plane. I eventually find my seat in 23A, in between Steve and Peter.
"Huh, this whole thing has gone much better than expected!" Steve says with pride lacing through his voice.
"Yeah! But don't jinx us!" I laugh.
The flight attendants give all people on board a tutorial on how to put on the life vest and what to do in the case of an emergency.
"Pss! Rogers! Your third wheeling!" Natasha whispers harshly after slapping Steve on the heard from the row behind.
"OH NO, damn it, I'm third wheeling again!" Steve exclaims.
"What do you m-"
"Nope, I'm having a nap, this isn't going to happen again..." Steve says slipping on his sleeping mask.
"Shh" he hushes.
I sit there awkwardly for a moment or so before Peter speaks.
"So, 12 hours huh..."
"Yeah, actually... wanna watch a movie while we wait? It's not like time will pass like a breeze"
The two of us end up watching a range of Disney movies. Of course. What else would we watch?
Then we got bored, and started watching the sassiest pig we know, Peppa pig. We watched a compilation on funny videos that make no sense which brought out the inner child in me (kind of, we were pretty much just laughing at the videos).
After a while a felt tired, so settled down for a nap, even though I didn't want to. I truly did want to spend this time AWAKE and talking to Peter but sleep got the best of me.

I woke up to strong turbulence, my ears blocking and a red light flashing. I Immediately panicked but noticed no one else was in this state. "What's going on?!" I whisper to Peter.
"Just landing, start gathering your stuff" he replied with a sweet smile.
"I-Ok then..." I say with a hush of relief.
I push my headphones, phone and whatever I had out into my bag.
"Wait a second-" I say learning over Steve and push the blind to our row window up.
"WTF STARK!!!" I cry.
It was pitch black outside.
"I never stopped to think what time we would be arriving here! It's near midnight man!" Steve added. But no one replied.
"Stark?" Natasha asked looking around.
The flight attendants got to our row and ushered us off the plane.
"Chill out, he'll catch up to us at the baggage collection area." Pietro says.
We stand near the passage, waiting for one of our bags to come along. It seems everyone else is getting there's except us.
"Look there's Nat's!" Bruce says pointing to a large black bag.
"No, mine has a red stripe across the bottom"
"Gosh, why does everyone have a black suitcase?" I ask in frustration.
"Thank goodness! There's my suitcases!" Thor says, heaving it off the moving passage.
"Is that Starks?" Wanda asks, pointing to the bright red glossy suitcase near by.
"I believe so" Steve confirms.
"How do we take the bag off?" Peter asks.
"You just pull it off" Natasha says.
"What do you mean 'how'? It's so simple"
"It's not coming off"
All the Avengers watch Peter struggle to get his suitcase off, chasing after it as it is carried along the moving passage. "Haha, I'm going to help him now" Thor says after a bit.
Soon, we retrieve all the suitcases, with minimal confusion.
"Where is my portable charger! I swear I packed it!" Clint said, opening his suit case.
"My phones on 35%! It's an emergency" he sorts through everything frantically before freezing.
"Ha old man! My phones on 18." Pietro says proudly.
"Mines on 95." Bucky says.
"HOW?? You literally spent a third of that trip on you phone!"
"Guys... I don't think this is my suitcase!" Clint says.
"Wait a second, I don't even have my suitcase!" Pietro says.
"Wow, how did you not notice?"
"Pfft, he doesn't notice anything!"
"Let's just go back and swap it, hoping the person didn't notice... unlikely, but we can still hope." Bucky says.
"My gorgeous suit case! My baby! You're back in my arms, you're safe..." Pietro says hugging his suitcase which is pretty much the only one left.
"Wait, then where's MY suitcase?"
"Not here obviously" Loki snickers.

I turned off Flight mode to get wifi. Out of nowhere, a roll of messages came flooding in.
508 messages from Tony Stark
5 messages from Mum
8 messages from Peter 💖
1 message from Steve Rogers
104 missed calls from Tony Stark
15 face time calls from Tony Stark
17 Instagram posts from Tony Stark
"Guys, I have soooo many messages from Tony" I say scrolling through them.
"Omg where is he? We can't just wait for him while he takes his sweet time in the bathroom!" Natasha says.
"Oh my gosh guys -" everyone turns to Bruce.
"We left him in the bathroom at the airport!"
1 third face palms, 1 third screams and the last third laughs their butts off.
"Oh well, let's go, I'm tired, I'm hungry..." Sam says.
"What about Stark?" Steve asks.
"We'll call him back once we get to the hotel." Clint says. We all agree and hire a few cars to drive to the hotel.
"And what about my suitcase?" He adds.
"Eh, they'll deliver it to you tomorrow once they've found it" Bruce says.
"Who goes in what car?" Peter asks.
"I don't care, just get me to the hotel ASAP..." Sam says, getting into the sedan.
Everyone likes into the cars. I find myself at the wheel with Loki next to me in the passenger seat and Bucky, Wanda and Peter in the back seat.
"What a group!" I laugh, starting the car. We were lucky enough to get the fanciest four wheel drive, with air conditioning. Just what we need, especially with Loki's 4 packed suitcases...
"Why does Loki get to go in the front seat?" Wanda asks.
"Because he got there fir-" Loki cuts me off.
"Because the king Deserves the seat next to the air conditioning, now shush peasants!"
Everyone as tired as I am, agrees to stop off at McDonalds to get a cheap coffee. Which seems like an offer for $10,000 right now.
After that, everyone is quiet and tired, we all just want to get to this hotel and go to bed.
"This coffee is disgusting..." Loki mumbles after a bit, tossing the liquid inside the cup out the window.
"Loki!" I shout.
"What the heck?!"
"What's wrong with you?"
"I just simply gifted that hideous disgusting liquid to the car behind us..."

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