Sleeping Beauty || Bruce Banner x Reader

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"Why do we have to do this every Thursday?" I ask.
"Studying is so boring" I groan.
"You need to study Y/n" Bruce says.
"But I already graduated" I said.
"Doesn't mean you stop studying" He replies.
"Let's do something fun!" I say.
"Don't be a princess" Bruce says.
"I know! Let's watch Disney movies!" I say. Before Bruce can reply, I had already dragged him to the living room.
I went through the movies.
"DISNEY MOVIE MARATHON" I scream playing the movie.

After watching around 5 movies, Bruce fell asleep. I grinned, as an idea came to me.
I slowly tip toed away. I grabbed my keys and went for a trip to the mall.
I knew that Bruce usually took long naps. This would give me enough time to proceed with my plan.

I arrive at the mall and put my keys in my bag.
I go to a couple of shops. I end up buying an Aurora dress, a wig and shoes.
As soon as I'm finished purchasing the items, I head back to my car and go back to the towers.
I tip toe to the couch, were Banner is sleeping, and use my powers to put the costume on him.
I successfully transferred the costume onto him.
I took out my phone and sent the Avengers the picture.
Tagging- Who the Sleeping Beauty now?
2 minutes later, I'm getting plenty of reply's from the other avengers.
The twins and Tony came to take pictures. Then Natasha, Clint and Steve came.
Soon Thor arrived.
He bursts into the room giving you all s fright.
"Hello Friends! My Banner does look quite hilarious!" He booms.
Bruce slowly starts moving.
"Hurry! Run before he fully wakes up!" I whisper shout.
Everyone quickly tip toes away from the room.
I message everyone on my phone.

Y/n: Hope Bruce doesn't get angry
Tony: I'm watching the security cameras
Clint: And.....?
Tony: his waking up
Pietro: is he mad?
Tony: he seems surprised
Tony: his laughing but he doesn't seem amused
Tony: his turning into Hulk!!!!!
Tony: you guys better have a good hiding spot
Clint: Don't you worry, I got my spot covered
Clint: you'll never guess where
Natasha: your in the vents again aren't you
Clint: I'm not that predictable aren't I?
Natasha: .....
Tony: he is heading to the kitchen
Wanda: damn it!
Pietro: Quickly run!!
Wanda: that's easy for you to say
Clint: what the-! Go find your own hiding spot!
Wanda: Sorry Clint 🤗
Tony: his going near Thor bedroom
Thor: Nooooo!
Thor: Sorry Clint
Clint: -_-

Bucky Barnes has joined

Bucky: Hello
Steve: tell me your not in the tower
Bucky: Yeah, I am
Bucky: Why?
Bucky: Oh My Gosh!!! Who made him angry this time?
Clint: Y/n
Tony: Y/n
Pietro: Y/n
Natasha: Y/n
Y/n: Hide!
Wanda: Quickly! Come in the vents!
Tony: I'm coming too
Natasha: same
Thor: me too!
Y/n: I'm coming!
Pietro: Let me join!
Steve: well, if your all going to the vents....
Clint: 😤😞
Tony: we all here?
Clint: yes... -_-
Wanda: I can see hulk
Natasha: No one make a noise
Bucky: Gosh- who's got their typing noise on?
Clint: not me
Natasha: isn't me
Y/n: mine is off
Steve: it's me
Steve: how do you turn it off?
Bucky: turn off your message sending noise too
Bucky: it'll give us away
Steve: I can't work it out!
Steve: I'll just ask Siri to do it
Tony: I can't hear him
Tony: Bucky go check the security cameras
Bucky: Why me?
Tony: because you are the eldest
Steve: so?
Steve: Nat can go
Natasha: why can't u go tony?
Tony: I'm a billionaire
Wanda: so?
Pietro: I see him
Thor: where is he?
Pietro: his destroying one of Tony's wine bars.
Tony: 😱😭
Tony: Rest In Peace my precious wine bottles
Natasha: more like rest in pieces, I can see what Pietro is taking About
Natasha: their are shards of glass everywhere
Pietro: guys, his getting too close, I'm going to go hide somewhere else
Wanda: No! What if he finds u?
Pietro: too late I'm already gone!
Pietro: come joi-

Pietro Maximoff has been disconnected

Clint: good, one less person In the vents
Clint: who is next?
Natasha: no! Hulks nearing the vents!
Y/n: he is looking at the vents suspiciously
Natasha: that's it, I'm going
Wanda: same

Natasha Romanoff has been disconnected
Wanda Maximoff has been disconnected

Y/n: ok, I'm calling Stephen to get me outta here!
Bucky: take me with you!

Bucky Barnes has been disconnected

Tony: quickly! We gotta get out of here!

Bruce Banner has joined

Bruce: it is ok
Bruce: I'm ok now
Bruce: who was the idiot who made me Aurora?!
Steve: :O
Tony: you just called Y/n an idiot
Y/n: 😢
Bruce: Sorry! I'm really really sorry!
Y/n: it's fine
Tony: why the wine Banner? Why?
Bruce: sorry guys...
Thor: meh, it's quite fine
Thor: as long as you didn't destroy my pop tarts

Thor Ordinson has left the chat

Bruce: that may be a problem...

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