Gemstone || Thor Odinson

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"I can't believe Christmas is nearly here!" I squeal, jumping up and down in joy.
"I agree lady Y/n, but I do also have the personal Christmas I have to look forward to after this celebration!" Thor explains joyfully.
"Really? And what would that be?" I ask.
"Thormas, that is my birthday because just like when the Jesus was born, I do too have the birthday!" Thor says. "I can't wait to finally say Happy Thormas to myself on that amazing day"
"Awesome" I say, too buy panicking over how to celebrate Thormas.

Later that day:

"What do I do?" I ask Tony. We were sitting on the couch watching tv when I realised that I hadn't bought Thor anything for Christmas. I'd been so caught up about what is means to celebrate Thor Christmas that I forgot my one task for the day.
"Buy him a present" Tony replies.
"What does Thor like?" I ask myself.
"Hammers" Tony answers for me.
"Wow Tony, so I just buy a hammer for him? This is Thor we are speaking about, he already has the mightiest hammer" I said.
"You make a fine point" Tony says.
"Why not just give him a rock" He continues.
"A rock?" I ask confused.
"Yes a rock, do you need hearing aids? I can buy you some for your Christmas present" Tony says.
"No, you should save that one for Steve" I say, deep in thought.
"Anyway- But why a rock? Do you mean a special rock or just a regular rock" I ask.
"Regular" he answers.
"Ahh! We need something better!" I say annoyed.
"How about a potato?" Tony asks.
"Are you kidding me?" I ask.
"What? Lots of people would LOVE a potato for Christmas, see let's ask someone" Tony says.
"Hey Loki, would you like a potato for your Christmas Present?" He asks Loki who was passing by.
"No" he says bluntly before walking away to the kitchen without another word.
"He means yes"
"See? Who gives someone a potato?" I ask.
"How about a gemstone" Loki suggests walking back with a glass of water.
"Where would we get that?" I ask.
"I have one and no I didn't steal it" he says as Tony goes to ask that question.
"Why would you give it to me?" I ask surprised.
"What am I going to do with a shiny stone?" Loki shrugs.
"Loki you're the best!" I tackle him in a hug.
"You're welcome" Loki says, probably swallowing the 'Of course I am' response.
"Now what do I get you in return?" I ask.
"A potato?" Tony suggests.

The next day I jump out of bed and go to wake up the others. Thor is already awake and waking up Loki. I run into Wanda's room. "Wake up Wanda! It's Christmas!" I say. I slam open the door to Pietro's room and jump on his bed. "Rise and shine Maximoff! It's Christmas!" I shout. Within seconds his already out of bed and down the hall on the way to the Christmas tree. Soon everyone is awake (some more reluctant than others) so we open presents. In the end I got the gemstone from Loki and wrapped it up with a box of custom pop tarts.

This is what the gemstone looked like:

This is what the gemstone looked like:

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Back to the story:

We all gathered our presents and sat down by the crackling fireplace to open them. I open Natasha's first then Steve's and Clint's. Eventually I get to Thors. I open it and pull out the gift from the wrapping paper.
"You got me a rock... and a potato" I say.
"Thank you so much" I say to Thor a bit surprised by the present.
"You are very much welcome, I too did enjoy the presents in which was given to me from you, thank you" Thor says smiling, holding his present close to his heart.
"you deserve it" I said smiling back.
"Yes, I did, and you... deserved a rock and a potato." He beamed.
"Are you serious? I got a potato too, come on Y/n!" Tony cries.
"My potato is better than yours" I laughs. Tony rolls his eyes, throwing the potato into the fireplace.

Over Thormas Thor paraded around with his gem until he inevitably misplaced it. He cried for hours until I distracted him with a child's story collection book. Clint accidentally cooked my potato and fed it back to me. Bruce is using my rock as a paper weight for his documents and Pietro thought it would be funny to draw a face and hair on it.
Yay! :/

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