Out Of This World || Loki x Reader

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This was requested by xwhateveritakes , thank you for such a wonderful idea! I lost inspiration towards the middle... I got writers block. Sorry if it sucks :( but I hope you do enjoy :D (also I had no idea what to name this chapter so it's just going to sound random, also this chapter is unedited at the moment)

I sigh as I flip the page of another comic. Thor Ragnarok plays in the background on the tv at max volume. "Keep it down will you Y/n?!" Liam (your brother) shouts from his room.
I groan as I lower the volume. "Happy?"
"Much better"
"Liam, what was that?" I ask.
The ground starts to shake. All things attached to the wall fall to the ground. "LIAM!!!" I call.
There is no reply. I run to his room and swing open the door. "What's wrong?" He asks calmly. "C-can you not? What - I"
"Are you ok?" He asks.
"I'm... yeah, I'm fine- just.... fine" I stutter before walking back to the living room.
"How am I going to clean this mess?" I mumble to myself. Turning the corner, I look up, expecting it to be a mess.
"W-what?! How? It was just- but the!" It was perfectly fine....
"Liam, I-I'm going on walk. I need some air.."
"Be careful, I don't want you getting hurt." Liam says coming into the room.
"I know, in the perfect world I'd be able to defend myself with my super strength or telekinesis" I laugh, grabbing my phone and bag. I close the door and plug my earphones into my phone. I walk down the stairs of the front porch and down our drive way. I open the gate to let myself out and make sure to lock it. I look up to check for cars- "OH MY GOSH" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Are you ok?" THE Doctor Strange asks me.
"I- oh... I'm sorry. You cosplayers can be VERY convincing" I laugh.
"I'm- not a... 'cosplayer'" he says 10000% seriously.
"Yeah right, the real Doctor Strange would be right here, alive, breathing and walking around New York"
"...of course, um, are you ok? You didn't hit your head or anything did you?" He asks.
"You're messing with me" I laugh.
"Why would I do that?" He asks.
"Because you're not real" I laugh.
"Yeah sure, this isn't real either" he says in sarcasm while pointing to his fake time stone.
"Aha, it's not" I say. He opens the gold hatch protecting the stone and performs some sort of spell that changes a near leaf from pure green to... dead.
"Yeah and that wasn't real" he chuckles in sarcasm.
"... you're doctor strange?" I ask.
"Yes" he replies.
"Well- l, how-" without thinking I bolt down the foot path and towards my favourite cafe. I need a coffee...
I reach out to grab the coffee, trying not to spill it or drop my phone. The person behind me taps me on the shoulder.
"I beg your pardon but is that supposed to be.. me?" The person points to my phone cover. I look at it, and up at the person. My mouth swings open, I'm unable to close it. No words are able to be formed. My body doesn't move for several seconds. Before I know it my coffee slips out of my hand.
"Oh! That was a close call" Loki says, levitating the coffee with... magic?
This has to be a dream.
I run out of the shop and turn the corner to go back home. I look back towards the shop and see Loki running out of the cafe. I pick up speed and look back in front of me... just as I run into a tree.

"Hello? Are you awake? I really cannot tell" someone says waving a hand in front of my face.
"Y-Yes, I'm awake now" I say opening my eyes.
"Where am I?" I ask. Oh my gosh that sounded so clique!
"In the Avengers Tower" the person besides me says.
"Um... you're- you're Captain America" I say in disbelief.
"Yes, thats correct" he says slowly with a chuckle.
"How am I here? You're not real!" I say frantically looking around for any clues.
"Did you hit your head or...?" He asks.
"Haha no but my sanity must be in the same place as Loki" I laugh.
"Come! Let's get it then" A helper says from the corner of the room. He softly pulls my arm and guides me out of the room.
"Loki, do you have an idea of where her sanity is?" He asks.
"where your sagacity is" Loki states before turning back to his book.
"Ok, I'll look there. You stay here while I find it" the helper says before running off.
Loki looks up from his book briefly, starring me in the eyes, straight through my soul.
"I'm Y/n" I say, unable to think of anything else to say.
"Loki" he replies, before flipping the page of his book.
"I-I like your hair" WHY DID YOU SAY THAT??!!!
"Thank you, your own is quite nice as well" he says without looking up.
"Jake, what are you looking for?" TONY STARK asks the helper (who's name must be jake). "Her sanity, I'm just trying to find sagacity first" he says completely serious.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes sir"
"You're fired"
Loki chuckles from his seat near me. "I'm going to the kitchen, would you like to accompany me? You must be quite parched" Loki says.
"Yes thank you" I say, not completely sure how to respond.
I follow his silently to the kitchen, making sure to take in every bit of detail before this unreal reality is gone and whoever is playing this prank is satisfied.
"Coffee?" He asks.
"Water would be fine" I smile. He hands me a glass of water and continues making himself his beverage.
I stand there silently, not sure what to do or where do go. "Hey reindeer games!" Tony Stark says, whipping open the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Mind watching the woman? She just woke up from a faint"
"I know, I was the one to bring her here and... sure" he shrugs before gesturing me to follow.
"But it's only for- wait really?" Tony asks, clearly shocked.
"Yes" Loki calls back.
"What do you want to do?" He asks me.
"I... don't know"
"Let's stay inside, you need to stay whelmed" (does anyone get that reference?? No, Just me? that's fine...) Loki sighs.
"Try me" I grin, wanting to explore.
"Oh?" He asks smirking.
"Let's go, it is a lovely day after all" I grin.
"And can I meet all the avengers?" I add.
"Sure..." he replies.
"Um, but- but, you should know... Thanos is coming back" he mumbles.
"W-What?" I ask.
"He's coming back." He says.
"I- he's- what are we going to do?" I ask.
"Save the world" he laughs.
"We were hoping you could join the team" Natasha says, entering the room with Hawkeye, Cap, Bruce and Tony.
"What use would I be to the team? You're the AVENGERS!" I would die in a second, I would be in the way. What are they thinking?!
"With your power, Thanos could be defeated?" Bruce says.
"What power?" I scoff/laugh.
"You have a unique power, it's ah, hard to explain- don't you know? You were born with it after all..." Bruce continued.
"WHAT?! No! I don't, I'm not fighting Thanos" I say.
"Look" Bruce says, grabbing a hold of my hand.
I don't know what he does, but he does a complicated motion and a bright light beams from my hand.
"OUCH! Wait- it doesn't hurt! Where is it coming from? Is my blood and bone ok? I'm not going to die am I? I want to say bye to my brother!" I gush.
"You're not going to die, you're completely fine. This is a laser beam, an actual laser beam. It cuts through anything, it's absolutely powerful. And we could use power like this on our team. Thanos must be defeated." Clint says.
"As much as I'd love to kill Thanos, this isn't what's supposed to happen... why am I even here? I-I need to see my brother, I can't leave him by himself! How do I get home?!" I panic, looking frantically around.
"This is literally my dream, like, this isn't supposed to be real. Why does this feel so real?" I ask.
"I'm sorry, I'm over whelmed, I-i think I need to get home. As much as this is a dream come true. I need to get back to my brother..." I say taking a deep breath.
"What did I say? Stay whelmed" Loki chuckles.
"I'll walk you to your house" Loki continues.
"You don't have to" I smile.
"Oh I NEED to walk to beautiful girl home" he grins.

"LIAM?!" I call, running in to my home.
"Liam?!" I call again, entering his room.
"WOAH Y/n! I'm changing!" He shouts as I open the door.
"Oops sorry! Lock the door next time" I laugh, relieved. When I look back outside, Loki was gone.
Was it really not real?

I turn around and lock the door with a sigh.
I go to the fridge to get food, grabbing my favourite and closing the door. I look up and-
"OH MY GOSH WHAT THE-" Loki stands there. "Hi" he laughs.
"HELP!" I scream.

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