A New Look || Clint Barton x Reader

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I smirk as I enter Clint's room. He was out training the twins, said to be back in an hour but come on, with Pietro he'll be gone for another 2.
I sneak up to his bow and arrows. I take his arrows out of the duffle bag he keeps it in. I hide them under my jacket and roll across the hall, into my room. I bring out my materials. I attach glitter bombs to the end of some. Others have Pom poms on the end. Some even have cute squeaky dogs toys stuck to the end. Hopefully my "arts and crafts" project will pay off. I grin and mindfully place them back in the bag so he wouldn't see the tips of the arrows.
I borrow one of Clint's spare suits and decide it needs an update. Black is just too depressing, so he'll be modelling pink from now on. Once it's dried I add some glitter because it was missing the wow factor. I go to put his suit back but I hear his phone buzz from the glass table it lied on. I put in the password (You and Clint are best friends so he told you the password). Tony had sent him a message. Tony asked Clint to put another spare suit in the Quinjet since Clint had used his spare the last mission.
Sometimes we don't have time to change and we change aboard the Quinjet. We all need a spare, his spare will just be a bit better than everyone else's.
I grin and text back sure to Tony. I clean his phone to get rid of evidence and board the Quinjet. Clint's uniform stands out...a lot. You grin, take a photo, and exit the Quinjet like it never happened.

Jarvis boomed through the whole Avengers tower. "Avengers! Make your way to the Quinjet immediately! We need Hawkeye, Y/H/N (your hero name), Captain America, Ironman, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch And Black Widow on the Quinjet immediately!" Jarvis calls.

I get up and leave to the Quinjet, knowing my suit will be there.
"The rest of you will be here monitoring them" Jarvis calls.
"Ok team, put on your suits we are leaving" Steve says. The Quinjet leaves base and soars to where ever the mission is. I go in first and get changed. Next Natasha, then Wanda, Pietro and soon it's Clint's turn to put his suit on.
"Cap! I cannot go out there!" Clint calls from the bathroom.
"Why?" Cap asks.
"My suit is really messed up" Clint says.
"What? Wardrobe malfunction?" Nat laughs.
"No Barton, you are going out there whether you like it or not" Tony pipes up.
"Fine but before I go out there, promise no one laughs" Clint asks before stepping out of the bathroom. Everyone struggles not to laugh. It's more his reaction to it rather than the actual suit. "Who did this?" Clint asks.
"Wasn't me" Pietro says.
"It was Y/n" Tony said.
"What? Now way" I say in defence.
"Yeah, when I texted Clint that he needed a new suit in the Quinjet, you came back immediately, Clint was training the twins and you are the only one that knows his password to reply" Tony explains.
"So? It could have been Nat, you know we are not normal people right? We know how to hack" I said.
"That's true" Wanda says.
"Never mind that, we are nearing the landing" Steve says.
"Get ready to jump" Steve says.
"Got your arrows?" I ask Clint.
"Sure do" Clint says.
"In the count of 3" Steve says.
"3...2...1..." Steve counts down. I jump off the plane. As I near the ground I open the parachute. The targets start firing bullets at us. I use my powers to block the bullets and send the bullets back their way. I hit the ground and run for cover. I quickly notice an enemy approaching my position and knock them out with my gun. Looking up, I see Clint tackling someone. They have an intense fight before Clint's got them nearly unconscious in the ground. From behind someone goes to shoot him. In a moment that would've been super cool and bad a*s, Clint whirls around and shoots the man, revealing a poof of pink glitter. Clint jumped at it's unexpected appearance, but has no time to think about it as more enemies approach him. There were arrows with squeaky toys bouncing off them and Glitter bombs going off left and right. I laughed to myself and knocked out a few.
Once we finished fighting, we checked out the ground quickly to see if their were any more of them left. We then aboarded the Quinjet and left the ground successful.
"Hawkeye! What was that all about! Explain yourself!" Steve screams.
"I thought it was pretty funny" Tony says laughing.
Steve glares at him then focuses his attention back to Clint.
"I'm not sure!" Clint says putting his hands up in defence.
"Then who did it?"Steve asks.
"It was me" I say smirking.
"Good one L/n" Tony grins.
"I hate you" Clint says glaring at me.
"You don't" I say.
"You probably right" Clint says giving up.
"Plus, it was on your dream board thing in your room" I laugh. "So I'm doing you a favor"
"You mean the hello kitty costume picture? That's there to remind me what my daughter wants to wear for Halloween"
"And now she gets to dress up as you!"

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