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"Class dismissed!"

Setting the storybook onto the seat, I walked to where the children rushed to. I watched as each of them gleefully took their shoes and putting them on. Parents come in one by one and hugged their child before thanking me and taking their leave. Some waved goodbye and others bowed ninety degrees. Seeing how cute they were, I smiled unconsciously.

I turned back, thinking I should tidy up the area and pack up for the day. I grabbed a rag and placed it under running water.


Whistling, I wiped the floor. I thoroughly enjoyed my job although it was tiring and energy draining. There was something about it that made me feel satisfied and proud.

Suddenly, I noticed a small figure sitting in the shoe rack area. It was motionless and it's back faced me.


The child turned his head to the direction of my voice.

"Yes, Seonsaengnim?"

"Why are you sitting there?"

"I'm waiting for my parents. They'll be late.. I'm being a bother, aren't I? I'll wait outside."

The child got up in a quick motion and was about to open the door. He stopped when I called for him again.

"Minyul! No no. What I meant is that you can sit here not there. It's near the door and cold. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

Minyul became embarrassed and took his shoes off. I sat at the one of the tables and sat down. He walked nearer to where I was and sat next to me.

"Are you hungry or do you want something?"

"No thank you Seonsaengnim."

"Call me... N. The letter we learned today! Was English lesson fun today?"

"Yes! Nine starts with N and I like the number nine because it's the biggest number."

"Haha yes. Well, tomorrow there'll be a Maths lesson and you'll learn that there are even bigger numbers."

I made a big circle with my arms to exaggerate how wide the range if numbers were. Minyul seemed really interested and his eyes sparkled at the new information.

"But I still like nine. It reminds me of Taekwoon! A big person to care for a small person."

"Taekwoon seems nice."

"Yes! My parents are always busy, and so is Taekwoon, but he always makes time to accompany me."

"That's nice of him."

"Um." He nodded his head firmly before continuing, "I really love Taekwoon. There was one time I was very upset about something. Hyung tried many methods to cheer me up. I actually felt better after a while! Of course, I tried not to show it so he could continue making funny faces and giving me ice cream."

Both of us laughed uncontrollably as we visualized the whole situation. I couldn't help but think to myself how much of an intellectual this child was.

"MINYUL! I'm here."

The two of us stopped laughing almost instantly. I snapped my head to the entrance where I saw Taekwoon panting heavily as he opened the door wide. He had on a very worried expression and beads of perspiration formed on his forehead. He walked in slowly, took off his shoes and came towards us.


Minyul pushed himself up and ran towards Taekwoon. I got up too and stepped closer. Taekwoon kneeled and propped one knee up to get to Minya's height. He opened his arms and hugged his nephew tight as he shut his eyes.

"You're safe. Thank God."

Taekwoon stroked Minyul's back gently. His actions and behavior showed so much affection that I would have thought he was the child's father had I not known the relation.

"Don't worry hyung. I was talking with N. And we were just talking about you too!"

Taekwoon opened his eyes and stood up. He bowed ninety degrees and spoke once more.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for the trouble."

Seeing the top of Taekwoon's head, his hair was so curly and looked so soft. Resisting the temptation to do something I may regret, I quickly dismissed the thanks and grabbed his shoulders to pull him up.

"It's ok. I had fun talking with your nephew."

"I hope he didn't cause much trouble."

Minyul pouted and tugged Leo's suit jacket. I watched the sight in front of me as Taekwoon looked down at Minyul and ruffled his hair.

"Nope. He is well mannered and very intelligent."

I noted how Taekwoon didn't show much change in expression. Subtle but a smile was definitely there. His eyes sparkled in absolute adoration.

"Okay, it's getting late. We have to get going. Thank you so much for your help. Goodbye... Say goodbye Minyul."


Minyul smiled at me before his face contorted into a different expression, one I could not fathom. He then ran up to me, putting his finger to his lip, gesturing to me to keep what he shared a secret. I extended my pinkie and I promised him. Taekwoon seemed confused but Minyul quickly grabbed his hand and waved goodbye. Taekwoon seemed curious but Minyul pulled him towards the shoe rack.

After wearing their shoes, Taekwoon opened and held the door for Minyul to go out. Taekwoon turned back slightly and looked at me once more which made me smile in response.

Another satisfying day. Great job Hakyeon!

With that thought in mind, I switched all the lights off, locked the doors and headed back home.

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