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**Warning: Chapter include seizure/epilepsy content.**

"Whenever I miss you I hope I can see you someday. Just like how miracles are written in the movies."

"Whoa Jae-gi, you sound good."

Wonshik pulled his and Jaehwan's clasped hands nearer to him and planted a small kiss. Jaehwan continued humming as he drove but I didn't dismiss how red Jaehwan's ears became.

We were heading back to the under-developed district to meet Mimic. Having been here once, I was less tense going into the notorious area. The only thing that really bothered me was despite the amount of money they made, no improvements were done for the community. There seemed to be a reason for it but I couldn't seem to put my finger around it.

In the far distance, I spotted a group of children playing something on the ground. I would be lying if I said it didn't pain me to see that there were young girls and boys in this environment.

As the car drove nearer to them, I observed that the group started dispersing and running away while a child had his eyes closed while bouncing up and down. I assumed they were playing tag. But as I thought more about it, something was off.

The children. Their expressions wasn't right. They weren't excited. They were scared. But why?

"Jaehwan, stop the car."


Taekwoon placed his hand on my leg, concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Stop the car."

The car halted abruptly, so much so it screeched loudly. The adrenaline coarsed coarsed through my veins and I quickly left the car, sprinting towards the opposite direction.


Thankfully, we weren't too far and within seconds, I was with the child. There he was convulsing uncontrollably and he seemed unresponsive. I quickly loosened his clothing around his neck.

By then, Taekwoon had found us.

"I'll get Ken back here."

I looked around for something to prop under his head. Noticing a small cushion on a makeshift cardboard bed, I decided to use it.

Applying what I was taught, I turned his body to the side to let the bubbling, that was forming, spill out of his mouth to keep his airways clear.

I looked at my watch to check for the time he was in this episode. Roughly a minute so far.

After a few moments, Jaehwan and Wonshik finally pulled up.

"How are we going to move him?"

I looked at my watch. A minute and a half.

"The seizure might reoccur. Wait a few more seconds. It typically stops within minut-"

My sentence was interrupted when the child started getting up.

"Hey, can you hear me? Are you feeling alright?"

The boy looks in a distance and was blank.


He finally looks at me but still dazed.

"Do you want us to call your parents?"

The child ponders before looking around him once more.

"No. Hyung."

"You want us to call your brother?"

The child nods his head.


"What's his number?"

Ravi starts to dial a few numbers but the child seemed to become fully alert.

"010 812... Thank you but I think I'll go now."

With that, he got up and started to run away.


Jaehwan shouted as he tried to get the child back but it was too late. The child was out of sight.

Taekwoon came to my side and helped pull me up on my feet. My heart hammering against my chest as the adrenaline in my veins were still kicking. Taekwoon noticed this and thankfully rubbed my back, trying to calm me down, as we continued on our journey.

When we got there, the men stationed in that area seemed on guard. There were no guests around and eyes were on us once again.

Mimic was sitted and gestured at the vacant couch in front of him. He seemed nonchalant and vigilant at the same time. Taekwoon and Jaehwan sat on the couch while Wonshik and I stood by the couch.

"Hello Leo and... Guests, what do you have for me today?"

Taekwoon cleared his throat before speaking.

"Let me get straight to the point, I want to leave the organisation."

Mimic sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Like I said the last time, it comes with consequences."

"I think this will change your mind."

Jaehwan placed the thumb drive on the coffee table and slid it towards Mimic.

"A copy of all the slush funds and all the receipts of blackmail you have given to me. It would land you in jail for at least... Five years?"

Mimic's stare lingered for a second before he uncrossed his legs.

"So what if I do get thrown in jail? Someone will take over me. In any case, you will be sent too."

Taekwoon laughed at the thought.

"True, but you will also revoke the license to continue your business wherever your network has stretched out too. It also seems that my associates think I've been undercover all these while."

It definitely stroke a nerve as Mimic exclaimed.

"How could you!"

Mimic shot out of his chair and started to snarl because he finally learnt that Taekwoon kept evidence and had a solid backup plan. Taekwoon smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"My words and actions seem to mean more to the government then a supposedly authorised document."

At that remark, Mimic swung a punch at Taekwoon. Standing at an advantageous position, I caught his fist just before it hit Taekwoon and overturned Mimic immediately. His men started to move forward instantly. However, they jerked to a stop when a child spoke.


We all stopped and looked towards where the voice was from. Behold, there at the door was the boy from earlier. However, he wore a different set of cleaner clothes. I let go of Mimic to which he quickly adjusted himself.

"Min-ah, out of the room."

Mimic sounded strict and there was something about it that sounded like affection. Min responded by pouting.

"But hyung, you were going to teach me!"

Only now did the boy glance at us. Somehow recognising us and realising his brother had guests, he bowed and held the door knob.

"Oh, you're Hyung's guests. Thank you for earlier. Hyung, I'll wait in the study then."

As soon as Min left, Taekwoon interjected.

"Why not take up option B?"

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