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"Are we here?"

Hakyeon asked as the car stopped at the sidewalk. Jaehwan nodded and we cautiously got out of the car.

We were in a much deeper and shadier area of the outskirts of the city where the gang centered at. Even though I had only came twice before this visit, I could still never fully shake the intense sensation of blood-lust. 

I looked past the car and saw Hakyeon's guarded expression. Without a doubt, he was tense from the unfamiliar surroundings. I signed unconsciously as my mind wandered to how I tried to get him to stay behind. Despite my countless warnings and pleas, he still ignored them and chose to stay by my side during this meeting.

"Let's go."

I walked ahead and led the way for both of them. When we reached the entrance, the two guards glared at us, pulled out their knives and watched us carefully.

"Hymn Mimic."

Upon hearing the secret code, the guards move to the side and allowed us through. As we went down the stairs, the musty smell became stronger and was still distinguishable even though they used a strong perfume to cover it. Since this was one of the main hubs, the room was filled with funky club lights and a bar with stolen alcohol. It was also not surprising to see the main leader on a throne right in the middle of the room.

As soon as all three of us reached the bottom of the stairs, all the activity stopped and everyone turned to stare at us. The main leader, Mimic, smiled and kicked one of his waiters away to get to where I was. I winced at the sight as the waiter scrambled to the back room. When Mimic reached my side, he instantly flung his arm around my shoulder.

"Leo! How great to see you here. How are you, old friend?"

"Great. I'm here to speak to you in private."

Mimic moved in front of me as he looked over my shoulder to see the company I had brought. Then, he opened his hand and pointed towards the inner office.

"Sure! You can call your friends in too. I'm sure they would be delighted to join us."

The way he said it made me nearly recoil as I could read the layers of evil and hidden intent behind his words. Moving into the inner office was one of the things we were watching out to not do. But it seemed the conditions made it impossible to avoid doing so. Remembering Hakyeon's words to breathe and keep calm, I pressed on and walked in the direction he gestured.

As soon as we entered the office, the door was shut and a muscular bodyguard stood in front of it. Seems like we won't leave too easily.

"So what business do you have with me, Leo?"

"I want to leave this organization."

Mimic smiled slowly as he could not mask his surprise. He glanced towards Hakyeon before replying.

"Your directness is refreshing. You've never spoken at all until today. Did your new pet teach you that?"

I clenched my fists as I tried to not refute back at him.

"After the recent occasions of happenings, I have decided that I did not want to be apart of this."

"Recent happenings? Ah, you mean our attack to warn you Leo?"

Mimic smiled as he admitted that the attack was his doing. It was so sickening how proud he was and he seemed to think of the whole situation like a game. Did he not understand how dangerous it was?

Jaehwan slid a document onto Mimic's table and Mimic laid back into his chair.

"This is the last task that we had completed for you. With our completion, it will also mark Leo's departure from this org-."

"I believe I've told Leo that departure from this organisation means total silence."

I had explained to the rest about total silence. It meant that one would be put to death, receiving complete farewell and the organisation ensures the person never speaks a word again. Mimic knows about it because he was the one that came up with that policy after all.

"Leo was never part of the organisation in the first place."

Hakyeon's voice rang loud and clear in the room. The tension somehow grew even more so that it became harder to breathe. Mimic's eyebrow raised slightly and I could tell he was amused by Hakyeon's actions. Mimic harshly spat.

"What do you mean, Pet?"

"Like you've said, he never spoke at all. Neither has he signed any documents making his presence in this organisation official. Despite his participation in certain events you have asked for his assistance in, he was never actually in the organisation. If anything, he was just a service you reached out to."

Mimic smiled. He knew Hakyeon was right but Mimic was determined to shackle me into this organisation to further exploit with whatever means.

"Interesting. Then, what is this document I have here?"

Mimic threw a paper airplane in Hakyeon's direction. Hakyeon grabbed it and unfolded it. Hakyeon read the full document and his eyes widened. Jaehwan went over and snatched the paper to look at it. His face fought to remain expressionless as well.

"I can tell this document is faked."

Mimic shrugged.

"The organisation deals with some fancy things that the law would not agree with. Why wouldn't we not trust a piece of paper that shows one's official position?"


"Hey Leo. Your pet is a little feisty. You better leave before the others want to play with him."

I clenched my jaw as I weighed my options. It was too risky with too many of his men in the club near our only exit. We still had one more thing up our sleeves we could rely on. So, I decided leaving was the best thing for now.

"Don't worry. We are leaving."

I walked towards the door but just before stepping out I added.

"Just like you've given your warning, we have given ours too."

With those final words, I spun on my heel and we left that horrid place.

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