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"Merry Christmas!"

Hyuk and I shouted when we stepped onto the doorstep of Taekwoon's parents' house. Minyul's smile widened and kept asking to be carried. I passed the gifts to Hyuk and bent down to carry Minyul on my shoulders. I turned my attention to Minyul when Hyuk became engrossed conversing with Taekwoon.

"I can see that Minyul's becoming bigger hm?"

"Yes!! I want to grow big so I can be like Santa giving gifts to people to spread happy."

"Oh wow, you want to spread happiness? That's a nice wish." I acknowledged.

I walked carefully down the stairs towards the function room. Apparently, Taekwoon's parents had a fireplace built in specially for this year's christmas party so it was held in the lower floor.

Thinking back, celebrating christmas was initially just with my family. Then, the last few years was with Hyuk or the children at the childcare. This year, we were having such a huge gathering with all my beloved friends and our families.

Without a doubt, I was excited. It might also be the reason why I had splurged, maxed my budget and prepared everyone's gift a few weeks in advance.

"You seem really enthusiastic about christmas."

"Mrs Jung! It's been so long since I last saw you. How have you been?"

I set Minyul down to hug Mrs Jung.

"Fine as a housewife can be. I've heard you recently got an award for best teacher at the Early Childhood Agency! Congrats!"

Taekwoon came to my side and clapped softly.

"How did you find out?"

"I have my sources." Taekwoon smirked.

"It's nothing to be bashful about. I'm sure your parents and this guy here is proud of you."

Taekwoon's ears grew red as I grabbed my neck in embarassment. Wanting to move on, I thanked her for the commendation.

"Do you need help? I'll come right to the kitchen."

I pulled up my sleeves and got ready to help out. But, Mrs Jung placed her hand on my arm and stopped me from walking.

"No, thank you dearie. Take a seat and let me play host. Afterall, you should spend time with Nemo. It's your first time meeting him after a while isn't it?"

Taekwoon pulled my sleeves back down while I stayed in my thoughts. I was nervous to see Nemo and worried if he even remembered me. Honestly, wanting to help was also an excuse to put my mind off things. Seeing Mrs Jung's expression and knowing that she meant well, I decided to listen to her.

"Oh alright. But just shout for me and I'll come to you."

"I will." She laughed and quickly changed her demeanor to get things done.

"Let's head outside."

Taekwoon grabbed me from behind and shifted my direction towards the main living room once more.

We stayed there with Taekwoon's nephew when, after some time, the door rang. I decided to greet the new visitors and in came in Daehyun and his friends.

Minyul recognising them, rushed up, trying to get them to play with him.

"Whoa now that he has grown he is ignoring his brother and teacher."

I faked my disappointment. Taekwoon chuckled and hugged me as we watched on. The six of them were fascinated by Minyul's antics that they spent the whole afternoon with him.

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