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The restaurant we were in was dimly lit creating a comfortable ambiance. However, that was definitely not what I was feeling.

Under Taekwoon's intense stare, I felt uneasy. The menu was not enough to shield me. In addition, he sat directly north of me in the small secluded booth we were at, maintaining eye contact. Minyul sat close on my right and Ken was present too, on Taekwoon's left. Somehow, they were both oblivious to the situation.

Breaking the silence, Ken called for the waiter, who smiled back in acknowledgment. Her ponytail swayed from side to side as she proudly walked towards us.

"Good evening, what would you like to order?"

"One Beef Bolognaise Kids meal. One Tomato-based Baked Dory Rice. And.."

Ken looked over at Leo and me for our orders. Realising I didn't decide what I wanted, I quickly scanned the menu and pointed to the cheapest and most substantial dish they had.

"One Mushroom Chicken Aglio. And for you sir?"

"Make that two."

"Sure, I'll be back with your orders."

Ken played with Minyul as Taekwoon continued to scrutinize me. Suddenly, my gut feeling told me that Ken was deliberately occupying Minyul's attention so that he would not disturb whatever Taekwoon needed to do. It was obvious from the way they were acting that it involved me but there was no further action done yet.

I looked into Taekwoon's eyes. It was not obvious but he was surprised that I dared to do so. I noticed how his eyes held such a rich caramel color. Glazed. So deceivingly sweet as it hid so many other emotions. His gaze softens a little but still had the same intensity.

"Go ahead."

Ken glanced at me for a brief moment from my unexpected words. Taekwoon furrowed his brows in confusion before putting his hands together in a praying position under his nose.

"Don't tell me you came without a plan."

Taekwoon's eyes widen so quickly it was gone in a second. The surprise was evident and I caught it before he hid it.

"How do you know what I want to talk about?"

"It's an easy assumption. You're not the type to do something without a purpose. With your status, as well as your actions towards Minyul suggesting a level of protection is needed, you most likely invited me for dinner to dig deeper into what was not answered in my 'X-File'? Of course, I'm just guessing but it seems I'm quite right."

Ken was about to interject something when the waitress came with a tray of drinks.


"You're welcome."

The lady tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and smiled sheepishly.

"And he's good with the ladies too. Wow! Fantastico!"

Ken remarked as he clapped for a short while before Taekwoon shot his hand out onto Ken's arm and pulled it down to stop him.

"She's a trainee and she's doing well. Most people would like their hard work to be appreciated. A simple 'thanks' helps a lot. Keeps us motivated too."

"Tell that to Taekwoon over here and knock some sense into him."

Needless to say, that earned Ken a smack on his head.

"Why do you keep changing facades?"

"You mean like the sides I portray or having a false outward appearance?"

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