All sorts of thoughts were running through my mind. Knowing just a few moments earlier, Hakyeon was so disturbed.

He was sitting near the aisle with Hyuk, some of Minyul's friends and mothers from the childcare. Fortunately, my view was not blocked so I monitored N's expression from time to time.

N had a smile on his face all the way. A tight one I could tell. He kept clenching his hands together and his thumb caressed his other hand. It looked as if he was trying to comfort himself.

When the ceremony ended, some of the guests continued to eat and others walked around to mingle. Personally, I only had one thing on my mind. N seemed tenser than he was earlier and I was honestly, worried. I stood up trying to get to N.

Before I reached him, he slipped away into the crowd and I couldn't see him anymore. I scanned the crowd intensely, catching Ken's attention.

"Taekwoon, what's wrong?" Ken ran to me as he notices me in distress.

"Where's Hakyeon?"

Ken looked around. Not being able to find N, Ken texted somebody and I followed him when he walked over to Hyuk.

"Hyuk-ssi, have you seen Hakyeon?"

Hyuk stopped talking to Hongbin and they both turned their attention to us.

"Hyung? He is right he-... Well, was."

"Mr. Jung, why are you looking for Hakyeon hyung?"

"There was a lady earlier he reacted very strongly to. Do you know who she is? Hakyeon didn't seem quite right either before he disappeared."

"A lady?" They said in unison.

On cue, the same lady came towards our direction.

"Her." I pointed.

Instantly, Hyuk and Hongbin's faces changed and were very serious.

"That's his sister."

N's expression from the dinner flashed through my mind. This life I'm stuck with hurts me daily.

"I have to get to him now," I announced, startling the men with my tone.

Ken's phone beeped and he quickly showed me the notification from a guard.

'Sir, he was last seen exiting unto the balcony on the third level in the right wing.'

Next thing I know, I was running down the corridor. I tried to remember the layout of this property and thankfully found a shortcut from the hall, which was probably how N ended there. In a matter of minutes, I reached the door leading to the balcony.

The door was slightly left ajar. I stepped onto the balcony and closed the door. I could see N's silhouette against the dark purple and pink hues of the sky. His tie was discarded on the floor and he was leaning over the railing, breathing deeply.

I went over swiftly and unbuttoned his top buttons from over his shoulders. I patted his back and N continued his breathing routine.

I stayed silent throughout, unsure of what I should say. I watched the side of his face as beads of perspiration rolled down past N's tightly closed eyes. There was a tug at my heart as I realize how much he must have gone through that he was reacting this way.

After a while, his attack subsided. N straightened his back and giggled.

"You know some of my worst parts now, huh."

"You mean your first two buttons?" I rushed to reply, making N laugh even louder.

"You silly kitten."

Hearing the unfamiliar pet name, I felt blood rush to my cheeks and bent down to pick up the tie.

"Everyone would want to see you're alright."

N smiled and buttoned up his shirt. I went closer to him and tied his tie for him.


"Are you really okay to get back in there? I could make some arrangements to get them away or you could see Minyul and rest for the day."

N reached out to hold the door for the two of us. Then, he shook his head when he held the door open. We started walking back slowly to the hall.

"There's no need. It seems like she's your mother's friend."

Thinking back, my mother did respond to the older lady's calls of 'unnie'. I don't recognize that lady so she's probably also not a relative of mine.

"Alright, but you have to let any of us know if you don't feel well."

N turned his head and silently stared at me. I was confused and was about to ask him what was the matter. However, he broke into a smile and nodded assuringly, stopping me.

Just before the ushers opened the door for us to enter back in, he whispered to me.

"Sentō e." Into combat? Oh...


Seeing an unfamiliar man next to the infamous Leo, multiple heads turned to us. N leans in.

"Did you do something too for everyone to react like this?"

"Nothing much."

N nodded once more with understanding. Thankfully, a loud voice broke the attention we were getting.


Minyul ran towards us with Ken, Hyuk, and Hongbin, who all had relieved expressions, walking behind him. N immediately squatted and stretched his arms wide to embrace the boy. N picked him up and swirled him once.

"Hello, birthday boy! Enjoying yourself?"

My nephew nodded his head really fast and proudly praised himself.

"Seonsaengnim, I also wore my clothes all by myself."

"You did very well. Ah, Hyuk can you pass me the bag?"

N set Minyul down on the floor before Hyuk passed the paper bag over. N got to the boy's level and told him to open it.

Minyul gleefully opened the bag and dipped his head in. When he lifted his body back, he took the gift out and I could see how his eyes glittered brightly at the sight of the gift - a miniature carousel music box.

The fact that N and Minyul only talked about the carousel once. Yet, N had remembered it for almost three months back made this a very significant gift to Minyul.

"Thank you Seonsaengnim!"

"You can wind this little thing here to start it."

Minyul quickly winded the handle and the music box started. The horses moved up and down like the actual thing and he got mesmerized by that movement.

"Here, try this." N pointed at a small button at the top of the carousel.

Minyul listened and pressed it. Lights turned on and the object lit up. He was so surprised that he started to jump up and down and trace the light.

"I didn't have the chance to bring you to see the carousel at night so I brought one to you. Happy birthday, Minyul-ie."

N raised his hands and ruffled Minyul's hair gently. The rest of us kept smiling at the precious scene that had just unfolded in front of us.


All of us turned to look and it was the last person we expected - N's mother.

Happy Mother's Day! To all mothers in the world and mother-like roles like Cha Eomma. Without them, we, children, wouldn't have been born, nurtured and there wouldn't be someone looking over our well-being as much as they do haha.

Thank you so much for your patience for this new update. I have so many graded assignments due and there is limited time to do them all. Can you believe I'm submitting a piece tomorrow worth 40% of my module?

I'll tell you something special though; I got inspired to write about VIXX with a childcare teacher concept before my major examination last year because I was confirmed a spot in my current course - Child Psychology and Early Education!

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