I signed paperwork after paperwork and spent hours but the stack on my table never seemed to decrease. Ken was standing at the side of the table checking my progress. Over time, he seemed more tired so I told him to take a seat instead. He willingly complied knowing I would still not cut some slack or give neither myself nor him a break.

A buzzing sound rang through the office and I dismissed it, not wanting anything to affect my hundred percent attention. However, Ken seemed bothered by it. He started glancing towards me and back to the files more frequently.

"Hyung, it's yours."

I stopped flipping the document I had in my hands and reached for my phone in my jacket. The screen had a familiar name and I knew what this was for.

"Ken, get the car ready."

"Yes sir."

We both got up and started walking to the car. I tapped my phone to answer the call.

"Again sister?"

"Yeah, the flight is delayed. Sorry."

"Like I said, I'm fine spending more time with Minyul but you should be saying that to him not me."

"I know."

Having had enough of my sister, I hung up the phone and slid into the car. Ken was ready and started speeding safely towards the childcare centre.

I glanced at my watch and noticed this time was much later than most. I slightly hoped the teacher would be there. He had an interesting character and I was seriously so grateful.

Every since that first time, whenever Minyul hasn't been picked up by his parents or me, N would be by his side. Apart from that, it seems Minyul has taken a liking to this teacher that he compliments him non stop and tells me about their daily talks.

In just a few minutes, we arrived at the childcare centre. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw all the lights still on. When I opened the door, both of them were so engrossed that none of them noticed my entry or registered the bell ringing.

"And then he took me to the carousel! There were so many horsies; black ones, white ones and pink ones. I really liked the white one with a flower on its ear!"

"Oooo~ I can understand why you enjoyed it. My favorite is at night with all the lights on. It's very pretty!"



I started chuckling at their exchange which made them sense my presence.


"Hey Taekwoon."

"Hi both of you. What stories were shared this time?"

"The theme park in Japan! N says the carousel looks really pretty at night, can we go once soon? Pleaseee~"

"Ok ok, one of these days. It's getting late and I'm sure N is tired so let's go."

Minyul pouted at my response and puffed his cheeks as he hung his head low. N smiled and consoled him by saying how they'll talk more the next day.

Seeing how sad Minyul was didn't surprise me but somehow it affected me greatly. What surprised me most was what I said after.

"N, why not we send you home?"

N widened his eyes at my initiation as if not expecting that from me. To be honest, I wasn't either. Minyul started clapping and jumping up and down in glee.

"Yes! Yes! Seonsaengnim come with us!"

N seemed unsure and hesitant to accept. He even stared at me as if asking whether I was being serious. Minyul grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door when he did not move.

"Ok, you're coming with us. I don't want strangers to come to you with candy and sell you off on ships."

N and I started laughing at his innocence. His serious expression just made the situation even more hilarious.

"Haha alright. Let me just pack up a little and I'll go with you. Go wear your shoes and I'll be back in just a few mintues."


Minyul rushed straight to the shoe rack and started wearing his shoes himself. N grabbed my wrist, making me look at him in the eyes as he did the same once more.

"You sure it's fine? I wouldn't want to bother you."

I nodded in reassurance. The eye contact lasted a few more seconds before N let go and quickly got his stuff.

I turned back to watch my nephew as he easily tied his shoe. Although I was proud of him for being able to do so, I couldn't help but think about N. The confirmation is a really good trait that not many had, especially when he did a double take on it.

Shortly afterwards, we left the childcare centre. Ken was still in the car and went out to open the door. He bent slightly to talk to Minyul.

"Minyul, how are you?"

"Uncle Ken! I'm good. Meet N! W're sending him home so he doesn't get sold off."

Ken became very serious and looked at me. I shook my head before he noticed N following behind. He quickly ushered us into the car because of the steadily dropping temperature. I sat with Minyul behind and N sat with Ken at the front.

"N-ssi! The wheels on the bus go round and round and all through town~ May I have your address?"

N started chuckling and gave Ken his postal code. He keyed it into the GPS and made sure everything was alright. Next, Ken started the heater before driving off.

Minyul continued talking about his experience at the theme park for most of the journey until he fell asleep about twenty minutes in. The car ride was silent and the atmosphere felt slightly awkward.

"What does your work require you to do?" N asked.

"Paperwork, meeting clients and etc. Typical businessman job scope." I replied.

Although it was what I did, it wasn't everything. N was not someone who should know much about this sector of work. Definitely not with his personality and lifestyle.


At his response, I raised my brow. I looked at the front mirror to watch what he was doing. His expression was mostly unreadable but he seemed to want to say something. Ken glanced at me and I ignored him like I normally do.

"Ken-ssi. You can drop me off here."

Ken stepped on the brakes and unlocked the door. He was about to get out to open N's door but N stopped him from doing so.

"It'll be fine, thanks! And thank you for the ride home. Sorry to bother you."

"No problem."

N closed the door. The expression of wanting to say something still staying on his face as he walked away. Ken was about to drive off when N suddenly tapped on the window. I brought the window down.

"Yes N?"

"Urm, I didn't know how to bring this up to you but you may want to do something about the gloves in the compartment at the door. Well then, good night!"

N smiled and walked slowly back to his apartment. Since he left before I could respond, I sat there astounded. Ken was speechless as well. My eyes flicked over and saw red.

"Dispose that immediately." I sternly said.

"Yes sir. My apologies." Ken bowed his head and started driving once more.


"Yes sir?"

"Bring me N's I-file. I need to review it thoroughly this time. Personally."

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