Chapter Three

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Deanna's P.O.V

            It was weird to have someone care after not having that most of your life. Once we were in his house and the door was closed. "What happened!!!" Austin yelled making my jump like 3 feet in the air. "sorry, i didn't mean to startle you. I'll go get the first aid kit and when i come back can you tell me what happened back there?..." I nodded and he lead me to the living room ad to the couch. Once he left the room i started to hum For The Love Of a Daughter BY Demi Lovato. By the time Austin came back i was softly singing looking at my arm. My arm was covered in blood from this morning, it kind of mesmerized me. What took me out of the trance was i finished the song and Austin said softly, "you have a wonder full voice." I felt my cheeks heat up. Wait a minute did i just BLUSH. No i can't fall for him not yet at least. Thanking him he wrapped my arm up.

     My arm was wrapped up and he asked if i wanted my guitar lesson now. Of course i said yes so we went to his room. During the course of an hour i learned a lot he said i was a fast learner. I knew i was smart because of my grades in school. When we finished we just sat there talking. He is so sweet, funny, nice, and he cares about me. He never brought up my arm or my father which i was thank full for. I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I stood and started t make my way to the front door but he stopped me. "where are you going?" "I just figured since i've been here for a while i would go." "please stay for dinner, my mom will be home soon she won't mind." "I don't want to intrude." "please stay i't gets lonely just me and my mom." "OK i'll stay, thank you." He took my hand and lead me to the living room where we listened to music and talked some more.

   After about another two hours or so the front door closed and stood up quikly. Austin walked over to it and said hi. Once he came back a woman was behind him. He introduced us." Mom this is Deanna, Deanna this is my..." he never got to finish because i said "Michele." He looked shocked and confused. so i explained "i've already meet her at Starbucks. I used her phone and talked to her fr a couple minutes. He slowly nodded and asked his mom if i could stay for dinner. She instantly said yes and went to make dinner. We all walked into the kitchen and ate. After i stood and said " Thank you so much for dinner, but i best be going now." They looked at each other and nodded. Michele stood and spoke "No trouble at all dear, please stay over night you can stay in the spare bedroom if you wish." I was totally stunted. " I can't do that ,i don't want to intrude." " You aren't intruding if we request you stay." "um.. OK thank you so much." I slowly yawned and asked if someone could show me to my room. Austin was the first to say anything. He lead me upstairs to a door across from his and said that this was my room. " Thank you, for everything Austin." "No problem , but  tomorrow can you tell me." Instantly i knew i would tell him, i fell like i could trust him. "OK, will Michele be here?" " Yea i kind of want her to hear this, i think it would be good for an adult to know." "Thank you again, good night." "Good night Deanna sleep well."

   With that he left me alone to get ready for bed. I changed in the bathroom that was attached to my room, then crawled in bed. Right before i fell asleep I heard voices from the room next to me. I tried to listen but, I was to tired. The only words i heard were "Deanna, Stay, Here, Away, Father, and Yes. My mind wander and thought about why they were talking about me and what there were saying. I soon dozed to sleep with my last though being "Why did this happen"? Then I was out like a light.


     I am super sorry about the wait. So here is an update i will try to have another chapter up by... Thursday. Sorry again but i've been busy lately. I had to march in the memorial day parade. Boy was it hot to be marching like that. Anyway that's good for tonight I hope. Night everyone.

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