Chapter Eighteen

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        I woke up with tears streaming down my face. The same dream came back. The one with Austin, me and my father. It starts as a dream. Ends as a nightmare. I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face to wake me up. I jumped in the shower. I washed my body and half way through rinsing my hair there was a knock at my door. I speed rinsed my hair and got out. I wrapped my self in a towel. I was walking to the door when they knocked again. "Who is it?!" "It's me Sarah! Can I come in?" "Can you give me a minute I just got out the shower." "Okay but hurry up." I looked through my closet. I chose a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, a black cardigan ,and my original converse. I quickly got dressed and opened my door. "Sarah! You can come in now." Footsteps came running up the stairs. It sounded like more than just Sarah. Never the less she came around the corner alone.

        "Hey come on." We walked inside but she left the door open just a crack. I sat down at my desk and grabbed my brush. "Is something wrong? Why did you want me to hurry?" I asked while brushing my hair. "Nothings wrong. I just wanted to hang out today." I pulled my hair back with a Bobbie pin and spun around. "Okay. What you want to do?" She looked at the door then back at me. "We should just listen to music and talk. We still need to get to know each other." "Alright you can pick a song. I'm going downstairs to get an apple for breakfast. Be back." I stood up. "No! No you pick the song I'll get the apple." Before I said anything she jumped up and ran out the room. "Okay then?" I walked over to my phone and hit shuffle. I left it on my desk so we will be able to hear each other. "I'm back." Sarah threw me the apple and plopped on my bed. "Hey. Why are you acting so weird?" She looked at the door and back at me. "I'm not acting weird. Anyway lets talk." "Okay. So whats up." "Nothing new. Alex walked into the wall this morning. The normal." I giggled. "Wow. He does that Lot huh?" She nodded. "What's new with you huh? Excited for the tour?" I nodded. "Yea! I'm having a war inside of me right now. I'm happy, scared, nervous, excited,. I'm confused. A lot is in my brain." She nodded. "Say the first thing that comes to your mind when your confused." "Austin." I think I said that a little to quick because she laughed.

        "What about him?" I sighed. "I have no clue. Him in general. Aren't all guys confusing?" She laughed "Yea that's true." I sighed. "I know he isn't but I fell like he is messing with my mind." She stopped laughing as soon as I said that. "Him messing with your mind? Explain." "Uh. In the beginning I told myself not to fall for him. The more I was around him the harder I fell. I can't help it! Now that we are going on tour. So many girls will be at his feet. He will be able to have any girl in the world. When that happens I will be a thing of the past. He will move on and I will be broken. In the hospital you all thought I was going to die. He was no different. I woke up when he kissed me. Laugh all you want but he kissed me. Now I'm confused as fuck." She looked.... a mix of things. She looked sad, angry. happy. I think I confused her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell all of that." She shook her head. "No. Don't be. I'm glad you told me." She looked back at the door. "Uh? Sarah is something at the door?" I slowly got up and walked to the door. "NO! NO ones at the door!" I opened the door and she was right there was no one. I closed the door and walked back to the bed. "Are you alright Sarah? Your acting a little funny today." "Yea... we should go shopping." I nodded. "Okay but I still havn't got my first paycheck. So I can't buy anything." "Alright lets go." I nodded and once we were out I shut my door. "I'll meet you in the car I'll only be a minute." She nodded and ran down the stairs. I knocked on Austins door. "Come in." I slowly opened the door and walked in. "Hey. I just wanted to let you know Me and Sarah are going out for a while. I don't know when I'll be back." He nodded. "Okay have fun." I nodded and walked out. He seems a little down.

        Sarah was driving and we went to the mall. Since I can't buy anything Sarah put on a fashion show of what she liked. Right now she was in the changing room and I was walking around. Then I saw them. They were white, red, and black high tops. I walked over and grabbed them. "I need theses. It is meant to be. There in my size." I looked around for a manager lady. I couldn't find anyone so I went back to the changing room. I brought the shoes with me. I can't risk someone taking them. Sarah was putting things back on the racks. "Oh what are those." She asked pointing to the shoes in my hand. "The only thing I'm buying today. I need them." "They are pretty cool. They would look great on you! Lets go your getting those!" She dragged me and what she was getting over to checkout. She paid for the shoes. "Sarah! I'm paying you back for these when I get payed." She shrugged and we walked back to the car. We were jamming out in the car to whatever was on.

        She dropped me off at the house. I walked up the steps and waved to her. She waved back and drove off. I walked inside and it was quiet. I cautiously walked to my room. I locked the door behind me. I walked to my closet and put my new shoes in the back so you can't see them. I don't want someone to come in here and ruin them. It was just starting to get dark and I had nothing to do. The sun was just setting so I grabbed my guitar and walked to the kitchen. Out the back door to were me and Austin were last night. I sat down and put my guitar on my lap. I like being alone sometimes. I was watching the sun set and the sky turn to darkness. I started to sing once the stars came out.

       "Quarter in a payphone. Drying laundry on the line. Watching Sun Tea in the window. Pocket watch tellin' time. Seems like only yesterday I'd get a blank cassette. Record the country countdown 'cause I couldn't buy it yet."  I sung and played the whole song watching the night sky. I felt like I was being watched when I was finished. I turned around when I heard someone clap. "OH! Gosh Austin you scared me." I set my guitar down and he sat next to me. "That was great. What song is that?" "Automatic by Miranda Lambert." He nodded and looked up at the stars. "How long were you watching me?" He looked back at me. "I was watching the whole time." "Wait. I didn't feel like I was being watched until I was done." He nodded. "Music helps distract you. That will help on tour." I nodded and picked up my guitar. "That is one of the songs I want to sing." "Okay. We should get inside. It's getting a little cold and your in a tank top." "I'm not cold but okay." We walked inside.

        On my way upstairs I grabbed an apple and water and crackers. I didn't eat all day and I'm hungry. I walked in and shut the door. I got changed and ready for bed. I brushed my teeth after I was done eating and turned on the T.V. I climbed into bed and watched some cooking show till I got tired. I turned off the T.V. when the door opened. "Deanna? You awake still?" I turned. "For now. What did you want?" He walked and sat on the edge of my bed. "Six days left." He looked like he was talking to himself more than me. I sat up and put my hand on his arm. "Are you okay Austin?" "Mhmm." He kissed my forehead and stood up. "Goodnight. Sleep well." "You too. See you tomorrow." He nodded and walked out shutting the door behind him. "This is why I am a confused fuck." I mumbled taking off my glasses and putting the on the nightstand. I really hope my dream doesn't come back.


I am so so so super sorry for not updating yesterday! I was so busy. I was crazy busy today also. I still have more to do. I had a little bit of time to post this so hear you go. I'm glad I got it up. Hopefully I will get another one posted by the time I leave tomorrow. Please forgive me. I apolagize for any spelling or grammer mistakes. ANYWAYS NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!

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