Chapter Twenty Seven

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        I walk out on stage with my guitar in hand. I sit on the stool and look around at all the expecting faces. I take a breath and start. "Hey everyone. My name is Deanna and I am here to sing for you all. Enjoy." I started my first song which was 'Automatic by Miranda Lambert.' As soon as I started singing an applause went over the room. I smiled and closed my eyes. The nerves calmed a bit when I couldn't see all of the people. I went back to the time when I didn't realize Austin was watching me. I put my all into this sing. It felt great to be on stage. I opened my eyes only when I finished the song. I stood up and looked around at all the cheering fans. "I'm glad you liked it. If it's okay with you I would love to sing another song." The crowd screamed and I nodded. "As you wish." This time didn't sit down. I stayed standing and was walking around. The crowd sung the chorus with me. An amazing experience I will never forget.

        I finished my second song and waved to the crowd. "Thank you! I will get on to the main attraction now. Here he is...Austin Mahone!" The crowd cheered and I jogged of stage. I walked up to Austin and pecked his lips. "Good luck. You'll do great." I smiled and ran out on stage for his performance. Someone handed me a water bottle and walked away. I downed the water bottle and watched Austin do his thing. He looked like he belonged there while I looked like a stressed ten year old! Ugh. He smiled while he sang and it warmed my heart. He finished al of his solo songs and took a drink of water. "Now I would like to bring Deanna back out for a duet. Deanna come on!" I jogged back on stage with my guitar in hand. A stage manager brought out another stool for me. We took a seat and I announced the song. "Tonight we wll be singing 'Short by Demi Lovato.' I hope you like it." We strummed and sung in harmony and rocked out solos. I'd say we did great.

        The song finished and we stood up. "We had a blast here with you all tonight." Austin spoke to the crowd. "Yes we did. Sadly that's all the time we have for now." "Good night New Jersey!" The crowd cheered and screamed as we made our way backstage. We hugged. "We did it!" He nodded. "We did great!" I nodded and we got ready to change. We headed to out separate changing rooms and changed. The stylus said I could keep the outfit so I put it in a hanger and thanked her. I was dressed in what I was before the show. I met Austin outside and we loaded back onto the bus. Once we were on the road again I checked the schedule. "Wheres the next stop?" I double checked before responding to Austin. "New York. We drive all night then we have tomorrow to explore the city. We stay the night in a hotel. The show is the next day then were off." He nodded and I sat next to him on the couch. We turned on the T.V. and the news were on. I decided I don't want to watch it so I left the room. I sat on my bed and relaxed.

         A bit later Austin came in and sat next to me. "Whats up." He looked a little worried. "Whats wrong?" He took a breath and sighed. "The police have stopped the search for your... dad. They don't have a lead on where he went." My eyes widened. "That's what he wanted. He wants everyone to stop looking stop thinking about him. Then he Will surprise everyone. Something is going to happen and I don't think it will be good." He nodded and wrapped his arm around me. "I know that. We won't stop though. We know hes out there waiting for his chance. Lets just make sure he doesn't get that chance." I nodded and leaned on to him. "You always know what to say. Wish I had that power." He shook his head. "Don't say that. If you did, even though you already do. If anything was different then you wouldn't be you." I looked up at him. "See what I mean? That is like your super power or something. Thank you though." He smiled. You two ended up snacking on some fruit and watching Netflix. A lazy day you could call it. If you excuse the vocal exercise.


Hey guys. I know that this is crazy short. I'm sorry. I am getting more busy as the days go by. I'm changing my updating schedule. This is so I can update decent size chapter one time. My new schedule is I will only be updating on Saturdays. Yes only once a week. I might update extra in there sometimes. But for now this is how it is. Thank you for supporting the story. Hope you all like it so far. Yes I have things planed, it won't stay this slow forever. Anyways NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!!

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