Chapter Seven

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        We pulled into the mall parking lot, and it was packed. We got the last parking spot I think. Austin grabbed my hand and we went in the back door. He put up his hood, put on his sunglasses. Dave was watching us very closely since he was a body guard. They dragged me into a Areopastel. I looked around and I found a Black tank top with a faded American flag, and some white shorts. Me and Austin walked out of the store and waited for Dave. Minutes later Dave walked out with a bag. I didn't think he would buy anything in there. Wait a second! "Dave!" He dropped the bag but picked it back up. "Yes Deanna?" "Can i see what you bought?" "Nope." "You bought me that outfit didn't you.?!" He nodded. " Why? I don't like having people spend money on me." "Sorry. I needed to get you something for your birthday." "Thank you Dave." We continued to walk around, but nothing caught my eye.

        I can't even remember the name of this place. This store is amazing! I love everything in it. Two things caught my eye the most out of everything. There was a stunning dress with matching heels. The dress was a light pink, It was tight fitting at the top. It went down to my knee. The bottom was a little bit of a darker pink, and it was flowy. Not puffy, flowy. The heels are actually small wedges. The straps wrap around your foot are that light pink. The other thing was a necklace. The necklace was sterling silver. It was a heart. In the middle was glass. There was a silver infinity sign and little pink gems. It was gorgeous. A hand spun me around and it was Austin. He was holding the dress and shoes in his hand. " Can you try this on.?" "um... Its an amazing dress but I don't really wear dresses." "That's OK. Still try it on." Next thing I know I am locked in the changing room. Cautiously I slipped out of my clothes and put on the dress. I stood up after putting on the shoes. Not to toot me own horn but I looked good. At least I think so. The dress showed of my curves great and it was a perfect fit.

        There was a knock on the door. "Hey Deanna are you changed I want to see." I had an idea that he would buy it if he saw it on me so I took it off. With my other clothes on I walked out with a smile on my face. He looked confused. "It didn't fit." I tried to get the smile off my face, but it didn't work. I shrugged and went to find Dave. He was there waiting for us so I waited with him. A minute later someone called for Dave so he went back inside. I felt weird like I was being watched. I just pushed it off because there were so many people here. Dave came back out followed by Austin. They both had smiles on there faces. " Hey were hungry. We are going to go to the food court and then head home." I nodded and off we went. I wasn't hungry so I didn't get anything. Austin said to eat some of his fries. So I ate like ten fries just to make him happy. We stood to leave ,but something touched my butt. I spun around to see what I least wanted. My father was standing there with his evil smirk.

         I totally ditched Austin and Dave, I ran. I knew he wouldn't hurt them we were in public. I ran to the girls washroom. Thankfully no one was in there. I sat on the counter and cried. Can't he just leave me alone! I'm eighteen now he has no power over me. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were blood shot, I was a little pale. I took off my glasses off and slashed cold water on my face. It helped a little but, not much. A loud knock on the door made me jump like 2 feet in the air. "Deanna.? Are you in there?!" I walked over to the door and was instantly pulled into a hug. I felt safe for a few seconds while the hug lasted. Austin and Dave were standing there confusion ,and concern were in there eyes. I sniffed "c-can we go home n-now?" Austin held me closer as we walked back to the car.

        This time Austin sat in the back with me. He gave me that 'tell-me-later' look. I nodded and he pulled me closer to him. I felt so warm, and safe in his arms. Is it weird that I felt that way. Once we got back in the car I saw Michele talking on the phone on the couch. We walked in as she hung up the phone. She pulled me into a hug. This is a huger family. "Deanna, Tell us what's wrong." "You know that day me and Austin went out for our jog.?" They nodded. "Well we went to Starbucks and there was someone watching me from the other side of the building. We left but I never told anyone because I didn't want to worry you guys.That night my father was watching me through the window. Then at breakfast our waitress was being a bitch, and she slapped me. I was winning the fight until they drug me out. Then today at the mall we were at the food court. My father touched me and I ran to the bathroom. That's when They found me and here we are." They looked so sad. "Deanna. You need to tell us that stuff. We can help you if you tell us." "Thanks Dave."

        Michele stood and said "Well everyone get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." I was confused but Austin rapidly shock his head no. "What's tomorrow?" I asked confused. "It's nothing to worry about, get some rest see you in the morning." With that she went upstairs. I turned to Dave and Austin and said good night. "Wait. Deanna?" "Yea Austin.?" "You trust us right? You like staying here?" " Of course to both of those. Why?" "Nothing, it's just good to know. Night." "OK? Night." I got to my room and changed. My PJ's are some black sweat pants. With a white tank top. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. All of that stuff. I was tired so I just went to bed. I turned off the light and took of my glasses. I couldn't see but, I heard the door creak open. A few seconds later I felt a warm pair of lips on my forehead. "Goodnight Deanna. Sleep well. " The door closed and I fell fast asleep.


 OK so let me know what you all think. I don't know if I should be more descriptive or more broad. But anyway what do you think Austin can do to help Deanna? You will never know! Jk you'll see. NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!

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