Chapter Twenty Four

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        I felt something move under me making me sit up. I looked around and yawned. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" My head snapped in Austin's direction. "No. I need to get ready anyway. We leave today don't we?" He nodded and stood up. I noticed his bare chest and blushed. "What happened to your shirt?" He looked down and shrugged. "I'm not sure. Since I don't normally sleep with a shirt on I guess I took it off in my sleep." He shook my head. "Strange child." He gasped and was pretending to be offended. "Well then." I laughed. Made my way to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "I'm strange too. It's not a bad thing." He was leaning in but I ducked under his arm and walked to my closet. Pulling out a pair on black skinny jeans. A red v-neck, with my high tops. I set the clothes on my bed and walked over to Austin. "I still need to get ready. Annd so do you." I spun him around a nudged him out the door. "See you in a bit." I then closed the door and took a shower.

        I wrapped my hair up in my towel while I washed my face. "Better." Quickly getting dressed I packed all of my toiletries besides my toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush. Checking in the mirror I went downstairs for breakfast. In the kitchen I grabbed and apple and cut it up. With a bowl of oatmeal I put the apple in and mixed it up. "Yum." I turned around and went upstairs with my breakfast. While eating my oatmeal and apple I did some last minute cleaning. "Done." Running back downstairs I saw Dave, Austin, and Michelle in the kitchen. "Hello." I finished washing my bowl and put it away. "When do we leave?" Austin stood up and I noticed his outfit. Red t-shirt, black jeans, and black high tops. "Uh... I didn't plan that." I looked at Austin. "Ether way, when do we leave?" "In half an hour." I nodded at Dave and turned back to the stairs. "I'm going to make a quick stop at Starbucks." Stepping up the stairs I grabbed my phone and wallet. "I'll bring it down now I guess." I slipped my backpack on and grabbed my suitcase and duffle bag. Walking down the stairs and placing them by the door. "I'll be back in time don't worry!" I yelled making sure they heard me. Closing the door behind me I breathed in the crisp May air.

        The little bell rang threw the small Starbucks. "How may I help you?" The guy asked. "'l'll take a caramel frappe please." He nodded. "Anything else? Anything at all?" He sent my a wink. I shook my head. "That's all." I looked around for a place to sit when I saw a familiar head of blonde hair. I walked over and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Sarah." Taking a seat across from her I waved. "Hey! The crew and I were going to meet you guys at the management building so we could say bye." "Okay we are leaving in.... 20 minutes. I'm glad you are." "Caramel frappe!" I nodded. "That be me." Making my way back to the counter I payed the boy and took my cup. "Thanks." Speed walking back to Sarah. "Whats on your cup?" I shrugged and looked at it. "Probably that guys number." She sighed. "He flirts with every girl that walks into this place." I nodded. "How about we leave a tip for him huh?" She looked confused. "You'll see." I grabbed a pen off the table next to us and a napkin. 'Here is your tip! Try to be More suttle next time. Do want people to get the wrong idea.' Slid the napkin to Sarah and she smiled. "I get it." I nodded. Checking the time. "I only have 10 minutes to be back. I'll see you there right?" She nodded violently. "Of course!" I laughed and stood up. "I'll give him his tip now." Sucking down the little remainder of my drink I made my way to the guy. "Tip?" He outstretched his hand and took the napkin. "Bye!" I ran out and waited for his reaction. His eyes widened and looked around before crumpling the napkin and throwing it out. I giggled. My and Sarah went our separate ways but not before having a hug.

        I made it home with 5 minutes to spare. Shutting the door behind me I saw Michelle trying to carry down her two suitcases and purse. I ran to her and grabbed the suitcases from her. "I got it." She sighed. "Thank you darling." I smiled and placed them next to mine. I walked upstairs and slipped my guitar on my back with the strap. Brushing my teeth before putting them in my bag downstairs along with my hairbrush. Dave and Austin were starting to pack the car so I went out to help. I had my guitar, my suitcase and, the duffle bag. Putting them in the car with everything else. Grabbing my backpack and one of Michelle's suitcases I repeated the process except I put my backpack on the floor of where I am sitting. "Is that everything?" I hear Michelle call from inside. "I think so." Austin and me wanted to double check our rooms so we ran upstairs. I opened my door and sighed. Checking my bathroom I grabbed my glasses cleaner I forgot to grab. Checking my room I saw a little notebook on the windowsill. Picking it up and flipping through it I decided to leave it here. I put it on my bookcase before walking to the door. Taking on more look around I walked back downstairs. On the way out I turned off the hall light. Stepping on to the porch I locked the door behind me. "That's it." I jumped in the backseat next to Austin and buckled up. Chucking my glasses cleaner in my backpack and sat back. Right then it hit me. No backing down now. I'm going on tour with my boyfriend! I'll be singing in front of hundreds of people who will probably hate me. What will happen to us? We just got together and SO many girls will want him. How would I compete with them all. Almost every girl in the world is prettier than me, skinnier than me. Ugh!

        Austin grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. "You excited?" I looked him in the eyes. "And, nervous, and scared." He nodded. "I know. I'm the same way." I sighed. I was going to say something but when I turned around to speck Austin gave me a peck on the lips. "It will be fine." I smiled at him. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and put my head on his chest. "We will be there in 10 minutes guys." We nodded. Today has been great so far. "We will be getting hotels on the way right?" Michelle nodded. "That was the first thing I made sure of. I don't know the arrangements for the rooms yet but... we will be stopping along the way." "Okay." I turned back to Austin and smiled. I really hope this lasts.


Hey guys I'm sorry for the no update Saturday and the short one today. I was really busy and I have a bit of family problems right now. I have been feeling very depressed so I am trying to get my stuff together. I'm sorry but I don't know. I will be updating on schedule from now on I promise you that. I won't let me being like this stop the story. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes I'm not at my best today. I know that. Anyways NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!

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