Chapter Sixteen

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        Mornings are always special in this house. I woke up to the smell of smoke then a yell. Oh crap! I jumped up put on my glasses and ran for the kitchen. I turned the corner and saw Alex and Sarah standing there freaking out. "What is going on!?" I ran over and grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the small fire. I looked at the guilty couple. "Uh. We tried to make pancakes. We don't know how to make pancakes." I rubbed my face. "Uh okay. Wheres Austin?" Alex shrugged. "I think he is in the shower." I nodded. "Wait a minute for everything to cool down then clean this up. When I get out of the shower I will make you guys some pancakes." They nodded and I walked up stairs.

        I walked into my room and locked the door behind me. On the way into the bathroom I grabbed some clothes and a towel. I turned on the water and got undressed. Today my bandage needs to be changed. I think I'm going to have Sarah help me. I stepped in the steaming shower. I washed my body and my hair the stepped back out into the freezing air. I dried off and threw on some yoga pants, and a mint green t-shirt with a panda on it. I brushed out my hair and pulled my bangs back with a bobby pin. I grabbed the role of whatever my arm is wrapped in and walked downstairs. All three of them were in the living room watching t.v. " I'm going to make the pancakes now. They'll be done in like 15 minutes." Then I walked to the kitchen and got all of the ingredients out.

        I put everything on the counter and got started. I mixed everything in a big mixing bowl. I spooned the batter onto the pan. I haven't done this in a while. I got ready to flip three pancakes at once. I flung the pan up and moved it around to catch all of them. "Yes. I did it!" I walked back to the stove and let the pancakes finish cooking. I repeated the process until I had 20 pancakes. "Pancakes are ready!" I set two pancake on three plates at the table. I set the butter and syrup on the table also. I grabbed one pancake and sat down with my plate. They walked in and sat down and began buttering and syruping there pancakes. (Is that a word? Syruping?) "Deanna, these are good." "Thanks Sarah. I need your help after you finish eating." She nodded and the guys just looked at each other confused. Everyone made small talk while eating. I only ate that one pancake though.

        Me and Sarah did the dishes while the guys went somewhere. I put the last dish away and grabbed the role of stuff. I grabbed her arm and brought her back to my room. "What was that Deanna?" "I want your help with changing my bandage. For my arm." She nodded I sat on my bed. "The doctor said that all I need to do is unwrap it lightly rub it with a damp cloth. Put on a little scar cream then wrap it back up." She nodded. "I'll go get the cloth be right back." I nodded and she left. I sat back and rested my hands on my stomach. I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder. My dream, my father, my mother, tour. Oh god how am I going to do that? So many people watching me. Ugh! I think I have one of the worst lives ever. Scratch that. The most unique life ever!

        "What you thinking about?" I jumped. "Oh crap Sarah! I didn't even hear you come in." She nodded at me. "Yeah I noticed that's how I knew you were thinking. What were you thinking about?" I looked down. "Everything. I don't know much right now. I know my father is in jail. I know my mom is alive. I know I want to find her. I know nothing else. Did you know that Bethany the waitress at the cafe helped him! They were fucking dating! How nasty is that. What happened to her? The police never found her." I sat up and looked at her. She shook her head. " I don't know what happened to her. That is pretty nasty though! There is one more thing you should know." I looked at her confused. "You should know that your not in this alone. You have all of us to help you through it. We all hate that you had to go through all of that crap. We are part of this now." I shook my head and looked down. "That's part of it! I pulled a lot of innocent people into my mess. I wish I hadn't! Now you are all in danger. I'm not innocent, I deserve what I got." I mumbled the last part. By now we had my bandage off and I was dabbing my cloth on my arm. "Deanna! Did you really just say that! How could you think that?! You don't deserve this. No one thinks that!" "Really?! My father, my own fucking blood turned on me! He thinks of me like that! If family thinks like that, then that's what I am really! I mean look at me! I have a permanent reminder now! Now I won't forget what I am!" I grabbed the wrap and the scar cream and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down with my back against it.

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