Chapter Twenty Two

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        I woke up on my bed with my clothes from yesterday still on. "Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?" Standing up I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and got undressed. I stepped in and washed my hair and body. Oh so carefully I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Before leaving the bathroom I washed my face. "What to wear? What to wear?" I was looking through my closet for something to wear. "Here we are." I grabbed a pair of denim shorts, a tight white tank top, and a creme colored cardigan. I put on my clothes and did my hair. My hair was in beach curls. Slipping my phone in my back pocket I made my way downstairs. For some reason I was craving a banana so I ate a banana for breakfast.

        Austin came in a minute after still in his clothes from yesterday. He didn't notice me in the corner of the room. He grabbed a banana also and started eating. I think I should let him know I'm here. I tip toed over behind him. Staying back about a foot. "Hey! Bananas are pretty good!!" He dropped his banana and playfully glared at me. Avoiding him I reached around him and grabbed another banana. I peeled it and broke it in half. I ate half and then smeared the other one on his face. He was stunted so I ran. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt more than before. Into my room I locked my door behind me. Walked to my nightstand and took another painkiller. I grabbed my converse and put them on and got ready to run.         

        Someone knocked on my door and I froze. "Deanna!? Come on out." Oh gosh. I stood up an walked to my window. I opened it and stepped out on to the ledge and turned around. "I'm going to get the key!" He walked off so I closed the window before carefully climbing down. "Close call." I walked to the front door. Ringing the doorbell before running to the back door. Knocked on that door before running back to the side and banged on the window. "He is going crazy!" I laughed before quietly walking in the front door. Into the living room and sat on the couch. I saw Austin walk by oblivious to me being inside. I think he's had enough. I sat there for two minutes till I heard stifled crying. I spun around and saw Austin walking towards the stairs. "Crap." I got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a banana. He was up the stairs at the time I got to him. "Austin! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you so bad. I hate seeing you sad!" I gave him the banana and he smiled. "It's fine. I just thought something happened to you." "I'm fine. I swear." I hugged him and I didn't want to let go.

        I knew I had to so after a while I pulled back and smiled. "Two days." He was mumbling to himself. "Yup. We leave in two days." I sighed and stepped back. "After that, you'll have anyone. I'll be broken." I mumbled before walking back to my room. I closed the door and sighed yet again. I've been doing that a lot lately. Turned on the T.V. and started watching 'Attack on Titain' I watched on episode before getting up and going downstairs. I was walking past the living room and heard Austin on the phone with someone. "I already wrote out the cards. I have everything in my room." I figured it was something to do with the tour so I kept walking. Before going back upstairs I grabbed a water bottle, crackers, and fruit. I'm weird instead of craving chocolate I crave candy, and fruit.

        That's what I did for the rest of the day. I sat in my room watching T.V. and eating some food. Of course I didn't eat all of what I brought up. Me and Sarah are currently texting. (S=Sarah, M=Me).

'S- Hey girl. What's up?        M- Nothing much. Chilling, watching T.V. , eating candy. U?

S- Same actually. Do you want to go out for a while tomorrow. We could go shopping!"        

 M- Yea! I would love to go. When?"         S- Uh... How about 10:00am tomorrow?         

M- Of course! I'll see you tomorrow. Night.         S- Night!'

        Now I have plans for tomorrow. I decided since we leave in two days I should figure out what songs I want to sing. For three hours I sat on my windowsill thinking of song ideas. For the rest of the day I was learning how to play them on the guitar. Not once did I leave my room. Avoiding human contact. I wanted time to think, alone time before tour. On tour I won't have that. People every were, I don't mind telling Dave where I am. It's the random people surrounding me. Some how I need to get over that. I'll deal with it when it gets here. We leave in two days. I need to pack tomorrow, I have my song list ready. I'm planning to be out for maybe two hours tomorrow. Just to make sure I have time to pack. I should get some sleep. That means I need to leave my room! Ugh. I grabbed the rest of the crackers and my empty water bottle. Down the stairs to the kitchen. Put the crackers away and threw out the bottle. I turned around and bumped into something. "Shit."

        "Deanna?" I looked  up to see a very dim lit Austin. "Hey." He helped me off the ground. "Why were you in your room all day?" "Oh. I was working on my song list for tour. I finished it if you want to see." He nodded. I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and handed him one. We walked to my room and I grabbed the list off the windowsill. He was scanning over the songs and smiled. "I like it. Do you have any ideas for the duet?" I smiled and nodded. "I was thinking that we could do 'shorty by Demi Lavato'. Since that song already has distinct male and female parts." He nodded. "I agree. Looks like tour is all figured out." I sighed. "Except the packing." He smiled. "Yup!" We yawned at the same time. "We should get some sleep. We are going to need it." I nodded. "Goodnight Austin. I'm sorry about before. I promise it won't happen again." He smiled. "It's fine. Goodnight Deanna sleep well." I hugged him before he left. Once he was gone I changed into my PJ's and got into bed. Set my alarm for 8:00am. I took off my glasses and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Hey guys. I had a bit more but I thought this was a good spot to end it. Sorry it is on the shorter side. This was posted super late Saturday night. Just so you know. I have nothing much to say beside that. Soooo Anyways NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!!

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