Chapter Twelve

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        You know how in your dreams you can hear and feel but can't see. When you are a sleep you can't see whats happening. In your sleep you can still feel when people touch you, hear what people say to you. Sleeping is great. When you chose to sleep that is. Having no control over your body. Not being able to move, not seeing who or what is around you. It is a terrifying thing really. Having people hold your hands and tell you to wake up. When you can't. You can't do anything. It makes you feel vulnerable, helpless. Like me.

        Once me eyes closed when we reached the hospital, nothing mattered. Not to me at the time. My father was put in prison. What I had to go through put a dangerous man behind bars. I wasn't scared to die. I'm not scared to die itself. I'm frightened of what lies for me after death. What if I do go to hell like my father said. What is heaven like? I wouldn't know until it was to late. A long while went by. My life flashed before my eyes. From the first time I saw my mom , and dad. When we were a happy family.


        I was young. Me and my father were outside in the yard. We were playing hid and go seek waiting for mom to come home. She was at work for the day. I crouched down behind the big tree in our yard to hid. My father was walking around the yard trying to find me. I was smiling, he was smiling. We were having fun. My father was walking by me and I giggled. I ran from my spot back to the house. Halfway he threw me into the air and caught me. We both started laughing. Once I calmed down I asked my father. "Daddy? When is mommy coming home?" He looked at me and shook his head. "I don't know sweetie. How about we go inside and call mommy." I nodded my head and we walked inside. He grabbed the phone and handed it to me. "Hello?" My mom answered from the other side of the phone. "Mommy! When are you coming home? I miss you." "Oh honey. I'll miss you too. I wont be coming home for a while Deanna." "Why not? Why are you not home?" "Honey. Can you give the phone to your daddy please?" I handed my father the phone. He took the phone and the nice look in his eyes vanished in seconds. It was replaced with sadness and anger. More anger than sadness. He threw the phone at the wall shattering it into pieces. "D-daddy? Where is mommy?" He looked at me and walked over. "What did you do?! How could you Deanna!?" Then he slapped me across the face. I started crying. I ran to my room and locked the door behind me. My father banged on the door yelling at me. I hid in my closet. I didn't now that would be the last time I would speak to my mother. Nor did I know that was the end of my happy family forever.


        That's when it started. When I asked my father about it he always said she died. Now as I was dieing I never saw the funeral. No funeral no wake. No nothing. It was all terrible memories of my father. The only good ones was when my mother was there. I would have remembered if I went to a funeral for my mother right. There was no memories of anything for her passing. It was like she just up and left. Like she never died. My father wouldn't lie to me about that would he. Okay maybe he would.

        I couldn't really tell what was going on. I could hear muffled voices around me. Lot's of them. I heard a couple of things clearly. "She lost to much blood." "Miracle if she come out of her coma within two weeks." What Hold up. Coma? So I'm not dead. NO let me die. He will come back for me. I know it. That is why I can hear and feel. I wish I could die. Not being able to move, talk, see really sucks. I want to so bad. I just can't. It is like having someone glue your eyes and mouth shut. Then tape your entire body down so you can't even wiggle your toes. It's not a good feeling. People are trying to talk to me. Get me to wake up. I want to but, my body won't allow it.

        Days went by and I still wasn't out of my coma. I wish I was so bad. Things need to be figured out. In my coma I've had a lot of time to think. Since thinking is all I can do. I need to figure out what my father was going to say before the sirens came. I need to figure out what happened to my mother. I need to see Austin, and the others. I need to thank them. They and the crew have come every passing day. Everyday I can hear them praying for me to wake up. I know Austin is the worst off. He always come in and by the time he leaves he is crying. I can tell everyone is hurt. I just wan to help them like they helped me. I literally wouldn't be alive without them. Austin, Michelle,Dave and the crew is all I have now. I don't know how many days exactly have passed. I think it's been about a two weeks. Maybe less.

        Today is no different so far. They all came again today. It feels good they come even when they know I'm not awake. Once everyone I guess was in the room the door shut. Tons of hands were placed on my arms and legs. Michelle's voice came over the silence. "Deanna. You have gone through a lot in your young life. You have gone through more then us all. We are proud of what you've done. Please wake up soon. We are starting to lose hope. We still have hope but it's fading. We all want you to wake. So please try." I'm trying Michelle. I need to wake up. Everyone started to cry. I even heard Dave's cries. My eyes started to water behind my closed eyelids. Don't give up on me guys. I'm going to wake up soon. I don't know how but I can feel it. Only if I could tell you guys that!

        Michelle spoke again."Time to go guys." Someone pleaded."Mom. Let me have a few minutes to myself with her please. I'll be out in a few minutes." A bunch of footsteps walked out of the room as Austin held my hand. He put his other hand on mine so my hand was closed in his. I want to look into his amazing eyes, see his smile again. Only if I could open my eyes. "Deanna? If you can hear me I want you to know some stuff." Oh no. Please no. He can't give up on me yet. I know I'm going to wake up! He kept going. "I want you to know. If you think it's your time to go. Then go ,we will understand. We will be okay. I just want you to know. I like you a lot. I really did. I never got the chance to tell you. Now that you know. I will let you go in peace. Have a good rest if you must. Goodnight Deanna. Sleep well." Crap! No, No. He thinks I'm going to die. I can't die now. I want answers.

        I heard the chair move out. I never heard a door close though. A pair of lips were placed on mine. Oh My God! Austin is kissing me! I wanted so badly to kiss back. So I did. I kissed back. How?! I'm moving.! I knew I would wake up. Austin jumped back wen I did. "AHHHH! I'm awake! Thank you god! Thank you!" That is what I yelled once I realized. I looked at Austin he looked shocked. "Oh My God! Deanna! You woke up. Never do that to us again! Never!" He ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. Everyone stormed back into the room. When they saw me they rushed over. Nurses and a doctor soon followed. They were all hugging me. "Guys-need-air!" They all let go. The doctor came over and checked me out. He told me I was in the coma for exactly two weeks. he wasn't expecting me to wake up so soon. Neither did I but I was Happy I did. Now time to find some answers when I get out of here.

        They said I could go home tomorrow. The crew had to leave so they all hugged me goodbye. Sarah stayed back a little bit. "Deanna. we are all super happy you woke up. I hope we will be good friends." Then she hugged me again and left. I was only allowed one person to stay the night so Austin volunteered. Once the nurse checked out my head and arm she wrapped it up. She told me I have a concussion and a deeply bruised rib. She didn't let me see my arm. Once the bandage comes off I know what will be there. There will be a nasty mark for a while. My arm is going to have the word 'whore' In my arm for a long while. She said it will go away in time. She left and Austin walked over to me. "Thanks for waking me up Austin." He looked confused but hugged me anyway. "You have no idea how horrid it was to be in that coma. I could hear and feel. I couln't see or move. I felt so bad for all of you. I knew you were all sad and I couldn't have helped. I wanted to wake up so bad." "I know Deanna. I know. It's alright. We are just happy you are okay. How about we watch a movie and get some sleep yea?" "OK. We should watch 'now you see me.' That is a great movie." He nodded and I moved over in the bed to make room for him.

        He put in the movie and came over to me. We sat there watching the movie but I wasn't really paying attention. "Austin? When I get out of here, I need to go to the police station. I need answers." "OK, me and Dave will take you. Now get some sleep. I'll be hear when you wake up. Goodnight Deanna. Sleep well." Then he gave me a kiss on my forehead. At some point I fell asleep. I fell asleep in Austin's Arms. There is no better place. Except Maybe not in a hospital.


There you go. I hope you all are enjoying the book. This chapter is a longer one.  I am having fun writing it. In the next chapter things will happen. Just wait and see. I apologize for any mistakes in grammar or spelling. Hope all is well. Anyways NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!

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