Chapter Four

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  Austin's P.O.V (das right p.o.v. switch!)     FROM DEANNA KNOCKING ON HIS DOOR ON.

     I was home alone again because mom had to go to the store and Starbucks I think. I was texting Alex when there was a rather loud knock on the door. Casually I walked over. As my hand grabbed the handle there was another knock. Once the door was open i saw a tall, built man. I didn't do anything. "can i help you sir?" "Yes, My daughter Deanna needs to come with me, so hand her over and we will be on our way." The Deanna on the phone? "Sorry i don't know any Deanna, goodbye." The door wouldn't close because he put his foot in the way. "If she comes by call me to come and get her." was what he said while handing me a card with a number. Once he walked off i heard a footsteps and saw a girl with a backpack. Deanna? "Hey you, wait up." That sounded stalkerish so she took off running away. I thought it would be easy to catch her. Boy was i wrong, that girl can run. She looked over her shoulder and stopped. With my hands on my knees i said" Damn girl you can run." She giggled and thanked me."sorry for running i thought you were someone else." "It's fine your Deanna right?" she nodded but added" But, you can't call that man." She knew. "why he said he was your father.?" "He is but not a good one." After a second i caught on, So i took her hand and brought her inside.

    As soon as we were inside I saw her arm covered in blood. "WHAT HAPPENED!" I yelled apparently to loud because she jumped back. "sorry didn't mean to startle you. Let me go and get the first aid kit, but when i come back can you tell me what happened back there?" She slightly nodded and i brought her to the living room to wait. I ran to the kitchen, but when i was about to open the door to the living room i heard singing. I recognized the song as For The Love Of A Daughter by Demi Lovoto. Slowly opening the door the singing stopped. "You have a lovely voice." "Thanks ,but not even my dad has ever said that." I felt my eyes widen how could no one complement her voice. I think she blushed ,but i couldn't tell. I decided to wait to bring anything up so to pass time i gave her guitar lesson. She is a fast learner within the first hour and half she learned all the basic cords. After we just sat and talked having a good time. I noticed that she never laughed, just smiled and giggled.

  She stood up and started to make her way to the door. "Wait, where are you going." she shrugged" I figured i've been here a while so i would go." What do i say to make her stay. " You can stay for dinner. My mom will be home in a couple hours and she won't mind." "I don't want to intrude but thanks." "please stay it gets lonely just me and my mom." That wasn't a lie. It gets a Little lonely home alone all the time. "If your sure then ,yeah I'll stay." "Great do you want a snack?" She nodded and we went to the kitchen. We ate some chips and then we went to the living room to wait for mom. For about two hours we sat listening to music and just talking. That was interrupted by my mom coming home. I brought my mom to be introduced but they beat me to it. "Deanna?" "Michele?" "How do you guys know each other?" Mom explained that they meet at Starbucks. Makes sense. "Mom, can Deanna stay for dinner?" "Of course she can." Once we ate dinner we ended up just sitting talking in the living room. After a while Deanna stood up and spoke "Thank you both for dinner, but i best be going." I nodded to mom and she said, "No trouble dear. Please you are free to stay the night. You may sleep in the guest bedroom if you wish." " I really don't want to intrude." "It's not intruding if we request you stay." She agreed and we both yawned at the same time. We said goodnight and i showed her to her room. "Deanna sleep well, but tomorrow can you tell me and, my mom?" She nodded and said goodnight before closing the door quietly.

   I ran to my mom's room and knocked. She opened up and let me inside. "Mom Deanna  must stay here. Away from her father." " Austin I know she can stay as long as needed." "Yes! She said that tomorrow she will tell us what happened." "OK. Good now off to bed, we will talk to her tomorrow." "Night." Back in my room i got changed into some basketball shorts, no shirt. I tried to fall asleep, but i couldn't. So i climbed out of bed and across the hall to Deanna's room. It was silent so i looked in and there she was. She looked so peace full in her sleep. Like there were no problems, NO worries. Walking back to my room i thought . What did she go through? Why couldn't she go with her father? How can i help? I think I'm falling for her. That was my last thought before i fell asleep.


I'm super sorry about not updating yesterday, there were some issues. When i got home i wasn't feeling the greatest, and my wifi was going all wack. I came up with a system every Friday i will post, Along with tuesday. Mabye here and there i will post but mainly on Tuesdays and Fridays. This will give me more time to wright, and more time for my school work. Anyways i think thats all for tonight so. LATER PEEPS!

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