Chapter Eight

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Deanna's P.O.V.

        Morning seemed to come to soon. I groaned and got out of bed. I grabbed my apple and water out of my bag. Sitting back on the bed I quickly ate and went to the bathroom. After my business I took a five minute shower. I tightly wrapped myself up in the towel before washing my face, brushing my teeth. The normal things you do in the bathroom. Still in my towel I walked back into the bedroom. I was looking through my bag for something to wear. I found my faded blue jeans. and a white T-shirt that has light purple flowers. Of course my hoodie and converse. Still not dressed I turned around to see Austin sitting on the edge of my bed. "AUSTIN! I need to get ready for the day. Why are you in here? Not to be rude or anything, buuuut Get out!" He chuckled "OK, OK I wanted to tell you that my mom is taking you out today." "Um.. OK sure. Why?" "Me and Dave need some guy time, SO girls are out sorry." "Cool. now can you leave I'm still not dressed.?." He nodded and walked out. Is this going to be an everyday thing?

        I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. No one was in the kitchen but I saw all the things for pancakes. Pancakes! I got to work making the pancakes. I started singing Fun house by Pink. I flipped the pancakes all chef like. That's another thing I love to do cook. Once the pancakes were done I started to dance. I have no idea why I just did. "PANCAKES!" I yelled up the stairs. Both of them came out of there rooms at the same time. I giggled. I grabbed two pancakes and ate them. The two ate the rest. Michele complimented " Wow. Deanna These are Delicious." "That's something you will never have't to thank me for. I love to cook." They nodded. I started to do the dishes. Austin offered to do them but I insisted that he go get ready for his 'guy day'. Once I was finished, I walked back to my room to do my hair. Michele walked in as I was finishing putting my hair into a bun. "OK. I'm ready now." She nodded and we yelled bye to Austin. Opening the door I saw Dave. "Hey Dave!" "HI. Were are you to off too?" "You and Austin wanted a 'guy day' so we are leaving. Bye!" He waved then walked inside.

        "So Michelle were are we going?" "Well I have a couple of things to get from the store, Then lunch, And maybe a movie." "That sound great!" We giggled. While we were walking around the store we played 20 questions. " So Deanna. What are your favorite colors?" "Hot pink, orange, And green." The way we did it was she asked me 20 questions then I ask her. "that's nice. Do you like to sing and dance?" "Um actually yea I do." "Good. Would you ever consider becoming a singer?" "Of course.!." It was the last question for her and she asked me "Would you travel the world?" "Who wouldn't. I mean it's an amazing chance. If I had the chance I wouldn't let it slip by." She nodded the we drove off to lunch. Once we were finished eating she got a phone call. She stepped outside but looked at me every once and a while. While she was outside Bethany came up to me. Yes, we were at the same cafe. "Hi Bitch!" God her voice was annoying. "Hey peto, And if I were you I wouldn't start with me. we all know I will beat your ass again." "You wouldn't!" "OH. Ha ha you think wrong." I said as I stood up. She looked scared. GOOD. :) Michele came back over and asked "Is there something wrong ladies?" "OH. No ma'am. I was just giving the bill. Here." She said in her high pitch voice shoving the bill in my face. "I'm paying. Thank you." Michele took the bill and payed.

        It was later than we thought it was going to be so we skipped the movie and drove home. The radio was up and we were singing along. We got home "Thank you Michelle. I had a great time." "No problem. So did I we should do it again sometime." "Definitely." I smiled at her. Once we walked inside all the lights were off. Why I don't know. We went to the kitchen and turned on all the lights. Walking back into the living room the was a small pile of boxes. "Um.. Michelle what's goin..." "SURPRISE!" Austin, Dave, and some other people jumped from out of no were. "Oh crap! You all scared me." "Sorry but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEANNA!" I was attacked by so many hugs I couldn't breath. "Guys- Need-air!" They all let go. " Thank's every one. I don't know all of you though." Austin walked over to me. " Deanna this is Alex, Zach, Tyler, Robert, and Sarah. Sarah is Alex's girlfriend. These are my friends." "Oh hi everyone. I'm Deanna but you all obviously know that." Alex spoke up "Yeah Austin talks about you all the time now." "What? NO I Don't!" Austin yelled. We all just giggled. "Anyway. Presents now?!" Austin asked happily. "What? Oh no you guy's shouldn't of gotten me anything." "To bad!" Austin yelled grabbing my hand leading to the couch. They handed me all of the presents. I got a new set of bracelets from Sarah, a hair curler from Alex, a orange hoddie from Zach, a new pair of yoga pants from Robert, a new pair of Converse from Tyler. And from Austin I Got a New IPhone!! "OH MY GOD!! Thank's all of you! I love everything!"

        After about two hours everyone left except Dave. Austin looked nervous all of a sudden. "Austin? What's wrong?" "MOM, DAVE! ARE YOU READY?" I was a bit startled by his voice change. "YEA BRING HER UP!" "Follow me Deanna." I nodded and followed him to my door? "Deanna. You said you liked it here right?" I smiled and nodded. I have no clue what is going on right now. He pushed open the door. I screamed My room was amazing! " OH MY GOD!! I LOVE IT! HOW- What- Why?!" It was beautiful. One wall was Hot pink, one was green , one was orange, one was white. The white wall had black music notes all over it. It had a new black and white bed set with music notes on that too! "Who did this?!" "um... It was Austin's Idea. But we all helped. We hoped that you would stay with us.?" What!? They want me to stay? " I used the 20 questions to get the colors and music notes. There is two more parts though." "What do you mean? Oh and thank you, thank you, thank you! I would be great full to stay with you." Austin pipped in "Good. Now tomorrow you will get your other two parts okay?" I nodded they began to leave. "WAIT!" They all instantly turned around. I ran to Michelle ad hugged her and said thank you again. Same with Dave. I hugged Austin a little tighter. I noticed the others have left. "Thank you Austin. Not just for today, but for everything. I has been wonder full. So thank you." I said hugging him again. He hugged back. "It was my pleasure. A girl like you deserves to be treated right." Then he kissed my forehead and mumbled "Good night Deanna. Sleep well." "So it was you. Laset night?" He just smiled, nodded then left. This can't get any better. I think I spoke to soon


I'm getting on schedule more no that school I almost ending. That also means FINALS. ugh. I hope all of you are enjoying the story so far. Little bit of a cliff hanger, not a huge one though.  Comment, Vote all that good stuff! any way. NIGHT PARTY PEEPS!

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