Chapter 26

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Gary POV

I went to the harbour to meet up with the other 5 of them. Knowing that if I didn't go there to check on them I would not be eased until when she see those things.

"Gary yah!" Jae Suk hyung called out to me.


"We got everything under control! Stop with that nervous face! You're going to get sick by the time you reach here ! The boat and the dinner is all done. By the way,I know this is kind of already too late to ask but is Korean okay? I mean, Korean food isn't really romantic compared to western but you told me to choose and I know that Ji Hyo would've preferred Korean to western..."

"I knew you would have everything under control and I'm actually fine with Korean food. She like it. I like it. Everything's ok. Have you guys rehearsed today ?"

"Yeah a load of times to make sure we don't mess up"

"Thank you so much Jae suk hyung. "

"What about our thank you ? " the other hyungs and Kwang Soo shouted at me

"Thank you all of you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs to annoy them. But it doesn't work, they smiled their signature smiles at me and I smiled one right back at them.

I then went to collect the surprise and a few things before heading back to our apartment to pick Ji Hyo up.

After the drive of hearing to the radio station and a few minor traffics , I reached the apartment building in time for our date.

I took the flower and balloons out of the car and made my way to our penthouse.

I know that Ji Hyo doesn't really exactly like this type of stuffs but I know once in a while she would love that I did that for her. Just for her. No one else.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for her to open the door and let me see her beautiful face and look that she decided for today.

"Who-... Oh. Hi Gary!"


We stared at each other in silence before I remembered about my gifts. Oh yeah!

"This balloon is for you baby... And the flowers too. I don't know if you like it or not. I know you don't exactly like this kind of stuffs of-"I rambled on,but she shut me up by crashing her lips to mine. Fireworks and dinosaurs is activated once again. Telling me an answer this way isn't that bad at all.

"I love it oppa.."

"I thought you didn't..." I sheepishly while scratching my neck. A nervous gesture I think I should change soon.

"I do. "

"Are you ready?"

"Yes I am. Just let me grab my bag and keys"


I interlocked our hands and we made our way back down to my car. Another surprise actually. Since my car windows can't be seen from outside, i decided to put another surprise for her. I opened the passenger door for her,revealing the surprise. A gigantic bear she's been wanting for the whole of her life.

"Oh my god oppa! You bought me a bear?!?"

"You thought that was all? No baby. I knew you liked it so I bought it for you"

"Thank you oppa!!! I love it so much! You're amazing"

"Welcome baby,anytime for my princess. "

She blushed and smiled sweetly at me when I mentioned the word princess. Although we aren't that young anymore, I still can call her princess if I want to. She used to say that princess is used only by youngsters because of all the Disney movie she watched and said that they are young and that's why they can use it. 'Old people isn't eligible to be called princess!' I remember vividly that she shouted that when I called her princess the first time.

"Aren't you gonna say that you're too 'old' to be called that?" I gestured with the quotation marks.

"Don't push it too far Gaelly Gaelly"

"Fine fine Mong Ji Mong Ji"

"Let's go!!!" She shouted cheerfully

"Let's go!!!!!" I replied

I held her hands while I drived us to the harbor. Where another chapter of our life begins. That's if she allows.....


Hey guys I'm back. Should I continue more with this story or not ???

Please comment if you want me to finish the book at a later timing. Which means more than 4 chaps which I intended to do at first.

Vote and share babes.

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Lots Of Love,

Hebe Kai Jing.

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