Chapter 1: Hardships Of Seperation

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5 months that's how long it had been since Yugi had saw Atem after he left to go to the after life and to rest in peace, everyday he had to keep convincing himself that he had made the right choice in letting Atem go, but no matter how many times Yugi told himself this he had a nagging voice in the back of his head telling him that he was wrong and that he was an idiot for letting him leave. That he should have stopped him and refused to let him go no matter what and that Atem would have wanted Yugi to stop him as well that he didn't want to leave. This constant voice in his head is how Yugi got to where he is now.

All day every day Yugi would lie under the sheets of his bed wide awake and slowly killing himself. He wouldn't eat or sleep, he refused to leave his room and always kept it locked so that his grampa and friends couldn't walk in and try to cheer him up. He was in absolute misery without Atem and he felt that he would never be the same again.

''Why... Why did I let him go... what is wrong with me? Just because I won a dual against him doesn't mean that I can live without him.... I cant I need him'' Yugi sobbed quietly as he stared at his dark magician card. He had also stopped dualing all together as well and gave up his title as the king of games, how could he keep the title? Atem was the one who helped him to beat Pegasus he never would have won against him meaning that title belonged to the both of him not just Yugi and he would never take it all for himself it just wasn't who he was,

*knock* *knock*

''Yuge? Come on Yuge you've not left your room for 5 months we all miss ye and we're all so worried about you... Please come out and let us talk to you and help you'' Joey's voice said through the wooden door, he would always be the one to come and try to coax him out his room he was slightly more emotional than Tristen and other than him he had known him and been friends with him the longest. Plus he was the only one who Yugi would speak too even if it was just the same thing every time that he said.

''Go away Joey''Yugi said from under his covers he'd had enough of trying to be forced out of his room when he was in this state, he hated himself for letting Atem leave and he wanted him back, he wanted him back so he could tell him ow much he needed him and how much he loved him.

Joey sighed and leaned against the other side of Yugi's door he slid down it until he was sitting on the ground he listened to Yugi's soft cries and felt tears gather in his own eyes he couldn't do anything to help his best friend. He picked up his phone and sighed he texted his boyfriend,

Joey: Seto I can't take this anymore its breaking my heart hearing Yugi like this and he wont listen to me or ask for help from his friends please your the only one who can help him now x

Seto: Alright, calm down Joey I think I've managed to get it up and running again it may have had a few glitches the last time when I came back but this time its working. Do whatever you can to get Yugi out of his room and to come to our place I'll be back soon. xx

Joey smiled and the text Seto only showed his sweet side to him and Mokuba and even then he never did if anyone other than the two of them were around. He wiped his tears and started thinking on a way to coax Yugi to come back to his and Seto's place with him.

Meanwhile in the vast and almost empty expanses of Valhalla Atem sat in his pyramid surrounded by all his friends who were running around and having fun with each other, Atem smiled at them all before sighing and sitting back in his throne closing his eyes.

''Why don't I feel happy? Why does my spirit not feel at rest? I feel empty.... more so than I did when I lost my memories but... what did I have back then that I don't have now?'' He asked himself more than anyone else. Just then there was a bright light and some kind of door way opened,

''I think I have the answer to that question, you had your friends and the person you left behind to come here. The person who's now so far in despair that he's been wasting himself away in his room for the past 5 months without you'' Kaiba's voice came from the door as he walked out of it staring at the Pharaoh with his usual stern look. Atem stood up and walked over to him with a look of surprise on his face.

''Kaiba?! But what are you doing back here please don't tell me it's for a dual because no matter how many times you face against me I'll.....''


Atem stopped when he felt the sharp impact of Kaiba's hand to his face, the sound echoing through the pyramid,

''what kind of idiot pharaoh are you anyway! You think you have to leave so you do not even thinking about Yugi and how it would affect him?! Just because he beat you in some dual doesn't mean he feels he can brave life without you! So your going back to the living with me and you are going to apologise and promise never to leave him again!'' Kaiba shouted completely angered, Atem just stood there blinking as he stared at him he had never seen him get so worked up over anyone other than his little brother. He thought back to how Yugi looked when he walked through the gate 5 months back he looked heart broken destroyed even. Atem felt his heart tug and suddenly he felt very guilty and regretted ever leaving.

''Yugi... that's why I feel so empty and alone... Yugi was always with me through thick and thin. No matter what we went through we were always there for one another... Your right Kaiba I was selfish and didn't even think of my precious aibou's feelings, take me back'' Atem said as he followed Kaiba back through the glowing doorway where they ended up in Kaiba and Joey's house. Atem looked down and realised that he was back to being pale the millennium puzzle back around his neck and held up by the chains once more, however he was still dressed in his royal garbs.

''Joey hopefully will be able to drag Yugi here then you can see just how bad of a state he's in until then relax'' Kaiba said as he went away into the bathroom for a shower.

''Now that I'm back... I'm not going to use Atem I feel that's only suited for Egypt but here I am not a Pharaoh so I will go by Yami'' he said to himself as he sat on the couch and started to read a book.

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