Chapter 5: Subtle Hints

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Yami's POV:
A quiet sigh escaped my mouth as I studied the arithmetic book in my hands, my crimson eyes were laced with nothing but confusion as I stared at the numbers scrawling across the page, my eyes twitched as I tried to get the solution to one of the 'easier' problems into my head but nothing was coming natural to me, meanwhile Yugi was writing like a mad man like the answers were just flowing from his hand like a waterfall, I was jealous how easily all this nonsense came to him. I eventually got fed up and growled throwing the book across my room and covering my eyes with my hands

''I give up! This is hopeless I am never going to learn this crap!'' I shouted but my protests were muffled by my hands. It was then that I felt a weight on my chest and I felt my hands be pulled away from my face, Yugi's face was there in front of mines smiling adorably, then I realised that he was laying on my chest making me blush deeply,

''don't give up mou hitori no boku, you never give up and in the end you always prevail right? You can do so with this as well I know you can!'' He said a small pink tint on his cheeks as he pecked my cheek softly letting his lips linger there for a few seconds before getting off me and going back to finish his homework. I lay there a blushing mess as my mind tried to comprehend what had actually just happened in that brief few seconds. I played it all back in slow motion and my face burned an even brighter red making it visible through my dark skin.

I rolled over onto my stomach and looked over to Yugi who was leaning on a Kuribou plushy like it was a pillow, he was humming and bobbing his head from side to side happily as he wrote his answers down in his homework book. My blush deepened more as I lay my head on my arms that were crossed on the floor and smiled at him, he was so damn cute yet he had no idea how much so. I just wanted to slide over and kiss him so much but I held back and picked my pen up again hearing my partner's encouragement was enough to cheer me up as I started to work on the problems again. This time my mind felt much clearer and all be it slow I was managing to work my way through the problems a little better starting to understand the basic's a little more.

Finally after an hour of working on homework it was all done, I rolled onto my back stretching in relief as I stared to my ceiling, as I did Yugi appeared in my field of vision with that same adorable smile on his face,

''mou hitori no boku? Lets go out to the park we still have a while before we actually have to be getting ready to sleep and even if it is getting slightly dark I think you need to clear your mind with some fresh air what do you think?'' He asked holding his hand out to me to help me off the floor

''I think I need some fresh something all right...'' I whispered with a smirk

''what was that Yami?'' he asked as he took my hand puling me up, I looked down to him still smirking a little but covered it up fast

''huh? Nothing I just said I need fresh air all right'' I said with a smile as I grabbed my jacket and hung it over my shoulders like normal then pulled my shoes on. Yugi and I walked out of the shop with Yugi by my side the whole time. We walked in the sun set to the park that wasn't too far from the shop as we got there we walked to the swings where I started to push Yugi on one of them. Hearing his happy little shouts to go higher and his laughs made me smile as I pushed him more.

Afterwards I pushed him on the roundabout making it go as fast as I could and since I was strong that was pretty damn fast, as soon as he came off it he was so dizzy he was laughing and stumbling all over the place eventually falling onto my chest with a cute giggle as I caught him.

''Hey look at that boys there is a couple of gay little fucks in our park!'' A voice suddenly shouted making the both of us look up more serious as three collage boys walked up to us smirking they were far larger than me making them tower over Yugi. My partner seemed a little worried but I remained calm as I just smirked up to the boy before us, I could feel the darkness in my heart starting to take control but I made sure to keep it at a manageable level it was as if he was daring the boys to keep up the teasing.

''So we are gay and dating what is it to you guys? After all at least we have each other unlike you sick pricks who have nothing better to do with your life than pot crack'' Yami said as if it was nothing, his hand rested lightly on Yugi's cheek as his other hand pulled Yugi to his chest. The younger boy blushed a bright red with his eyes wide in confusion he had never seen this side of his darkness and hearing what he was saying made him beleive that maybe Yami did love him back.

''You....motherfucker!'' The leader of the three shouted as he swung at them, Yami jumped back with Yugi and stood in front of him with a smirk,

''wow such profanity, much hurt! I feel so wounded like I am going to collapse dead'' Yami said quietly still smirking his hands in his trouser pockets and his head down and eyes closed as he walked towards the boys slowly. This of course pissed them off more and he swung another punch.

''Yami!'' Yugi shouted thinking that the guys fist had collided with Yami's face but when he looked again he noticed that one of Yami's hands had caught the fist like it had no weight, Yami's eyes glowed crimson and a golden eye appeared on his forehead. This combination of actions scared the other two boys who ran off terrified, the leader gulped as he stared at him pulling his hand away from his surprisingly strong grip

''ah, ah, ah.... Can't have you hurting this face now can we? Your not very good if you think hurting a Pharaoh is a good thing you know'' He said his voice soft almost creepy as he stared at the taller male both his crimson eyes and the golden eye on his head glowing more. ''I will expel the evil that lies within your heart.... mind crush!'' He shouted holding his hand out. The boy started screaming in fear as the darkness closed in on him making him hear voices before he passed out from the fear.

Yugi watched all this in amazement his eyes sparkling a little, when Yami looked back to him the golden eye was gone and his eyes were back to normal, he smiled softly and looked up to the dark sky,

''we should probably get going aibou don't want more creeps like that showing up'' he said as he started walking back with Yugi at his side smiling and blushing as he thought about how cool Yami looked fighting them off, and not once did he use violence or hurt them. Giving them a little fear was something they could get over and learn from but he wouldn't be happy if Yami fell to their level and hurt them physically but then no matter how strong he was his heart was big enough to prevent that. That made Yugi happy.

As soon as they got back Yami wen to his room and started to work out since he wanted to keep his shape and strength. Yugi went to his room and started playing minecraft since he was bored and playing his favourite game always cured that. He had only been playing for about 20 minuets when he remembered that he left his books and Kuribou plushy in Yami's room. He paused the game as he was in creative mode building away then walked to Yami's room, knocking on the door a couple times he walked in only to see Yami finishing his last set of push ups.

He blushed bright red seeing the Pharaoh standing up, he was wearing his basketball shorts and no shirt and his dark skin was lathered in sweat, he wiped his head then looked back to see Yugi frozen on the spot staring at him red like an apple. Yami smirked a little and slowly walked over to him, he leaned down and moved his face forward, Yugi could feel his harsh breathing on his lips as they were inches from the smaller teens

'is... is he going to?!?!' he thought as he closed his eyes lightly waiting to feel the pressure on his lips but it never came

''I need to get to my towel partner'' Yami's voice whispered into his ear, his eyes snapped open as he noticed that Yami had taken a step back after saying this he looked back and noticed the dark blue towel on the door handle behind him he blushed and passed it to him. ''Thanks'' Yami said with a smile as he started to dry his face. Yugi quickly grabbed his things then ran back to his room his heart pounding.

''Oh my Ra, he was so close and looking hotter than ever. I can't believe I thought he was going to kiss me though. Of course he just needed his towel he wouldn't like me'' he said as he walked and sat in front of his TV again. Yet he wasn't sad or upset he was smiling and blushing as his heart pounded happily in his chest he had a feeling that everything would turn out like they did in his fantasies and dreams, he didn't know how he felt that but he did and he was certain that he was right about these feelings too, he just had to five it a little more time.

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