Chapter 6: A song Can Tell A Story

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Yami and Yugi were sitting in Yugi's room in the shop well Yami was sitting and watching Yugi playing just sing and dance collectors addition. There was a reason as to why the two decided to play this and it was not to just quench a simple boredom issue, instead the two had a big day the next day at school, they had an exam in music and had to be able to preform a full song to a full audience without letting nerves get the better of them or freezing up, so the two decided to practice in front of one another choosing random songs. Yugi  had started with the song 'ancient history' which Yami was slightly surprised that he would pick a song from 'set it off' none the less he watched the smaller male with a smile as he danced across the floor and sang in time with perfection. Yami was nervous he never saw himself as much of a singer or dancer none the less he would do it but nor just for practice.... This was how he was going to tell Yugi his real feeling's for him.

''Your really good aibou your gonna nail tomorrow for sure no need to worry'' Yami said clapping when Yugi had finished, Yugi looked to him with a bright smile and a small blush he wasn't great when it came to being confident in front of others but he did want to impress Yami so he didn't see it as a problem to push his nerves aside and let himself loose for him,

''thanks Yami but its your turn now'' Yugi said passing him the mic. Yami took it and picked his song without Yugi seeing it the gave Yugi a meaningful smile and wink before starting to sing along with it, at first Yugi wasn't sure what his previous actions meant until he got to the chorus and his cheeks up understanding what he meant by it

Hero-Nightcore Version (Originally by Sterling Knight)

I'm no superman
I can't take your hand
And fly you anywhere
You want to go (yeah)

I can't read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everything
You want to hear, but...

I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity
I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah, I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero

Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
Then I'll be your hero
Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
Then I'll be your hero

Searching high and low
Trying every road
But if I see your face
I'll barely know, yeah

I'll put my trust in fate
That you will come my way
And if it's right
It's undeniable, yeah

I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity
I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah, I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero

Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
I'll be your hero
Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
Then I'll be your hero

So incredible
Some kind of miracle
And when it's meant to be
I'll become a hero
So I'll wait, wait, wait, wait for you

Yeah, I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need, you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity
I'll be unstoppable, be unstoppable
I, yeah, I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero

Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
Then I'll be your hero
Could you be the one, could you be the one, could you be the one for me?
Then I'll be your hero

Yugi looked up to Yami as he finished the song he was a lot better that what he gave himself credit for however that was not what had Yugi so fixed on the Pharaoh, he looked up to Yami staring at him wondering if he was maybe over thinking things and hoping for something to be true when in reality it would never happen, but so far everything that Yami was showing seemed to point to one conclusion.

''Yami... do you.... love me?'' Yugi asked finally dropping the question that had been on his mind ever since Yami came back from the after life. His room fell silent Yami refusing to look at him, in fact all Yugi could hear was the loud thumping of his own heart against his chest as he stared at his floor waiting for Yami to speak,

''what do you think?'' The Pharaoh finally said quietly, at first it sounded indifferent as it he was saying 'as if' but as Yugi forced himself to look up he noticed a deep blush on Yami's dark skin and he was clenching his fists together as if awaiting a harsh response. The brief heartbreak that Yugi was feeling was instantly replaced with his heart swelling to an unhealthy size of love. He stood up and walked over to the taller male a sweet smile on his face.

''I love you too mou hitori no boku'' he whispered as he wrapped his arms around Yami's neck then stood on his toes and cuddled into the other's neck nuzzling it softly in affection. Yami was surprised.... no that was a complete understatement he was shocked to say the least, did he just hear Yugi right? The hug and nuzzling confirmed it, he dropped the mic and wrapped his arms around Yugi pulling him closer and nuzzling his neck back.

Yami felt so high with love and affection that he didn't want to let his little one go, none the less he did after a while.... okay a loooong while and smiled to him still blushing a little as Yugi's blush was heavy and adorable. Yami scratched the back of his neck as he tried to think of something to say

''well.....goodnight aibou.... I love you'' he said with a smile as he pecked Yugi's forehead softly, Yugi giggled and leaned up to kiss Yami's cheek,

''night mou hitori no boku, I love you too'' he replied with no hesitation. Yami smiled and walked out of Yugi's room and back to his own, he pulled the shirt off that he was wearing with his PJ bottoms and threw it onto his desk's chair then fell down onto his bed with a huge smile on his face, Yugi love him back he really loved him back! Why was he so afraid of telling him his true feelings? Yugi was smiling equally as much as he lay curled up in his own bed smiling like the adorable little panda that he was.

The next days exam's went perfectly for the both of them as they had just decided to use the songs that they had practiced the night before, since they were in school the whole day they never really held hands or talked about their relationship since they didn't want anyone to know about it literally the day after they had gotten together, even after school Joey wanted to dual with Yugi meaning that of course Kaiba was going to challenge Yami. Neither of the two got a break from dualling and by the time they got home they only had enough energy to kiss the others head or cheek with a sweet goodnight and I love you before they collapsed in their beds for another happy night of sleep, dreaming of the other.

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