Chapter 12: Return Trip Home To The Past

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It had been a couple weeks after Yugi's birthday and the two males were currently in their room in the game shop, they were sitting on the bed and cuddling as they watched a random anime that Yugi had been wanting to watch called 'Akame ga kill' (Sorry XD My personal favourite)

''huh this is actually really good, I didn't think you were into this kind of anime Yugi, with all the death and quite graphic fighting'' Yami said looking to his boyfriend in his arms. Yugi tore his eyes away from the screen and looked up to Yami with a smile and nuzzled softly into the others chest.

''Surprised? I'm not surprised to be honest, I bet you thought I was only into really weird things like cute high earth defence club or something'' (Again sorry XD) Yugi said with a giggle, he had to admit he did like that one with all the cringe worthy and strange stuff that happened in it. He got comfy again as Yami started to stroke his hair returning his eyes to the screen, just then Solomon called up from down in the shop.

''Yugi! Someone is on the phone for you please come and answer it'' Yugi puffed out his cheeks in annoyance, this made Yami laugh as he paused the episode that was almost finished. Yugi reluctantly untangled himself from Yami and walked down the stairs to the shop where he took the phone from his grampa and walked into the back so he wouldn't interrupt the customers that had just walked into the shop.

Yugi: ''Hello?''

Joey: ''Eh' Yuge its me!''

Yugi: ''Joey? Why did you call the shop phone and not my mobile? I was comfy...''

Joey: ''Eh...heh yeah about that I kinda smashed it whilst working on a project with Seto so... Yeah I had to borrow his phone to call the shop since he doesn't have yours or Yami's number saved on his phone''

Yugi: ''Jeez Joey you need to be more careful you know that? You know I'd swear that if you weren't with Seto 24/7 then you would have landed yourself in hospital at least 20 times by now. He saves your ass man'' 

Joey: ''Oi! That's not nice Yuge you've hurt my feelings now!''

Yugi: ''Yeah, Yeah sure I have you big baby let me guess your gonna call Seto to kiss your none existent pride better?'' 

Joey: Why you.... Haha You can be savage when you want to you know that?'' 

Seto: ''Would you two stop sounding like me and the Pharaoh for 5 minutes and tell him why I told you call him already mutt!''

Joey: ''Hey! Awe whatever, anyway just get your ass over here and bring Yami with you, Seto and I have a surprise for him and we think you'll like it too''

Yugi: ''Okay we'll be there in about 20 minutes, see you soon..... mutt''

Joey: ''HEY YU....''

Yugi hung up the phone laughing as he placed it back on the counter as he was walking back through to get Yami he saw the said male leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised in amusement. Yami walked over to him and pulled him into his chest still smirking a little,

''what have Kaiba and I done to you two?'' He asked with a laugh, this made Yugi laugh as well as they walked back up to the room to finish watching the episode that they were on before starting to get ready. They said goodbye to Solomon and walked hand and hand through the streets to get to Kaiba corp. ''So tell me again why exactly we are paying Kaiba and Joey a visit?'' Yami asked as they walked, their fingers were tangled together and Yugi was cuddling into the others arm.

''I dunno to be honest, Joey just said that he and Seto had a surprise for you and that I would like it too apparently'' Yugi said with a shrug and cuddled into him more. Yami thought then a sour look crossed his face,

''I swear if they are planning on throwing cream pie's at me the minute I walked through the door again.... The wont be able to recover from a beating like they someone managed from the last time'' he growled

''haha! Oh come on Yami it was pretty funny, just the look on your face when you wiped that cream of your face was just too perfect! You were so bewildered and confused it was the best!! Then when you saw Joey and Seto practically falling over one another in laughter you just snapped and started chasing them with murder in your eyes, I could't breath after that'' Yugi said as he burst out laughing with Yami now practically dragging him along the road with his eye twitching and a sour smile on his face.

''Yugi... If you don't get up and stop laughing I am going to drag you home and 'punish' you so hard that you won't even be able to walk in the morning'' he said in a low growl of a tone. Yugi blushed hard knowing that when he said that, he really meant sexual punishment he instantly stood up and walked with him nodding,

''yes sir'' he said this made Yami laugh and smile as he ruffled his hair playfully and continued onto where they were going. It didn't take too much longer to make it to their destination, they were pushed in by Joey and Mokuba up to the lab section of the building where they walked in to see Seto dressed in a lab coat and talking with Mai who was also in a lab coat and checking things off on the clip board in his hands. ''Mai?'' Yugi asked as they walked over with a cautious Yami behind him looking around for people who would throw things at him.

''Hey hun, surprised to see me? I am quite a hand with electronics so Seto called me in to help him out with the little surprise for Yami there, and don' worry I checked they wont pull another prank like that today'' Mai said laughing at how cautious Yami was being. He sighed and walked over normally to stand beside Yugi an arm around him.

''Alright enough idle chatter you get your ass over here'' Seto said grabbing Yami's wrist and pulling him away from Yugi and into a back room, just as the others walked in Seto pushed Yami into a portal ''In you go pharaoh!'' he said making the other yelp as he fell through it.

''Yami! Seto what the...'' Yugi started but Seto held his hand up to him,

''before you go freaking out at me, put this on and go after him it will allow you both to travel between the two worlds freely so enjoy'' he said handing Yugi two golden watches one for him and one for Yami. Yugi put it on then ran through the portal after his boyfriend, when he opened his eyes he found himself in a royal palace and it was boiling hot. He looked up and saw Yami only he was dressed in his Pharaoh's attire and his skin was once again dark.

''Yami!'' Yugi shouted running over to him, he turned around and caught Yugi as he jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly ''are we....'' Yugi started 

''I think so, I think we came back to the afterlife and to my life after I left the real world, but the only way to know if that was the truth would be if...'' Yami then started before he was cut off by the sound of several books being dropped to the floor.

''M-My Pharaoh?!'' A familiar voice said Yami turned around to see where the voice was coming from, his eyes lit up as he saw his old best friend, within a second he had ran over and tackled Mahad into a tight hug, when he was in the real world and saw the Dark Magician card again it had brought back so many memories of when Mahad sacrificed himself against Bakura just to protect him and the whole of Egypt. ''My Pharaoh, your back? And... are you alright?'' He asked softly as he placed his hands on Yami's shoulders before returning the hug with a soft smile.

''Yami is that...'' Yugi asked as he slowly walked over to his boyfriend and the familiar looking figure, Yami pulled away and nodded wiping his tears that had started to fall,

''yes Yugi, this is Mahad... or as you know him the Dark Magician'' Yami said as he pulled Yugi closer and held him in his arms, ''Mahad, this is Yugi my boyfriend and partner from the real world'' Yami then said.

''I see that's why you seem so familiar, so you know me as Dark Magician I suppose that would make sense to people of your time and era. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in my true form Yugi, thank you for always being there fr my Pharaoh and never leaving his side'' Mahad said with a bow as he then moved to start picking up the books he had dropped previously.

''Its nice to meet you too Dark.... I mean Mahad'' Yugi said correcting himself, it would take some time to get used to calling him by his real name and not Dark Magician. He looked to Yami and smiled being able to come and go between both of these worlds would be good for both of them, and it would be fun too. A whole new set of adventures awaited them here in Yami... or Atem's own home.

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