Chapter 7: Return Of Bakura

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Yami's POV:
The sun was high and bright in the sky and of course it was shining down over the city of Domino. The rays were warm and that allowed Yugi and I to invite a few of our friends out to a day at the beach for some fun the warm sun, so now Ryou, Joey, Seto, Tristan, Yugi and I were all at the beach and taking in the rays.

''Hahaha! Come on Tristan your really lacking in your game here!'' Joey shouted as he and Tristan played beach volleyball, Ryou and Seto were both sitting under the parasols having a conversation about something although I wasn't sure what and me? Well I was about to catch up to my little aibou.

Yugi and I were in the sea as we decided that it was getting too warm and that we wanted to take a swim together, however he found it funny to splash me in the face with the water then try to swim away from me, this made me smirk so I dived under the water and was now swimming after him and catching up to him quickly,

''Yami?...Yami where are you!'' I heard Yugi shout in panic from above the water he had turned around to try and find me. I took this chance and swam under him then jumped out of the water and grabbed him I'm my arms and pulling him close to my tanned chest. He looked back with a look that showed he had clearly been startled on his face he spun around in my arms and smacked my arm, burying his face in my chest.

''You jack ass! Don't scare me like that I thought that you had started to drown or something when I looked round and couldn't find you at all..... I hate you Yami!'' He shouted however not once did he move from within the safe grasp of my arms and this made me smile down to him softly. I brought my hand to his head and softly stroked his hair lovingly and kissed his forehead,

''I'm sorry aibou I promise that I won't do that again just next time don't splash me in the face then attempt to run from me okay?'' I asked making him raise his head from my chest to look me in the eyes

''I was swimming not running'' he said with a grin making me smirk at him and pull his chin up so that his face was right in front of mines a deep blush gathering on that beautiful milky white skin of his almost like flawless porcelain.

''Smart ass'' I whispered before pushing my lips to his firmly in our first ever kiss, by this point we had been dating for about three weeks but neither of us had taken the step to kiss properly always sticking to the cheek or head and of course we still slept in our own separate rooms as apposed to together since we wanted to take our relationship at least somewhat slowly.

As I kissed him I felt him wasting no time in wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me back, I kept us both a float and supported him by keeping my arms around his small waist we both tilted our heads as we kissed deepening the kiss ever so slightly, I smirked and drew my tongue along his bottom lip, I could feel his arms tighten around me in a shy and embarrassed fashion making my smirk turn into an even bigger one but he did let me in by opening his mouth ever so slightly. I smiled and slid my tonge into his mouth and wasted no time in using it to explore his cold wet cavern that had a faint taste of mint chocolate ice cream as we had all gotten some after a couple hours of being here. As I rubbed my tongue against Yugi's I heard a faint moan escape up his throat and out into my own mouth I smiled and pulled him closer making my tongue wrap around his making his small moans, that was when I heard the sounds if wolf whistles.

''*Whistle* Yeahhh! You go Yami you show him who is boss and take what you want!'' I heard Joey shout, this of course made Yugi pull away and hid his face in my neck, I held him close and growled whilst glaring over to Joey and Tristen who instanty shut up and whent back to their game.

''Tch..... assholes'' I growled as I hugged him closer hating the fact that they just had to go and interrupt us like that after all it was just getting good, I was getting to hear his sweet moans that made my heart race, feeling his tight grip around my neck and his body pressed right up against mines. Everything about the moment was absolutly perfact and then those two just had to go and.......

'Yami!'' I was snapped out of my thoughts by the voice of my sweet little one in my arms, I looked down to him to see him smiling with a sweat drop, ''you were doing it again Yami, you really have to stop getting lost in your thoughts over hating someone who interrupts us even the slightest amounts. I mean I know its annoying even I find it to be annoying but.... I just get so embarrassed I can't heklp but have to pull away when I know that someone might be watching us making out like that'' Yugi said to me running his hands through my hair and nuzzling my nose with his own making me smile and relax.

''Your right Yugi, come on lets go and get something to eat befire those two morons decide that it would be smart to steal it all again.... and we all know how well that went for them last time'' I growled cracking my knuckles to which Yugi kissed my cheek and made me snap out of my thoughts again appologetically.

''I'm afraid that you have already eaten your last meal! Or should I say Yugi Moto has eaten his final meal! Hahahaha!!!!'' A familiar and horrible voice filled the air around us that had suddenly dropped in tempature making it go below freezing, the frigid air that now replaced the one warm heat made us all shiver and look to the source of the voice. I already had a feeling that I knew who it was, however before I even had the chance to state my feeling I felt the person that I had been holding in my arms being forcefully pulled from me.

''Yugi!'' I shouted as I looked up to see just who I had thought, Bakura! He had Yugi in his arms already bound up in ropes his eyes were filled with fear as he tried to break free from the binds but it was getting to no avail as the ropes were tied too tight. ''Bakura! Let my partner go this instant what could you posibaly want from him!'' I shouted but Bakura smiled as he looked to me

''Oh I'm sure you know what it is that I want Pharaoh.... and I will take it from you... that is if you wish to see your precious little partner alive!'' Bakura shouted with a manic laugh

''YUGI!!!'' I shouted reaching out too him but before I could grab him the shadows that had started to cover the two disappeared and with that so did both Bakura and Yugi. I could do nothing but just fall to my knees landing on the sand.... it had felt like the seal of oricalchos all over again... and that one one time that I never wanted to relive... ''Yugi...''

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